Tarot Tips: How To Build Confidence as a Tarot Reader

Published: Mon, 07/02/12

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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 4 #6 / July 1, 2012

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: How to Build Confidence as a Tarot Reader
- What's Gnu?
- Tarot Card Showcase: Six of Wands
- Best Practices: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
- Featured Tarot Blog:  78 Whispers in My Ear
- Upcoming Events

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new readers.
As the summer heats up here in the Northern hemisphere,
things have been cooking at The Tarot School. There's
so much going on that we've included a "What's Gnu?"
section with a list of quick-links where you can find
out more.
The featured Tip offers advice for those who are a bit
shy when it comes to doing tarot readings. This lack of
confidence can range from feeling that you can't read
for others to feeling the pressure of the need for
accuracy with interpretation.
We hear this a lot from students, and believe it or
not, from people who had studied tarot for years.
Although the quality of confidence can be seen in many
cards, the showcase for this issue, the Six of Wands,
is one that clearly shows self-assurance.
Many times we hear the subconscious whispers of
negative programming that block our paths to success.
The Best Practices article shows how you can
actually use fear to attract clients for the service
you offer. We have added 78 Whispers in My Ear to
our long list of featured blogs. Happy reading indeed!

And one more thing...
We'd like to introduce the newest member 
of our Tarot School team, Claire Chak. 
She is our official representative in China, 
and will be translating Tarot Tips into Chinese! 
You can reach her at [email protected] 
if you'd like to get on the mailing list. 
We also congratulate Claire and her husband, 
David on their wedding. Many blessings to
you both!
Your travel companions on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
It is a realistic human desire to feel good about 
who you are and what you do in your life. When 
learning new things, it is quite natural to feel a little 
uncomfortable until you gain some experience and 
knowledge of your subject.
Before we delve into the matter of confidence as a
reader, let's clarify what we mean by the word.
Confidence is an issue often connected with self-esteem
or competence.
Confidence is linked to our dealings with the external
world and how we are perceived, while and self-esteem
deals with our internal world and our personal sense of
You can be internally sure of your competence, but
still lack confidence when demonstrating those skills
to others. Realistic planning and goal setting will 
contribute to building stronger self-confidence.
Here are some suggestions:
·   Interact with or talk to more experienced readers. 
    Don't be afraid to ask questions. Many tarot
    readers love to talk "shop" and share experiences.
·   If a learning environment feels intimidating,
    then it's not the one for you. Find one where you
    feel at ease.
·   Find a mentor or motivational speaker.
·   Turn negative feelings into positive ones. 
    Use affirmations.
·   Recognize that integrating new knowledge skills
    takes time. Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves with
    information without allowing time to process what we
    are learning.
·   Read more often. "Practice make perfect" is an
    old adage and a true one.
·   Focus on what you give to others and yourself.

#1: More Tarot School Study Guides!
  • Color, Costume & Choreography
  • Tarot and Health
  • The Power of Silence
  • The Voice in the Card
     #2: We're on Pinterest!
    #3: Readers Studio Photostream
    Moments and portraits by James Greene

    #4: Tarot Teleclasses are Back!
    All-new card study series "1+1=Tarot" is perfect for students at all levels.
    #5: Tarot Coupling
    Gina's new Facebook Group where you can post questions,
    curiosities and complexities of tarot-related topics that
    specifically address dating, love, romance and relationships.
    #6: The RS13 "Secret Back Door" is open
    Get in on the 8-month payment plan! 

