Should Sprinters Run Cross Country?

Published: Mon, 10/09/17
Success in Track and Field... and Life

This was the number one question I received by email in the month of September:

Should Sprinters Run Cross Country?

If you know my approach to training, then the quick answer is NO.. UNLESS you are a 400-800 combo sprinter (where mileage is important). That means 100-200 combo sprinters... No XC.  200-400 sprinters... No XC.  Pure 400m specialists or 400mH... No XC.

But that doesn’t mean you should not do any type of aerobic training

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-aerobic training.  You've seen those energy systems charts where the 400m represents up to 40% aerobic capacity (some say it's higher!).  Aerobic jogging or running is good as it helps flush out lactic acid after a race... a great idea when you are running many races in a single day.

In fact, I like the Saturday 30-40 min in the park or forest run to change things up in my Fall training block.  There will be plenty of days on the 8 lane oval track with spikes, trust me :)

If you are one to hate any kind of cardio training, then try circuit training - especially when the weather turns cold, wet, windy and just downright nasty. Click here for 4 sample workouts from my Blog.

I always feel you need to be an athlete first before you become a sprinter.  Even if it includes some cardio training, but not at the expense of speed and strength training!

Featured Article of the Week
By Andreas Behm

Most of the coaches here at ALTIS used to work in four-week cycles, mainly because it worked well around a calendar. This would be three weeks on and one week off. However, through consistent observation over several years from a number of different coaches, we found that most injuries happened during the third week, while athletes tried to push through that week. 

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World Speed Summit (Volume 4) is Back!

Join Dan Pfaff, Al Vermeil, PJ Vazel, Tony Veney, Dr. Michael Yessis, Nathalia Verhoshansky, and many other experts the week of Oct 23rd for a fantastic in-depth discussion in speed and strength training! I'll be there.

The World Speed Summit 4 starts in 2 weeks!

When Does It Start?

The official opening is Monday October 23rd at 11:01am EDT. (That’s 8am Pacific time, 4pm UK time, 5pm Central Europe, etc).  THERE IS NO COST TO WATCH THESE SEMINARS "LIVE".

How Long Can I View the Sessions?

As an attendee with a free pass, you’ll have access to each day of sessions for 24 hours starting Monday March 6th at 11:01am EDT.

Sign up here:

Day One’s sessions be available for viewing for 24 hours. The Day 1 sessions will come down after 24 hours, and be replaced by Day Two sessions at 11:01am EDT on Oct 24th. Day Three sessions will go up on Oct 25th, and Day Four sessions on Oct 26th.
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