Tarot Tips: Those Inscrutable Lists

Published: Tue, 12/01/09

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 1 #5 / December 1, 2009

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Those Inscrutable Lists (of Esoteric Card Attributes)
- Reader Feedback: 5 of Pentacles
- Tarot Card Showcase: 9 of Cups
- Best Practices for Professional Readers: Imposing Spiritual Beliefs
- Special Events: Tarot School Holiday Party
- Featured Tarot Blog: Tarot Quest
Greetings All and Merry Meet to our new subscribers,

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
In the last issue of Tarot Tips we talked about
lack and loss in the Tarot Card Showcase. In this
issue, Matt Brooks shares some of his insights
about the 5 of Pentacles, and then we balance
things a bit with a discussion of abundance and
gain. At the end of the year, many of us inventory
what we have, what we need, and how to improve our
emotional and material situations.
The interesting thing about this time of year is
that we focus on getting as well as giving to
express what we mean to one another.  We try to
give others what satisfies and is of value to
them, and we hope they will do the same for us.
Defining value in personal and material things,
knowing what we hold dear, and what people mean to
us, takes thought and care. Sometimes we don't
discover what that value is until we lose it.
The end of the year also helps us refocus on
wishes, goals and accomplishments that we desired
but didn't or couldn't reach. This month, in
our Tarot Card Showcase, we are going to focus on
the "wish card" - the 9 of Cups, the card that
brings the heart's desire to realization. But
these things are not necessarily received from
others. More often, they come from what we realize
about and give to ourselves.
Yours truly on the Tarot Path,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

Almost every student of Tarot has come across
lists of esoteric qualities attributed to the cards.
But these are rarely if ever explained, so few
of us know what they're about or how to use
them. We thought it would be helpful to offer a
little insight on esoteric attributes here, because
when you get to know them, they add depth to
your understanding of the cards and power and
flexibility to your readings.

It's a big topic, so we'll make it into a Tarot
Tips mini-series.

Actually, there's a whole list of lists. Just for
the Major Arcana, there is a list of astrological
attributions, esoteric functions, intelligences
and titles, paths on the Tree of Life, locations
on the Cube of Space, colors and musical notes,
and a whole range of meanings of the Hebrew

Every attribute added to a card gives it beauty
and lustre, deepens it and makes it more useful.
Granted, it takes a little while to learn, but it's
really not hard. It's all very orderly and
reasonable, and a lot of fun when you get the
hang of it.

Here is an example of one attribute that may
change, and will certainly add to, the way you
think about one of our favorite cards.

The Intelligence of The Fool is the Scintillating
Intelligence. It is the perception that creation
sparkles with the joy of beginnings, and that the
whole world is made of this sparkle. The
Scintillating Intelligence, like all attributes,
manifests in you as you. If you can find it when
you look inside yourself, your whole life will
sparkle with the joy of The Fool.

Reader Feedback
5 of Pentacles
I think of this card as also speaking of a time
where the querent should consider getting rid of
excess baggage. Gevurah is Severity, but this can
come in the form of a heavily discerning eye
making tough decisions about what stays and what
goes. Especially in circumstances where the
person carries too much emotional baggage on their
physical shoulders (resulting in fatigue or even
illness), this card could be a warning to zero in
on what is necessary for one's own life and let go
of the pressures and temptations of wealth and
material things.

Just thought I'd throw out 2 ¢ on that one :)

Matt Brooks

[Ed: That's a great thing to keep in mind, Matt --
especially as we head into the holiday season.

Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a
specific tarot card. While there are many
systems and decks to choose from in the world
of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite
Tarot images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

Esoteric Title: Lord of Material Happiness
Astrological Attribution: Jupiter in Pisces
Qabalistic Attribution: Yesod in Briah
(Foundation in the World of Creation)

Jupiter in Pisces affects happiness and
satisfaction in Yesod, the place where the
material world takes the shape that will
eventually manifest. It represents material
happiness and emotional satisfaction that will
eventually be experienced as feeling good about
yourself or perhaps your physical appearance.
Nine is the number of ending in the Minor Arcana,
the triple trinity, the completion of a process.
This is where energy reaches the climax of
transmutation. In everyday life, this may be
experienced as feeling good about what you're
doing. You need not expend any more effort,
because you are already content.
The Nine of Cups promises your wish will come
true. Children get exactly what they want for
Christmas. Your check comes in the mail. Romance
turns into the marriage proposal she's been hoping

Suggested meanings:
Carefree, sociable, gracious. High-minded.
Cheerful. A granter of wishes. Lucky.

Lazy, ingratiating, extravagant. Foolish.
Conceited. A tangle of vices and virtues.

Looking for the perfect holiday gift for your
favorite Tarot Enthusiast? A Tarot School
gift certificate is just the thing!
See how easy it is to make them smile:

Best Practices for Professional Readers
By Gina Thies
Spirituality as an issue or theme often comes up
in readings. Readers are thought of as spiritual
advisors, but I like to think of myself as a
"soul counselor."

Regardless of how you define yourself as a reader,
the issue of spirituality may be brought up by
either the reader or the querent at some point,
and differences of perspective may arise. For
instance, a reader who is a practicing Pagan may
want to explain or impart a particular idea from
their belief system to a client who has a Catholic

Some common ways that readers unwittingly impose
their own spiritual beliefs on a reading may
include: telling the client about their past life,
speaking in astrological language, (e.g. your Moon
in Libra says..), indicating that Gods or
Goddesses may have messages, etc. This is not to
say that querents are not open-minded, but the
point here is to be aware of how you may be
affecting the reading through your own beliefs.
This does not mean that spiritual issues should
not be included in readings. Spirituality and
religion are often an important part of people's
lives. And it may be important to a querent that
they are receiving a reading from someone who has
some sort of belief system. But when it comes up,
it may be a good idea to get a sense or idea of
the querent's belief system and structure the
reading accordingly.
It is important to keep in mind that what is
valued by a spiritual advisor may not be valuable
to the client. Suggested courses of action include
discreetly finding out whether your own belief
system matches the querent's by a brief discussion
before the reading starts, or by letting the client
bring up religious or spiritual issues first.
Discuss the goals of the reading and address
those issues. Of course, if the reading requires
something beyond your level of expertise, make
referrals as needed.

Special Event

It's been a great year for Tarot and we want
to party! If you're in the New York City area,
we invite you to join The Tarot School and
Sasha Graham Tarot Events for an awesome
Tarot get-together.

The Crooked Knife is a cozy Irish pub with
delicious, affordable food. We've reserved
the back of the restaurant for our soiree.
(All guests are responsible for payment of
their own check.)

Bring your Tarot cards!!!
The Crooked Knife
29 East 30th Street (Park/Madison)
New York, NY 10016-7313
(212) 696-2593
Sunday, December 20, 2009
6:00pm - 9:00pm
RSVP to Sasha at [email protected]

Curious about The Readers Studio?
Visit ReadersStudio.com for more information.
And if you missed our Beyond Worlds interview,
you can listen to it here: http://ow.ly/GVCx

Featured Tarot Blog / Newsletter
An Exploration into the World of Tarot

If you haven't experienced the fabulous Zorian
Cross, you need to check out this blog. Ever since
he was a child, Zorian has always had a deep
fascination with the esoteric realms. Besides
Tarot, his studies have included Numerology,
Hermetic Qabalah, Tasseomancy, Spirit & Past-Life
Channeling, Reiki and other forms of energy
healing, and Pendulum dowsing.

Tarot Quest has a section dedicated to working
through Mary K. Greer's 21 Ways to Read a
Tarot Card

Do you have a question or comment on anything
tarot? Suggestions for future topics?
For information on tarot classes, courses,
events and more, go to www.TarotSchool.com

© Copyright 2009 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone