Story Crossroads: The Newsletter (Vol. 1, Issue 2)

Published: Fri, 07/31/15

Story Crossroads: The Newsletter
I have a story.  You have a story.  We all have stories.

July 2015
Volume 1, Issue 2
What to Expect
Know the traditions for each newsletter.
Steve Evans picture

Some traditions include:
*  Latest News of Story Crossroads
*  Cap's Off to You! (people profiles who use story)
*  Story Video (created or loved by us)
*  Story
*  Story Game (inspired by different cultures)

About Story Crossroads
What is Story Crossroads?
Steve Evans picture
Story Crossroads is a free grassroots event that features 50 professional story artists as well as over 80 community members telling for the main stage event.  Youth, community, and seniors will be taught through free storytelling residencies at libraries, schools, and other venues by certified story-teachers in preparation for this celebration.  Bilingual and cultural performers combine arts to bring the stories forward for the audience.  Enjoy stories told with ancient technique while simultaneously enjoying newfangled approaches to these traditions.  The 1st Story Crossroads launches April 15-16, 2016 at the Viridian Event Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Then, with an invitation extended across all borders, World Story Crossroads launches 2022.  

Latest News

Clive Romney and Steffani Raff--Experts

Sign-Ups for 16-hour Master Story Facilitator Courses

Clive Romney and Steffani Raff are our cherished and designated experts whom we trust to teach and inspire others with the art of storytelling.  By attending and doing what is asked by these experts, you will be added to our list of approved Master Story Facilitators who could teach storytelling residencies for Story Crossroads and beyond.  Though all of these skills easily apply to whatever you do in life.  Go to the Story Crossroads website for details and registration.

Clive Romney's 16-hour Course:  Stories through Interviewing
Skills Learned:  Interviewing; Discovering Stories from Snippets; Dramatic Story Structuring; Finding Moving Moments & Transforming into Performance-Ready Pieces; Teaching & Coaching Others
Attend (must be there for both days):
Saturday, September 26, 2015, 10:00am-6:00pm
Saturday, October 10, 2015, 10:00am-6:00pm

Steffani Raff's 16-hour Course:  Stories through Imaging
Skills Learned:  Capturing Sensory Detail; Developing Stories through Images; Generating Ideas; Adapting Plots; Creating Original & Engaging Performances; Teaching & Coaching Others
Attend (must be there for all four days):
Friday, September 18, 2015, 10:00am-2:00pm
Monday, September 20, 2015, 10:00am-2:00pm
Friday, October 2, 2015, 10:00am-2:00pm
Monday, October 5, 2015, 10:00am-2:00pm

Offering Online Donations & Sustaining Membership Program

Ever since Story Crossroads raised $1,201 through the crowdsourcing campaign, we have had people ask, "We missed it!  Can we donate?"  The answer is yes.  There are two options in donating:  giving as a one-time donation or taking part in the sustaining membership program.  Both options have appreciation gifts connected to them.  We have the Story Crossroads Anthem Sheet Music (piano/guitar), T-Shirts, Keepsake Laser-Engraved Cedar CD Chest, and assorted Product from Featured Professional Story Artists.  Learn more or participate in donating here:

Grant Received for Grand Stories Project
We are pleased to announce that this Grand Stories Project received a $1,600 grant from the Utah Division of Arts and Museums (UDAM) to combine with what the Old Capitol Arts & Living History Festival will already contribute to this venture.  For 19 years, the Old Capitol Arts & Living History Festival has connected to the community members of Fillmore, Utah and beyond.  Yet, never has storytelling been formally offered than this upcoming September 11-12, 2015 (entire event September 9-12).  Then the top tellers from the Grand Stories Project will be invited to tell on the Main Stage for Story Crossroads in April 15-16, 2016.  
The three storytelling components will be:
1.  Professional storytellers and music concerts that celebrate Utah's heritage
2.  Grand Stories intergenerational storytelling where grandparent and grandchild tandem tell together
3.  Family history video interviews, 30-minute free sessions that can be saved on flashdrive for participants
Cap's Off to You
Celebrating your way of using story

Featuring:  Collette Justesen

Teacher, Lifelong Learner, & Mother from UT

Collette Justesen Facebook page

I heard a rumor that the Jordan School District in Salt Lake County, Utah had a youth storytelling program called Story Weavers.  Though wearing my Dutch cap brought the eyes to me and revealed my status of undercover audience member, especially as I had no child attending the Jordan School District.  Collette Justesen gladly shared how the program worked while I sat in awe and applauded the youth tellers on stage.

