Tarot Tips: Advice or Interpretation

Published: Sun, 11/15/09

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 1 #4 / November 15, 2009

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Advice or Interpretation
- Tarot Card Showcase: 5 of Pentacles
- Best Practices for Professional Readers: Business by Referral
- Special Events: The Amberstones on Beyond Worlds radio show
- Featured Tarot Blog: Tarot Dame
Greetings All,
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!

In a recent poll of readers, it was discovered
that  readings are  increasingly focused on money,
finances and jobs. Do you find this to be the case
for your querents, too? It is an obvious
reflection of the current recession, and many
people want to know when things will get better,
how to improve their situation, and how to survive
until the economy turns around. There are reports
coming out that things actually are improving! Do
you see or feel it? In this Tarot Tips, we discuss
reading the cards versus giving advice, and we
also focus on the issues of lack and difficulty in
our Tarot Showcase.
Yours truly on the Tarot Path,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

Do you ever have difficulty drawing a distinction
between your personal advice and giving a straight
interpretation of the cards in a spread? This may
occur especially when reading for friends or
family members. Separating what you think from
what the cards say is a beneficial skill to

A lot of this depends on the context of the
reading, your area of expertise and how close you
are to the person you are reading for. It is
probably best to just say what you see, even when
you have a strong personal opinion. If the reading
involves financial, medical or legal concerns, you
may want to just refer your querent to a
professional, since it is illegal in most places
to give advice on these matters in a reading.

It is certainly acceptable to use a personal
approach in your readings and to share your own
similar experiences (as in a break-up, a job loss
or trouble with loved ones) when you have
something useful to add. It is also okay to say,
"I have no expertise in this area."

It can be useful to find out in the beginning of a
reading what your querent has already tried. I
know many readers like to just say what they see
without any questions to the clients, but it is
also okay to open dialogue, even after your
interpretation is done, to better connect with
your querent or tie into what you see.

If you decide to give an opinion, remember to say,
"This is my opinion, and ultimately you can
decide what is best for you or your situation."
You can also suggests books, articles or classes.
If you have a list of area professionals, you can
give referrals for the appropriate service, as

Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a
specific tarot card. While there are many
systems and decks to choose from in the world
of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite
Tarot images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

Esoteric Title: Lord of Material Trouble
Astrological Attribution: Mercury in Taurus
Qabalistic Attribution: Gevurah in Assiah
(Severity in the World of Manifestation)

The number five in the Element of Earth refers
to material hardship. Interpreting the Five of
Pentacles often requires looking at the
surrounding cards in a spread to determine if it
concerns an actual material loss or if it pertains
to a spiritual path issue.

The energy of Mercury in Taurus suggests
insecurity and difficult circumstances. This
can be seen in the card's illustration of the two
people in the snow. When individuals experience
lack or loss, it is often hard to tell them to take
responsibility for alleviating their "suffering."
Even when the querent is a victim of
circumstance and no one is at fault, personal
effort is always beneficial in resolving the
issues connected with this card.

Suggested meanings: A need for love. A desire for
resolution. Anxieties about job or finances. A
loss. Scarcity mentality. Struggling with
circumstances. A bond through common loss or
hardship. Helping those less fortunate.

Do you want to learn more about tarot but don't have
time or the resources to attend a class?
The Tarot
School Correspondence Course was created just for you.
Study at your own pace and get one-on-one coaching
from Grandmaster Wald Amberstone. For details, click

Best Practices for Professional Readers
By Gina Thies
Doing business by referral is not a new concept in
the business world. It is an approach that can
work as well in your metaphysical practice as it
does in any small business. When searching for a
service, people often ask for recommendations or,
if they are impressed with a service received,
they talk about it to others.

You wouldn't trust your hair to just anyone. You
want to know about a good stylist or barber. The
same concept works in getting readings. If you
have a satisfied client, ask them to refer you. I
understand that for some people, getting readings
is a private matter. However, others would be okay
with spreading the word about your service.

Referral Marketing reduces your sales expense but
requires some effort. You may have to play around
with what works best for your business. Not all
clients are good candidates for this purpose, so
you may have to do a bit a research to find out
who is absolutely dazzled by your readings, and
ask them for referrals. A rewards program is an
excellent way to boost referrals from clients, but
try to design one that won't take away from your
bottom line.

One simple way to increase referrals is to keep
your service on the minds of your clientele by
staying in touch. A personalized thank you note
goes a long way. Most professionals have mailing
lists that keep people abreast of what is new and
exciting about their business, and you may want to
do that, too. But doing something that builds
trust and a relationship is what will get your
clients to remember you, refer you, and keep
coming back.

Special Event
Beyond Worlds show on BlogTalk Radio
Join Donnaleigh and Dawn tonight as they
interview Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone on
Beyond Worlds! This is the show that stretches
your intuition and empowers you through
the power of Spirit.
They'll be talking about the 2010 Readers
Studio and who knows what else? Call in
to ask questions or listen later on the replay!
November 15th (tonight!) at 7pm Eastern 
Standard Time / 4pm Pacfic Time
Dial In Number:
(646) 200-0765
Curious about The Readers Studio?
Visit ReadersStudio.com for more information.

Featured Tarot Blog / Newsletter
Tarot Dame combines daily readings with deck
reviews. You can search by deck to get pictures of
what they look like and how Kiki, the blog owner
has used them in a reading. Very cool!

Do you have a question or comment on anything
tarot? Suggestions for future topics?
For information on tarot classes, courses,
events and more, go to www.TarotSchool.com

© Copyright 2009 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone