Ultimate Strat, Wolfman's Goodbye Message, Part II

Published: Wed, 10/18/17

Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter - Personal Thank Yous
-- Part II of my Goodbye Message -- to make a great newsletter
   takes the cooperation of many people, I would like to take this
   opportunity to personality thank the people below - Wolfman


Dear Member of the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter,

I have learned throughout my life, it is very important to thank and acknowledge others for their assistance and support.  Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to mention all of the following individuals who helped to make our newsletter the success it was.  And if for some reason, I missed you, in the following list please forgive me.  I just know that the most powerful and best projects that get created is always done by co-creation and co-operation.  As you will see below, there are quite a few people to thank.

The list is divided into two parts, the first section are people who volunteered to help the newsletter with their time or wrote for us some amazing articles.  The second section is a list of those people who agreed to be interviewed.  Again my gratitude to each of you for your help with this project.

Thank Yous
(Note - this list is not in any specific order per say ...)

Section One - Special Recognitions

First to Marc Wasserman, for his support and faith in helping with the creation of this newsletter and in trusting me as its editor.  For his insightful columns that he wrote, the creation and supporting our video channel and his behind the scenes support for our the creation of the USBN website where all the issues of the newsletter was stored.  Thank you so much Marc, it was a great honor to work with you!

To Bruce Foster  for the Foster Challenge and how to win in Baseball 365 in the All Time Great Leagues!!
Acta Books for their discount to our members on their sports books and copies of Bill James' guide to review
Alan Davidson for use of his strat article written elsewhere and the old timer cards he created to share with our members
The SOM Game Company for their good will and mentioning of our newsletter from time to time, having members of their staff do some interviews with us,  and allowing us to film Opening Day for the last few years, including interviews with Mr. Richman himself and members of their Staff
Interview with ex-SOM Employees (James Williams, J.G. Preston, Steve Barkan and Adam Rosen)

Billy Sample - ex-MLB ball player for the amazing day playing Strat Baseball with Brian Swank, son of Tom Swank and his interviews
Bruce Bundy for sharing his wisdom of the game with our members and his card prediction spreadsheets
Hank Smith - in memorial, for his kindness and creating the Star Tournaments, the best SOM Baseball tournaments
MarcPelletier - another successful 365 manager sharing his secrets of creating a time for the contemporary era teams

Doug Brunet for his articles and coordinating the great of the 2017 Essential Draft Guide with his team of helpers
Tom Nahigian - interviews and sharing of the very 1st SOM Baseball Card images (1961, 1962)
Charles Tinkler, one of our favorite columnists with his great stories and tales
Del Newell - interviewed and an advisor for our newsletter, the co-editor of the S-O-M Review
Chris Rosen (Moonlight Grahams' Market Place) - For his gift of SOM Baseball Cards for the Billy Sample Challenge

Denise Stillman - assistance to visit the Field of Dreams Baseball Field, her interview, chance to interview the to sister of the former owner of field
W.P. Kinsella, author of "Shoeless Joe", for his interview and insights into the movie done on his book, "Field of Dreams"
Glenn Wheeler, for his articles, and interview and his help with the 2017 Essential Draft Guide
Bart Ewing (an old friend from the 1970's National Conventions), his articles, donations, help with the 2017 Essential Draft Guide
Harris Jessop - for his help to interview various SOM Baseball league commissioners, help with our website

John Dewan, for his interviews, articles and support of our newsletter - for the great work he has done to re-invent Baseball Stats with Bill James
Larry Braus for all of his great articles
Matt Beagle for his great articles and use of his videos on our youtube channel
Matt Eddy for sharing with our members his analysis of upcoming rookies and great future stars

Michael McLaughlin for his entertaining article in an early issue
Mike SanClemente - a good friend, owner of Strat-o-gists, sharing his Rookie Guide, his interviews, articles, early supporter of the newsletter
Pete Nelson - sharing news about the Star Tournament/Strat Players Club tournaments, the Pete Nelson challenge, sharing our newsletter with their members and his total support and help to periodically report on the great tournaments his group plans each year!!

Rick Johnson - allowed me to participate in his All Time Great tournament in Baseball 365 and report on what it was like
Rezz Dogg - Ken Dunning, Stratomatic Baseball Village, early supporter for our newsletter, inspiration for the newsletter's design
Ron Shandler - Fantasy expert, sharing his system with our members called the BABS project, his interview

Jasper Cattin - reporter on the Strat SOM Player's Club tournament
Tony Brizzolara - For allowing me a chance to challenge him in a series with our league teams with Netplay, his interview
Willie Mays Aiken - review of his book about his life in baseball, two interviews

Special thanks to our behind the scenes supporter Michael Takagawa, my good friend and co-manager in the CBA - thank you so much Mike 

Special Thank Yous to All the Individuals Who Agreed to be Interviewed

Billy Sample, Bruce Bundy, Bruce Foster, Jeff Fleischman, Marc Pelletier, Adam Rosen (ex-marketing SOM),
Alex Redovian, Arnie Pollinger, Bart Ewing, Tom Nahigian, Bill Deane, Blair Conrad,

Bob Colleary, Brian Koch, Brian McRae (ex MLB player), Bryan Swank (rep. his father the legendary Tom Swank),
Bud Podrazik, Butch Haber (thanks for my old article), Carl Kidwiler (special old Yankee photos),

Chris McMurray, Charles Tinkler, Chris Williams, Daniel Okrent, Dan Merzenich, Dan Patterson, 
Del Newell (editor of SOM Review), Denise Stillman, Derek Townsend, Dick Bremer (Minn Twins Sports Announcer),

Don August (ex MLB player), Doug Brunet, Earl Reed, Betty Lansing (sister of owner of Field of Dreams farm),
W.P. Kinsella, contributors to Funny Stories article & Greatest Games Played, Gary Pico, J.G. Preston, Gary Davis, Gene Abood,

Glenn Guzzo, Glenn Wheeler, Hal Richman, Hank Smith, Joe Hamrahi (copy of Baseball Perspectives),
James Williams (ex-SOM employee), James Callis (baseball reporter), Ken Davidoff (sports writer),

Jeff Chaput, Jeff Montgomery (ex-baseball player), Jeff Polman, Jim Gary, Jim Murphy, John Dewan,
Ken Wenger, Kevin Thomas, Kurt Meunier, Mark Heil, Mark Simons, Matt Beagle, Matt Eddy, Mel Williams,

Mike SanClemente, Pete Nelson, Ralph Polumbo, Ray Murphy, Rick Johnson, Ken "rezzdog" Dunning, Rick Lackey,
Rick Sutcliffe (ex-MLB player), Robert Latorre, Rob Stricker, Roger Erickson (ex-MLB player), Ron Shandler,

Ryan Morris, Scott Leitner, Scott Simkus, Sean Plouffe (hitting instructor), Sean Riley, Steve Barkan,
Steve Meyerson, Ted Welsey, Terry Bartelme, Tony Brizzolara (ex-MLB player, strat gamer), Larry Corner,
Vinny Mancini, Willie Mays Aiken (ex-MLB player), Arnie Pollinger, Willy Dominquez

Quite a list of amazing individuals, linked with baseball and the game we love.  Some of the greatest players of SOM Baseball listed here along with their knowledge and wisdom about the game.  It was a great pleasure to work with each of you.

yours in SOM always!!

Wolfman Shapiro 
(aka Joshua Shapiro, or Rick "Wolfman" Shapiro)

your former editor of USBN

email (Wolfman): [email protected]

PS -- in Part III, coming tomorrow, I will provide a direct link to the main page of each issue of our newsletter so for everyone who wishes to copy any article or report, or our on-line baseball resources you can do so before the pages for our newsletter come down - you have several weeks to do this.