    Tarot Card Showcase

    In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
    While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
    the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
    images and symbols.
    Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

    Astrological Attribution: Jupiter in Leo
    Qabalistic Attribution: Tiphereth in Atziluth
    (Beauty in the World of Emanation)
    Esoteric Title: Lord of Victory
    A wreathed rider mounted on a white horse rides
    victorious among five celebrants welcoming his 
    return. All six carry staves that represent the Suit 
    of Wands.The mounted rider's staff has a wreath 
    that is attached with red ribbon.
    The rider wears a red cape and his followers wear
    attire fitting the occasion. The horse is draped in 
    a flowing green covering with matching green rein protector.
    The rider is the figure of a leader cheered by his
    supporters. The laurel wreath on his head is a mark of
    achievement and the raised wreath is a symbol of shared
    success for all. The laurel wreath traces its history
    back to the Olympics in Ancient Greece. Wreaths were
    also worn by kings, emperors and triumphant heroes of
    This card represents Tiphereth (Beauty) in the element
    of fire. Brown, red and green colors featured in the
    illustration represent vitality, growth and warmth.
    Fiery Leo in Jupiter suggests warmth in cooperation
    with others, a quality very much needed for a win-win
    The Six of Wands in a reading indicates achievement,
    success and a victory. You could be taking
    responsibility for your own success. Others could
    motivate you or you may be placed in a position to
    motivate others for a good cause.

    Positive Keywords: Great news, victory, triumph, 
    success, winning, achieving a goal, moving forward; 
    a rally, happy crowds, successful meetings, well-laid 
    plans, encouragement, confidence.

    Negative Keywords:  Apprehension, fear, betrayal, 
    enemies, disloyalty and opposition, bitterness, 
    pettiness, resistance, sabotage, rejection and delays.

    Tarot Affirmation: I confidently perform all tasks 
    required for my success.


    Tarot is full of mysteries, and as much as we all know about tarot, 
    there's a lot we don't know, too. In an exciting new series of teleclasses, 
    tarot we'll begin to drop the veils of mystery one by one, card by card. 
    It's a beautiful curriculum, especially created for students of all levels, 
    and we call it 1+1=Tarot!

    The Aces, The Twos and The Threes
    3 Thursdays,  August 2, 9 and 16 

    9-11pm Eastern Time
    Tuition: $75 for the series -- includes .mp3 recordings! 
    Earns 6 Degree credits for live participation 
    You'll receive the mp3 recordings even if you can't attend the classes.

    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    By Gina Thies
    As a tarot reader, you'll often find yourself dealing
    with fear on some level. This could be not only your
    querents' fears, but also your own. I personally know
    how debilitating fear can be. We all want to be
    accomplished and successful, but one of the most 
    common obstacles to our success is fear.
    Did you know that fear is regularly used to persuade
    consumers? Skillfully used, fear can mobilize a
    potential customer to take a desired action. Alerting
    an audience to a certain danger, anticipates a response
    that people will act in a certain way.
    When you identify a fear, you find that it is something
    you can use to target potential customers. It may also
    define your niche as a reader. For example, if you are
    seeing a wave of querents who are concerned about
    money, and you are excellent at managing money, 
    you can mention this in your ads to let potential clients 
    know how you will meet their needs.
    A lot of research has gone into the psychology of
    influence. We see it utilized particularly in advertising 
    and in political arenas. I am not advocating that you 
    scare people into getting a reading. However, I think 
    it is important to have a client look at a fear when 
    there is one, and walk away with an achievable 
    action plan.
    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].


    The High Deck coming Fall 2012



    Featured Tarot Blog
    Blogger Amanda Donnelly is a great writer, exploring
    life through various deck interpretations. This blog is
    written in a format that includes nice pictures from
    different decks. It's an interesting perspective from
    a tarot-reading mom.
     Upcoming Events:

  • July 29, 2012
  • Readers Studio Teleconference -- Free!
    Come hang out with us on the phone
    at our monthly informal get-together.
    It's a great chance to catch up with each
    other and brainstorm new ideas.
  • August 25-26, 2012
  • San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium (SF BATS)
    Golden Gateway Holiday Inn
    San Francisco, California
    Established by Thalassa in 1991, SF BATS is the
    oldest continuously produced Tarot event in the
    world. This beloved gathering of Tarot enthusiasts
    has showcased some of the best and brightest
    readers, authors, artists and teachers in the field.
    2012 is SF BATS 21st Birthday! Join the celebration.

       Find us on Facebook
    Join our 4,170+ fans and join the fun!
    Up to the minute news, mini lessons and more...


    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to http://www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2012 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone