[Starcycles] A Note from Georgia

Published: Fri, 09/15/23

Starcycles with Georgia Stathis

Sometimes when we’re waiting for change and struggling with getting to that change, we suddenly wake up one morning and there it is. It is the journey, or the road getting to that moment is tough and full of travail. If you are a person who is used to planning, scheduling, and living a more structure life, then it is particularly frustrating for you because retrogrades are meant to take you on the roads less traveled. Why? Maybe so you appreciate the moment you are in at any given moment and taking a breath in that moment.

Fluidity in living seems harder and harder to achieve. Life and time move at a time warp speed that our bodies can’t accommodate easily. Since early summer, Venus has been retrograde (looking as though she moves backwards), which she doesn’t, but looks like she is. This rare Venus retrograde happens about every 2 years. This last summer began her retrograde on July 22, 2023 (at 28 Leo) to just this last Sunday, September 3, when she went direct at 12̊ Leo. Venus isn’t comfortable when she is retrograde because she is the goddess of desire, ease, and sociability. Retrograde Venus isn’t that social nor that easy to be around. Normally getting what she wants when she wants it, when she is retrograde, every turn she takes to ‘get’ what she needs, takes a side road, or a road that leads nowhere. But in the end, somewhere.

Her retrograde motion tends to make people less social, which is not her normal personality. When she’s retrograde, we often see her sisters, the Furies, show up instead of her. Her personality suddenly takes on a Jekyll and Hyde persona, which is eery and confusing. Some days she is herself and other days, she is mad at the world. Wherever she has been traveling in your chart is probably where you’ve been experiencing both sides of sister Venus.

Venus is that is born out of her father, Uranus’ severed testicles, a horrible image. Knowing the myth gives this horrific image context. Her father is the god of chaos, creating the universe, while at the same type, creating upheaval with Mother Earth (Gaia) creating so many offspring she can’t take care of them. So, Gaia finally has enough and sends her son, Saturn to do the deed. Out of that horrific action are born both Venus (also Aphrodite) as well as her sisters, the Furies. We’ve all seen the beautiful painting of Botticelli’s Venus but we often don’t see a copy of the entire painting where sister Furies are to the right of the painting blowing their acrid wind.

The Furies have a bad reputation. They are angry, resentful, demanding, and controlling. They are the side of Venus, when she is very unhappy and not getting what she wants, that comes out. This is her shadow. Each planet and person has one. This all brings me around to the good news—Venus is now direct. She won’t be putting on her favorite outfit for a major social event yet, but she’s on her way. At least, she is direct and it may have been and will continue to mean that over the course of this next month, as she gets closer to where she went retrograde on October 7, all plans will find a way of working out.

Wherever Venus was retrograde in your chart is where you took care of some long-needed task or project or relationship(s) that needed sorting. You experienced frustration and maybe even anger and devastation while she walked her retrograde path through one of your houses. Hopefully, now that she is direct solutions will bubble up, particularly after Mercury goes direct on September 15 and, like I said in the first part of this little newsletter. …” Sometimes when we’re waiting for change and struggling with getting to that change, we suddenly wake up one morning and there it is.” Where were you on Sunday, September 3? A change showed up. Were you paying attention?


Client work:

I am in awe of how many people booked private sessions with me through the summer and fall. I have closed my books for 2023 so that I can do justice to the people who have appointments.

2024 Starcycles Cheat Sheet2024 Starcycles Cheat Sheet:

To find it, go to www.starcycles.com where you can still purchase the 2023 for a minimal fee. The new fee for the Starcycles Cheat Sheet is $8.50 and includes not only a color coded one-page legend showing all the planetary movements, eclipses, 90-day periods after the eclipses, and so much more. 2024’s also includes a very extensive forecast for 2024 for each of the signs of the zodiac. If you know your Ascendant, or, want to find it, there is a little graph in the cheat sheet that shows you what that is. This way you get a 2 for 1 forecast for both your Sun sign and Ascendant. We haven’t raised the price for 6 years and had to do that. You order it on our site, it will send you a USERNAME and PASSWORD. Check inbox, spam, or trash, then you directly download it into your phone or computer or iPad. For $8.50 it is a great bargain, about 1 ½ gallons of gas in California😊


This also offers me time to get back to working on some projects and presentations.

September, 2023:

Astrology Hub
Judith Hill speaks on Medical Astrology; Mychal Bryan speaks on Fulfillment.
Georgia’s lecture is Decoding Your Chart: Overcome Your Blocks to Abundance .
To register for one or all of them, go to: https://astrologyhub.com/georgia-bundle-pif. My presentation is on Tuesday September 19, at 4 pm Pacific time. If you register for all three (you will get copies even if you can’t attend), then you receive three lectures for the price of two. Either way – would love to see you there.

November, 2023:

Astrological Society of Connecticut
What to Expect—What to Forget: The Upcoming Jupiter Uranus Conjunction of 2024.
Every 13 to 14 years Jupiter & Uranus conjunct, creating a new ‘innovation’ cycle in whatever part of your chart it is taking place. Jupiter brings opportunities along with overexpansion and Uranus wakes us up opening our imaginations to ‘out of the box’ possibilities supported by Jupiter. Georgia Stathis shows both historically and personally how this alignment affects us. Online and in-person!

January, 2024:

JNCGR Florida Atlantic Chapter
Bad Ass Delineation
You have one hour to prepare, perhaps more, but your client needs a very thorough session looking at what is happening now – in their life — Georgia Stathis will show you exactly the process she uses to define a chart prior to the client and she meeting in person. Included are the chart patterns, interpretation of phases, eclipse hits, solar arcs, and a portion of the secondary progression. This is a workshop designed for the working astrologer who is doing this professionally or who wishes to become professional working with the public. Online and in-person!

Visit my Lectures & Events page for the full details!

Warm regards,
Georgia Stathis


P.O. Box 15553
Clearwater FL 33766

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