Ultimate Strat Baseball - Where did We Go? Current Status

Published: Tue, 10/17/17

Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter - Special Announcement
-- A Special Message to our members from the Founders, to explain
   our absence and where we will be going next.


Dear Member of the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter,

(This is joint message from the co-founders of the newsletter, Marc Wasserman and Wolfman Shapiro)

Hello again.  Yes we know, we haven't been able to put out a newsletter since March of this year and now its October.  So we are sure, some of you are wondering is Ultimate Strat Baseball (our newsletter or USBN) totally over or did we just take an extended vacation?

Well we are both very much alive, but sadly, Wolfman here, I must report that due to many personal activities and responsibilities we have both had during this year, (speaking for myself -- just trying to keep a roof over our heads), we just have had no time to continue working on other issues of our beloved newsletter. So we had a good run being able to go on for four years (January 2013 - March of 2017) with 26 glorious issues, but unfortunately, the newsletter that you have come to know, is officially at an end.  That is, unless there might exist any member (or members) who love what we have been able to do so far, and might wish to step forward to help it to continue .... (if so, please contact Marc, at his email listed below, but we have no expectations and everything in this world has its time of existence ...).   :---)

However, some other aspects and activities we have been doing will continue, as will be explained here by Marc

Marc here - Our USBN Video channel on Youtube has continued to grow and has become quite popular as we have had many people visiting the video channel. Therefore, I intend to continue to support this. Also, Wolfman has promised us to make a few cameo appearances too.  In addition, we may occasionally send out an email about any special announcements or news we think could be of great interest for you, as each of you did personally sign up for this on-line newsletter, if we have something that we believe warrants your attention.  For example, due to our tremendous success with the 2017 Strat Baseball Draft Guide, we do plan to create a new one.  Therefore, when this new guide is ready we will be contacting you via email.  So the call once again goes out to any of our members, if you might like to become part of our player's evaluation team for the new SOM MLB players' cards coming out in the 2018 set (cards and a computer images) including rookies and players who receive a first time strat card as well as other candidates who will most likely be available for your draft league.  If you would be interested to join our team, please contact me directly at:  [email protected]

Well on behalf of both of us, it has been a great pleasure and honor to have been able to share this special SOM Baseball on-line newsletter with you over the past four+ years.  We hope you have enjoyed it, and we thank all those who have helped and supported us over this period such as our reporters, editors, contributors, those who shared a donation, others who were open to be interviewed and more -- a big thank you to each of you!  A newsletter truly is the colloboration and co-creation of many people.  This was definitely a labor of love and we both had a great time.  We thank each of you for believing in us and bring our editions into your homes.  We really enjoyed this project especially when we were able to deliver either some type of unique article or a report of a special activity linked to SOM Baseball.  The so-call creative challenge.

(Note from the Wolfman:  I do plan to send out another message as I wish to personally thank several individuals who supported our newsletter and a few special memories to share, as well as my goodbye to all of you as your editor, so stay tuned ....)

Now we do not know how long the USBN website will continue to be available to be on-line, as this is up to Marc to decide. So I (the Wolfman) suggest if within any of the 26 issues we released, (if you wish to save any special articles or an entire issue, this can be done within your browser by saving each webpage to
your computer) so you can view that specific page of one of our newsletters at a later time. The link below is to our main USBN archive page which shows all the announcements we sent out discussing each issue.  Within these announcements are links to the main page of each issue.  However, when I send out my last personal message, I will include in that message the individual links for each issue of the newsletter too.  But in the mean time, you can visit our archive page at:


So we thank each of you from the bottom of our hearts for being a part of this grand journey.

All the best and stay tuned, yours in SOM Baseball forever,

Marc Wasserman and Wolfman Shapiro
co-founders, management of USBN

email (Marc): [email protected]
email (Wolfman): [email protected]

PS:  We welcome your email if you wish to contact us on any matter linked to the newsletter, thank you and have a great week!!