Collette does not consider herself to be a storyteller yet her support of this art rivals any professional. Enjoy the past, present, and future influences of storytelling in Collette’s life...

Story Video of the Month
Have you ever wondered the difference between Storytelling and Theatre?  Wonder no more.  Here is a video with Mark Gollaher and John Adams who have experienced both worlds.

This video was created by Etched in Stone Productions headed by Sterling Elliott and assisted by Alex Aguila and Westin Cross.
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know about it and email us a link to it.  Who knows?  Perhaps we will be inspired to invite you to one of our Story Crossroads event?   Remember that our launch is April 15-16, 2016 at the Viridian Event Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Widow who Gathered Sticks, image created by Joanna Huffaker
Chen Xiang Chopped the Mountain, from China
Upon Huashan Mountain, a young man entered a temple to pray for help with an exam to be held in Beijing. He wished to gain the status of scribe. A fairy flew above this same temple—dedicated to her—and heard the prayer. She saw the young man and fell in love with him. The young man shared the affection. Although against the laws of heaven for an immortal to love a mortal, the fairy and the young man eloped. The fairy gave birth to a little boy. The fairy’s brother discovered the forbidden act, cracked the Huashan Mountain, and threw the fairy into it. The young man died—from either a broken heart or by the hand of the fairy’s brother. The baby was left, crying on the ground.

At this point, one of three things could have possibly happened. Either the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, who came bounding by, raised the child and caused chaos along the way. Or the Thunder God, Lei Gong, while floating upon a cloud and searching for where to start a storm, lifted the child and taught the ways of punishment and justice. And finally, the Old One, Tai Shang Lao Jun, riding upon his donkey, stopped and cared for the child and imbued the child with the attribute of being a peacemaker. For this version, we follow the Old One.

After the boy learned all that he needed and became a young man, the Old One felt it was time to give the young man a golden ax. The Old One explained that only the young man had the power to rescue his mother entrapped in Huashan Mountain. The fairy’s brother learned of the young man’s quest and stood between the young man and the mountain. The young man, thinking about what the Old One taught of peace rather than revenge, fought the fairy’s brother in defense and nothing more. The fairy’s brother noticed the young man’s calm and departed. The young man raised the ax, brought it down on Huashan Mountain, and rent the rocks in twain. The mother and child reunited while the Old One smiled from above. 
Artwork by Joanna Huffaker
Customs and Traditions of Note in Asia:
*  Beckoning towards you with the palm up is only used for animals, not people
*  Touching the head is avoided, as the head is a sacred part of a person
*  Using prolonged eye contact with elders shows disrespect
*  Touching or pointing with the feet-the lowest part of the body-is rude
*  Pointing your finger directly at someone are used for scolding or insults

See “Asian Tales and Tellers” by Cathy Spagnoli
Story Game of the Month

Story Sticks game image
Caught You!
Traditional Chinese game geared for Ages 5+
With a blindfold and a ball, take a group of people and form a circle. One person is chosen as referee. Another person is asked to sit blindfolded in the middle of the circle.
  • Referee gives ball to Player in the circle. The ball is passed around.
  • The Blindfolded Person chooses when to say "stop".
  • Referee makes sure that everyone freezes.
  • Person with the ball must sing or tell a story.
The Blindfolded Person is replaced about every 5 minutes or whatever time was deemed by the group before the game began.
Most pictures are taken by Steve Evans, our official photographer.  He is a photojournalist that travels the world.  He generously granted Story Crossroads permission to use his pictures.  You can find all of his images here:
Utah Storytelling Guild
Until we tell again,

Story Crossroads

(801) 870-5799

PO Box 274
West Jordan, UT  84084