The Cure for the Sickness of El Dorado by Stephen Palmer

Published: Wed, 04/09/14

Social Leader Weekly

The Cure for the Sickness of
El Dorado

When the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés arrived in the Americas in 1504, the territory governor offered him a land grant. He scoffed, "I came to get gold, not to till the soil like a peasant."

He, like hundreds of adventurers and treasure-seekers, was bedazzled by tales of gold and treasure. Over the next two centuries, invaders obsessed with finding the legendary kingdom of El Dorado combed the Amazon. Most of them died of disease and hunger.

El Dorado has never been found, but the legend has not died, nor will it ever.
El Dorado is...

Stephen Palmer is a writer and entrepreneur devoted to helping people conquer limitations, maximize their potential, and achieve true freedom.
Stephen and his wife are raising their four children in southern Utah.


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