Tarot Tips: 2-Card Spreads

Published: Sat, 05/01/10

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 2 #9 / May 1, 2010

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: 2-Card Spreads
- Tarot Card Showcase: 2 of Cups
- Upcoming Events
- Best Practices: Knowing the Different Tarot Reading Customers
- Featured Tarot Blog: Den Elder's Church of Tarot

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!!
 And a special welcome to our new members!
Happy Beltane! We were thrilled to see so many
members of the tarot community at last week's
Readers Studio. It was a fabulous time of sharing
and learning. This special day of Beltane is a
time to refocus on what comes next. We are already
focusing on the 2011 Readers Studio! Stay tuned -
we'll be talking about it in upcoming issues.

Beltane has many aspects. One of these is the
renewal or re-purposing of directions in
partnerships. It also is a time to begin new
projects. In this issue we will showcase the Two
of Cups. In past Beltane celebrations, new couples
were united as the God and Goddess, and a major
component of May Day was, and still is, the

This pole, a phallic symbol, is planted deep in
the earth and is a representation of the potency
and virility of the God. Its unwinding ribbons
symbolize the unwinding of the spiral of life and
the union of male and female - the Goddess and
God. It is usually topped by a ring of flowers
that represents the fertile Goddess. Think about
the couple with the caduceus depicted in the Two
of Cups.

The pole is also a fire symbol and as we get close
to the halfway mark of the year, is a reminder to
us all to put a little "fire" into projects and goals
we want to accomplish or complete.
Yours in growth and learning,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

In working with the cards, there is so much that
can be gained from using a variety of different
techniques and spreads. Using more cards does not
necessarily mean you'll get more information.
Simple spreads are great for parties, psychic fairs
or as "side" spreads when you already have the
Celtic Cross or other large spread on the table.

Here are some useful 2-card spreads. You can
decide how you want to best position the two
Alpha and Omega Spread
Position One -
Describes the focus of the question
or describes where an issue/problem begins.
Position Two - Action steps to resolve the issue
or suggested ways to let go of or end the situation.

Who Calls First?

This is a great spread for personal, work
or business issues.
Position One - I call - This describes attitudes,
fears or outcomes that arise from you calling first.
Position Two - They call - This describes attitudes,
feelings or outcomes related to the other party calling.

Majors To the Rescue

Use only the major arcana
Position One - This will look at an unconscious
resistance contributing to the question.
Position Two - This will point to a way of releasing
or moving past the resistance.

Perception Spread

Position One - What the querent thinks is happening
about an issue.
Position Two - What's really going on.

Want vs. Need

Position One - What does the querent want?

Position Two - What does the querent need instead?

Yin / Yang

Addresses the energetic duality of a situation.
Position One - Yin: what energy is coming in?

Position Two - Yang: what energy must be expended?


Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a
specific tarot card. While there are many
systems and decks to choose from in the world
of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite
Tarot images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.
Esoteric Title: Lord of Love
Astrological Attribution: Venus in Cancer
The Two of Cups generally depicts an exchange of
energy and a uniting of the masculine and feminine
polarities. As the Lord of Love, the Two of Cups
speaks to love and sexual attraction between two
people. This attraction is a power and energy that
can only happen when the two polarities come

The Two of Cups can represent unions of any two
parts or parties. Bonding occurs when two forces
are joined together forming a powerful force. This
card is usually considered a positive card in a
reading, encouraging peace, agreement and romance.

The caduceus between the couple has origins in the
Greek myth of Tiresias, who found two snakes
copulating and hit the pair with his staff,
killing the female snake. Tiresias was turned into
a woman for seven years, as punishment from Hera.
He remained a woman until he was able to repeat
the act with the male snake seven years later.
Hermes later came into possession of the staff
along with its transformative powers.

The Two of Cups is Chokmah in Briah, the World of
Creation and of the heart. The male is the sun and
the female is the moon, both transmitting light to
the world. In their union the winged lion
represents a soul waiting to come forth into
manifestation. Cultures across the world generally
use lion motifs as symbols of primal or royal
power. Even though the lion is considered the
"king of the jungle" it is the lioness that is
the fierce protector of the pride.

