Your 16 Month Old: Bedtime and Nap Time Tantrums

Published: Wed, 01/17/18

The Baby Sleep Site
Your 16 month old is probably so big by now! You must be so proud of your toddler. Of course, there may be moments when you feel less "proud" and more "insane", due to your toddler's tantrums! But that's normal...all toddlers throw tantrums occasionally. The trick is knowing how to handle them (especially the ones that happen right before nap time and bedtime). Check out the article below for tips:

Tantrums can make sleep times tough - but tantrums or not, if your toddler still isn't sleeping well at night or napping consistently, you may be feeling at your wit's end! Don't forget that we're always here for you, and would be so pleased to create a Personalized Sleep Plan™ for your family.

As always, please feel free to email or call with questions - we are here to serve you! Good luck to you and your family - and best wishes for peaceful sleep.

E-mail: [email protected] or hit Reply now
Tel: 888.599.1665

Good luck and good sleeping!

Nicole Johnson
The Baby Sleep Site
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-N. Johnson