How to Get Answers to 'What if' Questions

Published: Wed, 09/01/21

The Baby Sleep Site
Personalized Sleep Consulting
Personalized Sleep AdviceWhether you've read everything under the sun about baby sleep, or whether you consider yourself a baby sleep "newbie", one thing is for certain - solving your child's sleep challenges can feel impossible! Maybe you've tried sleep coaching on your own, but without success, or maybe you're not sure how to begin working on sleep.

Whatever your situation, if you're at your wit's end with your baby's sleep problems, a personalized consulting package from The Baby Sleep Site® can help!

When you purchase a consultation with one of our expert sleep consultants, you get it all:
  • A Personalized Sleep Plan®, crafted exclusively for your family
  • Ongoing e-mail or phone support from an expert
  • Timely answers to your most pressing sleep questions
  • Step-by-step sleep coaching recommendations that match your parenting philosophy as well as your child's temperament
Our team of caring consultants is standing by to be an extension of your support village, ready to help you and your family get the sleep you deserve - so don't wait! Let us get started on your Personalized Sleep Plan® today.

Learn More
What Parents Are Saying:

"My husband and I were coming to the end of our ropes! Our beautiful son had trouble staying asleep since birth, and after 8 grueling months of waking up as many times as 15 times a night, we finally decided we couldn’t take it anymore. Then we found Nicole.

She as been a GODSEND to our family, helping us with step by step advice that is well-researched, nurturing, and proven effective. She gave us a method that worked four our family, ad she encouraged us to stay the course. Any time we needed her help throughout the process, she was ALWAYS right there. Our son is sleeping 12 hours a night now, every night, and takes 3 naps a day, each over an hour long. Before Nicole, we were lucky if we got 20 minutes! We cannot EVER thank her enough for her professionalism, knowledge, and compassion. 

Don’t think about this twice: reach out to Nicole today. Your life will change!"  

-Carolina, CT
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