Feeding Baby To Sleep, and ⏳ When Can You Expect Sleeping Through?

Published: Tue, 07/02/19

Greetings, !
Today, we're giving you tips on how much sleep your baby or toddler needs, all about nursing to sleep, and when to expect your child to sleep through the night. Enjoy!
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Who says the fun of the U.S.A.'s Independence Day has to be limited to July 4th? We're keeping the fun going all month long! Whether you are hoping to get your baby sleeping through the night or your toddler napping more soundly, "sleep independence" CAN be yours!

This week, we're kicking things off by offering you access to all of The Baby Sleep Site® e-Books, as well as dozens of recorded tele-seminars, live chats with a sleep consultant, and exclusive content – all available through our VIP Member's Area! Take advantage of this incredible opportunity!
Sleeping Child
- of the week -
"I want to give you an update on where we are with our sleep. Headline reads: Lots of success in sleep coaching journey!

When I contacted you back in May, I was so tired. I was being a mean wife. I felt exhausted and desperate and all around crummy. I even called my mom one day in tears saying, "I want to love being a mom so badly, and I just don't." It was because no one was sleeping and I was at my wits end.

I'd read two sleep books and dozens of blog posts. I even bought Baby STEPS and scoured The Baby Sleep Site® articles. I was just too tired, overwhelmed, and confused by conflicting advice to make a good plan. The sleep plan you put together gave me specific actions, steps and methods to act on, rather than just theory and vague generalizations. Being able to e-mail with follow up questions was wonderful and necessary for me to move ahead with a consistent coaching method.
Ella responded wonderfully to our sleep plan. She is able to put herself to sleep at night and is only waking 1-2 times per night. Naps are still a work in progress, but overall, SO much better than before.

I was looking through some notes on my phone the other day and stumbled across the list of goals I made when I first contacted you. Every single
item was checked off!

Most importantly, I called my mom the other day and said, with a full heart, 'I just love being a mom!'

Thank you so much for helping us get to a good place in our new lives as a family of 3!"
 - Liz L., Wyoming, U.S.
Do you want to share your story? Send your story and picture to [email protected]
Want to read more parent stories like Liz's? Check out our extensive list of parent stories here.
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Q: My 7-month old daughter naps well and falls asleep independently at naptime and bedtime. She is breastfed and sleeps in her own bed.  She had normally been waking to feed twice between her 6:30 bedtime and 6:30 wake time. BUT... for the past month, she has been teething and has been waking more often (5 times last night). So far I have been feeding her each time and putting her back to bed, but I'm concerned that I'm instilling bad habits or encouraging more night-waking. Do you have recommendations on how to deal with this? Should I wait 10 minutes and then feed her each time? Should I give her windows within which I will feed her?
A: Unless your daughter is going through a growth spurt, where the frequent feeding would be temporary (typically 3-5 days), this is likely becoming a habit, even though she's falling asleep independently at the start of the night. When we create a sleep plan for a family, we have a holistic approach to a baby sleeping. It's not always about sleep training or cry it out or not, but more so about looking at several factors. Are we supporting long stretches of sleep without eating at night with the rest of her feeding and sleep schedule? So, look at that first, and then if you are certain you are, then you would gradually night-wean back to the 1-2 feedings that's average at this age for a breastfed baby. Yes, starting with set feeding times is one method of doing so and since waking between sleep cycles is normal, then waiting a few minutes before going in is also a good thing to consistently do. Good luck!
Do you have a question about your child's sleep? Send it to [email protected] today!
Member Resources
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Room Transition Tips to Sleep Through the Night!
VIP Members, today we're talking about the holy grail of sleep: sleeping through the night! It's a goal I know a lot of you are working on, and one step that can do wonders for some families is transitioning your baby to their own room. But is there really is a peaceful way to transition your little one to their own room? Click here for our Members-Only step-by-step directions on how to transition your child to their own room.
Need help transitioning from co-sleeping to crib, before you move rooms? Check out The 3-Step System to Help Your Baby Sleep ebook, especially our chapter on Transitioning From Co-Sleeping to Crib! And don't forget about The Members-Only Day-By-Day Co-Sleeping Transition Plan.
Not a VIP member yet? Not a problem! Join today, and you'll have instant access to our virtual library of sleep consulting resources, including online access to all our e-books, special members-only articles, an archive of tele-seminars, weekly chats with a sleep consultant, and more. Plus, members get 20% off Express Sleep Plans® and all sleep consulting packages - and in most cases, that savings alone pays for membership!
Blog Posts
- of the week -
THIS Is How Much Sleep Your Baby Needs
How much sleep is enough? What's the "right" number of naps? Click on over to learn exactly what "good" sleep looks like now.
Nursing Your Baby To Sleep: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Most of us will do just about anything to get our babies to sleep at bedtime, and at nap time. Click to learn the good, the bad, and the ugly of feeding baby to sleep.
Sleeping Through the Night – When Can You Expect It, and How to Help Your Baby Get There
You finally get to hold your precious baby in your arms -  you spend the first few weeks bonding, but suddenly the exhaustion starts to take a toll and you wonder when you will ever get to sleep, truly sleep, for the whole night again. For most parents, the holy grail of getting life back to “normal” is getting to “sleep through the night” again. So, today, we will talk about when it is realistic to expect your baby to sleep through the night, and how to help your little one get there.
Nicole's Note
- editor -
Too funny - I got another one of my
"here's a quick-question-that-actually-requires-a-book-length-answer" emails not long ago! Here's what I mean - every once in a while, I get an e-mail from a reader that says something like, "I just have a quick question: how can I help my baby stay asleep at night, all night long?" Well, we have over 550 articles, 4 e-Books, and 4 free guides on that subject (not to mention the whole slew of case studies and tele-seminars in the Members Area!). I usually answer these e-mails by saying something like, "Unfortunately, there generally isn't an easy and straightforward answer to this question - it depends on so many unique factors!”
Now, as it happens, most of our clients are very well-read and have already read multiple full-length books on the subject before they turn to The Baby Sleep Site® for help, but it's still very hard to weed out what you need to know versus what you don't, and to make a plan you can stick to in order to make real changes to your baby's sleep. If you feel that you have tried everything and read a lot already, and are STILL struggling to know what to do, know that you are NOT alone in feeling confused. And remember that we're here to help you filter the "noise" and get the help you need!
I hope reading through our weekly newsletter helped you realize that you are not alone, and that there is hope, and a light at the end of the tunnel. Take a look below and let us know what you think!

Until next week,
Nicole Johnson, MBA
Founder / President
The Baby Sleep Site®

[email protected]
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Thousands of parents like you read our newsletter each week and over a million visit The Baby Sleep Site® each month. What's more, our team of sleep consultants has helped tens of thousands of families in the past 10+ years get the sleep they deserve! Learn more about how we can help you, too, by clicking here.