❤️15% Off Add-On Emails - Happy Mother's Month!

Published: Wed, 05/05/21

The Baby Sleep Site
More Sleep for Moms!
15% OFF Returning Client Packages

You've probably learned by now that sleep coaching isn't a "one and done" kind of activity. Even the best sleepers will have setbacks. "Speed bumps" like teething, illness, vacationing, and more sometimes crop up and do real damage to sleep. And sleep regressions happen, too; sometimes development milestones require a whole new restart to sleep coaching!

This is why we've created a comprehensive set of sleep consulting packages for loyal clients like you. Whether you just need a little help through a tough sleep speed bump, or whether you need a whole new package for a new baby, we've got you covered! Best of all, these existing packages are discount-priced; consider it our 'thank you' for your loyalty to The Baby Sleep Site®!

Don't wait another day to get the additional help you need. You don't have to struggle through this latest sleep challenge alone; we're here to help you again! Log into the Helpdesk, select your returning client package, enter MOMSLEEP15 at checkout, and save 15% instantly!

15% OFF Returning Client Packages

Offer valid from 5/1 - 5/31. Some restrictions apply.