Omega Tarot Conference - this weekend!

Published: Sat, 06/05/10


This is just a quick reminder that the Omega Tarot
Conference is this weekend!

Here are the details:

The Omega Tarot Conference
Tarot & Intuition

Intuition communicates primarily through symbols.
Tarot is the Western world's greatest symbol
system for helping to find meaning in life events
and exploring future possibilities. In a tarot
reading, we consider a person's questions and
then lay out the cards. Along with the cards'
meanings, it is our intuition that allows us to
see the patterns and messages that emerge.

Omega is honored to bring together six
world-renowned tarot teachers and authors, each an
innovator, scholar, and master of the intuitive.
In this unique weekend tarot conference, their
collective wisdom is presented in hands-on
sessions to help us discover our own ability to
read the cards. We experience the psychic,
psychological, magical, symbolic, and interactive
aspects of today's intuitive tarot practices,
making us into more well-rounded readers, for
ourself and others. Beginning and experienced
tarot readers alike gain specific tools to access,
sharpen, refine, and trust their own intuition
when reading the cards.
Bring a deck of tarot cards, if you have one.

Mary K. Greer breaks all the rules about learning
and using tarot cards with innovative techniques
that are interactive, transformational, and
empowering. An independent scholar, writer,
teacher, and professional tarot consultant, she is
author of nine books, including Tarot for Your

Rachel Pollack is one of the world's foremost
authorities on the modern interpretation of the
tarot. She has published 12 books, including
Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, a modern classic.
She is also the designer and artist of the Shining
Woman Tarot.

Wald Amberstone and Ruth Ann Amberstone are known
in the tarot community as creative and original
teachers. They are founders of The Tarot School
and creators of The Readers Studio, an annual
international tarot conference. Wald and Ruth Ann
are also authors of The Secret Language of Tarot
and Tarot Tips.

Lon Milo DuQuette is an occult studies expert and
certified tarot grand master. Author of 15 books,
including Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth
Tarot, he has served as an administrative officer
of the Ordo Templi Orientis, a magical society,
since 1975.

Juliet Sharman-Burke is a practicing analytical
psychotherapist who teaches tarot and astrology at
The Centre for Psychological Astrology in London.
She is author of The New Complete Book of Tarot
and coauthor of The Mythic Tarot and The Mythic

For more information and to register, visit:

We hope to see you there!

Bright blessings,

Ruth Ann & Wald
The Tarot School