Would you give a coffee to tarot?

Published: Mon, 06/11/12

SF BATS needs a caffeine boost!
Sparky the Wonder Bat

There is nothing like a BATS!

This the 21st birthday of the San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium (SF BATS). The oldest contiuously produced Tarot event in the world, featuring workshops, presentations and performance, covering every aspect of the Wide Wonderful World of Tarot. SF BATS attracts Tarot enthusiasts from all over North America and beyond!

Throughout its existence, SF BATS has brought Tarot practitioners — authors, artists, students and teachers — together to exchange ideas, share energy, boost projects and have the kind of fun that can only be experienced in the comfort of one's tribe. Numerous books, decks and other Tarot projects got their start — or a needed surge of support — from the joyously creative ferment of SF BATS. 

Click here for the story of SF BATS: http://www.dodivination.com/what_exactly_is_bats

This year SF BATS needs a little boost to get the party started.

Buy Sparky the Wonder Bat a Latte (or maybe something stronger)...

Since SF BATS has moved to a two day, hotel-based format, the production costs have risen to dizzying heights. Your contribution to their indiegogo campaign helps defray some of the hotel and production costs. 

If everyone who reads this email chips in the price of a fancy coffee (or a stiff drink now that Sparky's come of age), we can help them fly past their goal!

And if you can offer more, there are goodies for your good deed!

It's really simple...

1) Click on the widget below. 

2) When you get to the campaign page, click on the red Contribute Now button.

3) Scroll down the page and enter $5 (or more) in the box.

4) Fill in the rest, send it off, and let the good feelings wash over you!

Help Make SF BATS Happen!


As the Tarot community grows, events that gather the gang together spread ripples far beyond the few hundred people who attend. From its beginning, for 21 years, SF BATS has been about strengthening the bonds of support and encouraging the waves of creativity that Tarot needs to grow. From its inception, SF BATS has always stood for expanding the reach of the teachers and elders of the tribe while encouraging fresh new voices. 

In its unique format and its mission, SF BATS is a vital pillar of the Tarot community.

Other Ways You Can Help

Planning on attending this year? (We are!) You can help make it happen! Can't make this time? You can still be part of the action! Every contribution helps, and everyone can help by spreading the word!

Thank You!

As conference organizers ourselves, we know how much work, money, and love goes into putting on a successful event. Join us in supporting our friends at SF BATS. 

You Rock!

~ Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone