The Atlanta '96 100m World Record, Revisited

Published: Mon, 10/23/17
Success in Track and Field... and Life


When Donovan Bailey won the 100m at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, his coach Dan Pfaff saw several flaws from a biomechanical and execution standpoint, even though he ran a World Record.  

And this was after 3 false starts!

Of course, Donovan replied, “But I still won, right?”

In this World Speed Summit 4, we will hear from Dan Pfaff as he breaks down the lead-up to that race in detail.  What was Donovan capable of running?

We’re also going to hear from Brooks Johnson, Natalia Verkhoshansky (daughter of famous sports scientist Yuri Verkhoshansky) and Dr. Michael Yessis, another well knows sport scientist.

Also on tap are my good friends Mike Hurst and PJ Vazel.

If you can put aside 3-4 hours a day for the next 4 days, starting today, there is no cost to watch and listen to over 16 videos, interviews and seminars.

>> Click here for World Speed Summit 4

Until next time,

Jimson Lee
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