With this card, you may find that you want to
bring reconciliation to a conflict or make an
agreement that is beneficial to two parties. You
may feel a bit frisky with the Venus influence of
this card, or could have love on your mind.

Positive Keywords: Pairing, engagement, pregnancy,
fertility, toasting, merging, union, attraction,
partnerships, joining, connection and marriage.

Negative Keywords: Unbalanced, disharmonious,
non-committal, separate, lonely, smothering;
disputes, disagreements and exclusion.

Upcoming Events:
  • May 13 - June 3
    Tarot Teleclass Series

    5, 6, 7, 8 - Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot,
    Strength. The energy of these numbers and these
    cards crosses the space between what is highest in
    you and what is central. They are the strings of
    the net that bind divinity and spirit together.
    They are what is most mysterious in you. Together,
    they are most of what you can know about yourself
    and the world with your eyes shut.

    They are also about teachers and heroes, choice
    and control.

    This is the third series of classes in Card Study
    Complete. You truly won't want to miss it!

    5/13     The Hierophant
    5/20      The Lovers
    5/27      The Chariot
    6/03      Strength

    4 Thursdays: May 13, 20, 27 and June 3
    9-11 pm Eastern time
    Tuition: $80 for the series - includes .mp3
    recordings. / Earns 8 Degree credits

  • June 11 - 13
  • The Omega Tarot Conference
    w/ Mary K. Greer, Rachel Pollack, Lon Milo DuQuette,
    Juliet Sharman-Burke, and Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone

    Best Practices for Professional Readers

    Your tarot practice relies on a steady flow of
    customers for success. It is important to know the
    types of customers that buy or will potentially
    buy from you. As tarot practitioners, we may have
    a difficult time defining who comes to us and how
    to attract more paying customers that we want as
    steady clientele.

    If you are like me, you probably hate sounding

    like a salesperson. Here are some tips and methods
    for knowing who your buyers and customers are, and
    what kind of client you can potentially attract:

    The Repeat Customer
    - this is someone who is
    already a client and knows what you do and are
    loyal. Keeping them informed of new services and
    classes, or developing a loyalty program is a
    great way to maintain this type of customer.

    The Try it Before Buying Type
    - this customer
    may only buy from you if they have had a free
    reading or get something free or discounted before
    they book a paid reading.

    The Crisis Client
    - this client will only get a
    reading when they have a crisis or emergency. They
    may or may not be loyal and most likely will
    "shop" for the better deal or reader. Success
    with this type means meeting their immediate and
    emergency needs - hence the need for availability.

    The Referred Client
    - this is the type that has
    heard about you or has been recommended by a
    present or former client. You will of course want
    to make an impression on this potential client.
    Think about a first-timer coupon or perhaps
    presenting them with a small crystal or other
    token to thank them for their business. Offer them
    the opportunity to book a follow-up reading to
    further explore issues that may come up in the

    Stay tuned for announcements and dates about an

    upcoming teleclass series on the business of
    tarot. The teleclass series will teach tools to
    attract clients, business setup, and more.


    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].


    Do you want to learn more about tarot but don't
    have time or the resources to attend a class?
    The Tarot School Correspondence Course was
    created just for you!
    Study at your own pace and get one-on-one
    coaching from Grandmaster Wald Amberstone.

    For details, click


    Featured Tarot Blog / Newsletter

    Church Of Tarot is meant to be non-creed oriented,
    and brings tarot and spirituality together in a way
    the average person can appreciate without further
    complex study.
    Den Elder is the founder of World Tarot Day,
    an inter-faith minister, and a private tarot
    consultant. This site is loaded with goodies.
    Click or drop by the site for information on World
    Tarot Day celebrated every year on May 25th.

    Join our 1,770+ fans and join the fun!
    You never know what we'll say next...


    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2010 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone