[Starcycles] A Note from Georgia

Published: Mon, 03/20/23

Starcycles with Georgia Stathis

Every Revolution Begins With Extremes

On March 23 transiting Pluto will enter the sign of Aquarius, something it hasn’t done for about 247 years! This is a major transition in terms of larger global changes. It doesn’t mean that on March 23, when you wake up, your life will be different – because Pluto will ‘try on’ the sign of Aquarius until June, then return to Capricorn until January 2024, then return to Aquarius for a few months, then back to Capricorn, until it heads for permanent residency in Aquarius in late December 2024. Much like the ‘push me pull you’ of Dr. Doolittle fame, transitions and making headway on choices are frustrating, because just as you think you know what to choose, something else happens for a re-think moment. This means that the way the world operates regarding the concept of wealth and power are in flux. We are in a time where we can talk with a computer and get an answer – sometimes frightening if you listened to the recent New York Times reporter speaking with Sydney a chatbot. Currencies and the value of currencies are in flux until Pluto gets to 3° Aquarius, when all the other technical factors are resolved on how to make a more viable currency. (Historically, every time Pluto enters an air sign as it is about to do, until it hits about the 3rd degree, currencies are tried and fail, because they are quickly adapting to the economic changes in the world) 3̊ Aquarius doesn’t even show up until the beginning of 2025!

This historical fact may have something to do with the recent failures of several cryptocurrencies as well as the recent catastrophes surrounding financial institutions like the Silicon Valley bank. Ironically when Pluto ‘entered’ Capricorn in 2008, is when we had another major bank crisis, and this is bookending that event – suggesting that the ‘ways’ in which securities, finances, investments are transforming how we operate in the world. This is a bookend moment in history.

Pluto rules transformation – death, birth, rebirth, reconstruction (taking old things, old structures, old items, buildings and rebuilding them in a new way). Of course, we all know that Pluto has a bad reputation being the lord of death and all, but… a more enlightening view is that Pluto destroys that which is no longer organically viable. When the vitality of industries is fading, something is not right, not working, because times and values and populations have changed. Vitality is important in a viable society as well as in individuals. As Pluto crawls through the signs of the zodiac, it shapeshifts the various ‘power groups’ it represents. It brings power to that rulership at the beginning and then as it exits, it reduces power, if important changes were not made because of the unconscious individuals running institutions and organizations.

Pluto wants us to ‘pay attention’ as it moves forward. In many ways, Pluto is far more karmic in scope than is Saturn, in that Saturn allows you some time to change, but Pluto demands full consciousness now and doesn’t negotiate with its prisoners. Pluto energy is black or white and is never grey. Either you do something, or you don’t. When we don’t pay attention, Pluto acts out doing things like killing masses of humanity with disease or financial ruin or violence to get to the point where we finally get it. We ask, “what do you really want? I am in pain, let me off this Ferris wheel of chaos and give me back my life!” Once you say that, Pluto requires a sacrifice – you have to give something up and it is often a thing or behavior you believe you cannot live without. But, in the end is the very thing, you need to release so that your vitality returns.

Since 2008, Pluto has traveled though Capricorn representing big business in a traditionally based format. Since Capricorn represents the law and judgments, sometimes governments become untenable, making their reach far too extreme strangling the very thing that they have been hired to help. Then global populations begin their revolts. This is where we are now. This is the precipice at which we find ourselves as Pluto enters Aquarius, the sign of extremes, and in the communities, neighborhoods, or global communities, the need for bigger imaginations that are more inclusive of more people is required.

At the beginning of Pluto entering or at the end when Pluto leaves a sign, we hear about things that were never really resolved – and continue – often very similar to what was happening at the beginning of the cycle. In the case of Pluto in Capricorn, which began in 2008, Shearson Lehman fell apart and a global meltdown began, the housing market values dropped 40% and stocks dropped to drastically low share prices. What have we learned? We see the same thing happening in banks promising huge capital returns but whose inner workings suggest a level of greed (also an extreme expression of Capricorn) prompting panics, because small boards control large swathes of the population. They often have the inside story on what is really going on and if they remain unconscious and without ethics, they get theirs before others get theirs. Pluto’s’ finish in Capricorn is revealing secrets and bringing to the public’s eye, what happens when ethics are thrown out the window and larceny takes a seat at the table. Pluto is bringing to the surface the outcome of pernicious greed – and, my opinion, over the course of the next almost three years, is that those who lack respect or ethics are brought to justice. It’s Mister Toad’s wild ride, so hang on.

Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, rules structures, bones, organizational management, orthopedics, teeth, skin, joints, knees, agriculture, steel, and government laws written by people who run governments that make laws without knowing anything about the laws they change. Whether or not you believe in abortion, this is up to you the individual. However, people making these laws have very little medical backgrounds, but have the power to medical decisions for the people. People changing laws on education are not educators nor trained in education and yet they have the power to decide on what kind of education the people should have. Those misinformed decisions will come back on those same individuals as Pluto settles itself into Aquarius, representing extreme change…and yes, if the people don’t get involved in these kinds of decisions, then we’ve lost the war…but then, this is a ‘CHOICE’ that Pluto asks us to make. Do we choose consciousness or not? Free will steps in here. Pluto in Aquarius DOES suggest that the power is with the people. The community…the group…

The recent pandemic began a group movement entitled ‘The Great Resignation’ where outside circumstances changed the life circumstances of individuals. Those who adapted and recognized change shifted becoming successful during the change. While those remaining rigidly in their positions continue to struggle. In the last degrees of Pluto, peoples’ livelihoods died, and many people really died. It is a known fact that plagues have often been the foundation of major economic changes in history (read Plagues and Peoples by William McNeill) and this is happening again. Xenophobia is rampant in the world now, as masses of humanity try to move to other parts of the globe. Yet it is the masses of cultural infiltrations that often re-vitalize a society because new experiences and abilities enter and engage industries. In about 4 years when Pluto establishes itself firmly in Aquarius, we may see the benefit of the commingling of different cultures bringing new vitality – if we kill off our fear. This is the message of Pluto leaving Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the god who ate his children in myth because he was afraid they would take over…Saturn is the exemplar of FEAR.

Pluto entering Aquarius may also contain a little bit of this, but in modern astrology Aquarius is ruled by Uranus which represents larger, out of the box and innovative thinking. Can you see the endless possibilities if we only drop judgments? Watch late July and October 2023 and late January 2024 after the life changing eclipse of April 20 and May 5 2023.

Want a little more insight? Are you curious of what could happen? Register for the FREE 2-night lecture series called Game Changing Transits with Astrology Hub on March 22 and March 23. 12 astrologers present their own thoughts over two nights. They are the 12 teachers (I am one of them speaking on the 1st night) of the new Inner Circle teaching team for 2023 to 2024. On the 1st night, well talk about the larger world possibilities and the potential changes including thoughts on the eclipses, Saturn in Pisces, and Pluto in Aquarius along with some of the upcoming 2024 cycle trends. We’ll focus on larger world changes while on the second night, the focus is on how these changes affect you! But you have to register by late on March 21, which is Tuesday. Sorry for the late notice. I hope you can attend.

Registration deadline is March 21, 2023. Register now at https://astrologyhub.com/georgia2023 to gain entry and a seat. It is FREE, so hurry as seats are limited.

Warm regards,
Georgia Stathis


P.O. Box 15553
Clearwater FL 33766

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