Tarot Tips: Project Planning Spreads

Published: Wed, 09/01/10

If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 2 #17 / September 1, 2010

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip:  Project Planning Spreads
- Tarot Card Showcase: Page of Wands
- Upcoming Events
- Best Practices: The Future of Your Tarot Business
- Featured Tarot Blog: True Tarot Tales

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
 And a special welcome to our new readers!
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, summer is
supposedly winding down. But the temperatures
are still high and we have some hot news!!
The new website for the 2011 Readers Studio is
live, and we've already started taking registrations.

We've worked hard all season to bring you a
redesigned site that will make finding exactly what
you want to know about this exciting event as
easy as a summer breeze.
Check it out at http://ReadersStudio.com

This time of the year seems to bring with it a focus
on new directions for personal growth and learning.
Who we are and what we will become are questions
we ask of tarot time and time again, because tarot is
a wonderful tool for self-inquiry.

When you were younger, did you ever imagine you
would have a metaphysical career? For some, this
might have been a natural path to follow, but for others,
pursuing reading as a career would have required
both courage and a liberation of the spirit.

In this issue we spotlight the brave Page of
Wands, who represents going off the beaten path
and has a taste for the unusual. The energy of the
Page of Wands encourages us to pursue what we are
passionate about and helps us with our ambitions and
our drive for success. We have some awesome
spreads for planning projects and a great blog
that professional readers are sure to enjoy!

Brilliantly yours on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

Projects can be internal or external. Working on
yourself or doing makeovers on your home, resume
or career takes planning. These spreads combine
questions for those instances where a querent or
reader may have difficulty formulating a question
for this kind of situation.

The positions for the following spreads can be
laid out to your preference.

Financial Planning Spread

Card 1 - What is the biggest financial challenge
               that requires my attention?

Card 2 - What habits/past behaviors do I have
               that cause financial woes?

Card 3 - What outer resources contribute to my

Card 4 - Where should I budget to create more

Card 5 - What demonstrates my attitude of lack?

Card 6 - What demonstrates my attitude of gain?

Card 7 - What do I need to pay attention to that
               creates prosperity?

Card 8 - What is my attitude towards money?

Career Planning Spread
Card 1 - The starting point: describes interest
               you had when younger.

Card 2 - Your strongest skills and talents.

Card 3 - What has held you back from pursuing
               your dreams?

Card 4 - What attitudes/activities no longer serve

Card 5 - Types of people you love to work with,
               surround yourself with or serve.

Card 6 - What are you called to do? What are
               passionate about?

Card 7 - Hidden or dormant talents.

Card 8 - The direction to take now.

Card 9 - The direction to take later.

Card 10 - Special guidance.

Getting a Project Off the Ground Spread
Card 1 - What is screaming for attention now?

Card 2 - What or who needs to be on the back

Card 3 - The beginning step.

Card 4 - The middle step.

Card 5 - The final step.

Card 6 - What make me feel prepared?

Card 7 - What makes me anxious?

Card 8 - How can I stay motivated?

Self-Inventory Spread
Card 1 - How do you see yourself now?

Card 2 - What can you rely on?

Card 3 - What don't you understand about

Card 4 - What complements you?

Card 5 - The highest guidance for your path is...

Card 6 - The journey of (tarot, aromatherapy,
               meditation, etc.) will lead you to...

Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a
specific tarot card. While there are many
systems and decks to choose from in the world
of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite
Tarot images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.
Esoteric Title: Princess of the Shining Flame;
The Rose of the Palace of Fire; Princess and
Empress of the Salamanders; Throne of the
Ace of Wands

Astrological Attribution: Season of Summer
(Cancer, Leo and Virgo)

Elemental Counterchange:
Earth of Fire
Fire, Spirit, Intuition and Energy
Earth, Body, Sensation and Appetite
The Page of Wands has an impulsive nature.
Quick-witted and charming, this page is sociable
and loves to be everyone's friend. The Page of
Wands with its high energy level is very active,
loves sports and energetic people.

Dressed in red and yellow, symbolizing fire
energy, the gender of the young person on this
card is unclear. This was done to conceal the
esoteric secret of the youngest of the court cards,
which have the title of Princess.

In a reading, this card could signify your
curiosity about new and uncharted territory. You
consider risks from your own original perspective,
and you move forward quickly and confidently to
do what you want to do.

The fire in this card is shown by the hot and arid
landscape, the flames on the boots, and the
pyramids on the left side of the card. The Page
wears the logo of the salamander, referring to her
esoteric title of Empress of the Salamanders.
The feather in the cap resembles a flame, and
symbolizes the fiery energy of Yod, first letter of
the Tetragrammaton.

When this card appears in a reading, it could
indicate important news or an urgent message.
You could have a flair for the theatrical. It may be
a good idea to slow down and get plans or promises
in writing. Pay attention to any flashes of sudden
inspiration or insights that come your way.

Positive Keywords: Brilliant, innocent, elegant,
eloquent; good news, invitation; pleasure,
satisfaction, courage, desire, new projects;
charming, talented, athletic, ambitious.

Negative Keywords: Uncomfortable, bored, tacky,
irritated, edgy; bad news, lack of planning,
displeased, unreliable, disregarded, delinquent,
resistant and second-rate.

Upcoming Events:
  • September 11-12
  • Tarosophy Conference
    Keswick, England

    Guest speaker Lon Milo DuQuette, best-selling
    author on Aleister Crowley, Magick and Tarot (in
    his only UK visit in 2010) will be joined by other
    expert speakers on Kabbalah, Tarot & Astrology,
    Marcus Katz (Tarosophy, pub. Salamander & Sons,
    Summer 2010), Mick Frankel and Kim Huggens (Tarot
    101, pub. Llewellyn, Summer 2010).


  • April 29 - May 1, 2011
  • The Readers Studio (RS11)
    Queens, NY
    Presenters include: Caitlin Matthews, Corrine
    Kenner, Barbara Moore, Mary K. Greer, Bev
    Haskins, James Wells, Carolyn Cushing and
    many more to be announced!

    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    In my youth I remember watching The Jetsons and
    thinking how in the future we would have flying
    cars, talking robotic maids and would make phone
    calls to a person that you could actually see via video.

    Now with the technology of the iPhone 4, we have
    video chat in the palms of our hands. And with
    self-vacuuming robots like the Roomba and the
    iRobot, the robotic cleaning maid is not too far off.

    Dreaming of the future is part of the human
    experience of imagining what life will turn out to
    be. This should apply to what we want our
    professional lives to become. How often do you
    think about what the future of the professional
    tarot entrepreneur, or the tarot community as a
    whole, will be like?

    Without a keen eye for the future, companies like
    Apple, Facebook, Amazon or Nintendo would not
    see the profits and huge success that they have
    achieved. I realize this formula for success in
    technology may not work the same way when it
    comes to a person's spiritual success, but tarot
    has been around longer, right? Something keeps
    us continually interested in and dedicated to its

    Tarot has to keep up with the fast times we live
    in today. Tarot decks are no longer confined to
    paper. I am not so sure an app or computerized
    reading can replace what a skilled reader offers,
    but consumers have expectations of accessibility
    and instant gratification.

    Where does this leave the professional reader?
    It is overwhelming to stay ahead of technology,
    and you have to discover if it's what fits your
    entrepreneurial needs. One of the biggest
    influences on trends in retailing is what the
    consumer demands. The future of your business
    should be influenced by what clients feel about
    their purchase or patronage after the purchase.

    When you think about writing copy or marketing
    your next product or workshop, consider how
    your client's life will be different because of what
    they learn or obtain from you. When visitors come
    to your site or read your advertisement, know that
    they will be thinking, as they always do, about what
    something will do for them in the future. What are
    they getting out of it? Keep in mind, that although
    you, the practitioner, will decide the future of the
    tarot industry, you will need to pay careful attention
    to the changing requirements of your clients as
    the world changes around us all.

    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].


    Discover the meanings behind the interpretations
    and hidden secrets of the cards.
    Learn how to read with confidence and precision.
    Cut through confusion, conflicting viewpoints and
    tarot "information overload."
    Create a deep well of tarot knowledge that you can
    access at any time, without consulting a book.
    Find out what is behind the pictures of the world's
    most famous deck!
    Uncover the secrets tucked deep inside you as
    you learn and grow...
    Get a firm foundation in tarot that you'll build on
    for years to come.
    Start your tarot journey here... and go anywhere!
    Study at your own pace and get one-on-one coaching
    from Tarot School director, Wald Amberstone.

    For details, click


    Featured Tarot Blog / Newsletter
    Behind the Scenes of a Professional Tarot Reader
    Katie-Ellen Hazeldine is a professional tarot
    reader, advisor and writer, offering personal
    readings and readings for business. She has read
    tarot for over 10 years and is based in the UK.
    This blog is an excellent resource in terms of
    sharing the first hand experience of a
    professional reader.

    Join our 2,170+ fans and join the fun!
    You never know what we'll say next...


    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2010 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone