Thoughts on Blackberries, Souls & Legacies by Stephen Palmer

Published: Wed, 02/05/14

Social Leader Weekly

Thoughts on Blackberries, Souls, & Legacies

For two and a half years I babied my precious blackberries.

I spent hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours watering them, fertilizing them, weeding them, pruning them, building a trellis for them, painstakingly tying up each cane to make them grow better.

The first two seasons we harvested little more than a couple handfuls of berries.

But as the third season approached, the vines had burst into activity.

Here they are just after planting them in the spring of 2010:

2010blackberries1 Thoughts on Blackberries, Souls & Legacies   Stephen Palmer

And here they are in November of 2012:

trellis2 Thoughts on Blackberries, Souls & Legacies   Stephen Palmer

They were ready. All my hard work was about to pay off. The next spring would be our first official harvest.
My mouth watered at the thought of homemade blackberry pie from homegrown berries, for which I had spent so much time, money, and energy.


Stephen Palmer is a writer and entrepreneur devoted to helping people conquer limitations, maximize their potential, and achieve true freedom.
Stephen and his wife are raising their four children in southern Utah.


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