Tarot Tips: The Last Card in a Reading

Published: Sat, 09/01/12

If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 4 #8 / September 1, 2012

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: The Last Card in a Reading
- What's Gnu?
- Tarot Card Showcase: Death
- Best Practices: You're Fired! Getting Rid of Problem Clients 
- Featured Tarot Blog: My Curious Cabinet 
- Upcoming Events

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new readers.
It's September -- Back to Tarot School time! :)
There's something about this time of year that stimulates
the urge to learn something new. Fortunately, tarot
provides us with endless opportunities to learn, explore
and discover. If you choose to learn with us, we can
have so much fun together!
Speaking of students and fun, one of our NYC students
has started a fantastic project! Random Acts of Tarot is
is the brainchild of Jeannine Carson. She's been leaving
tarot cards around the city for people to find and then
share their story on her website. It's been a big hit with
the people who discover the hidden treasures, and it's
fun to read about them. And if you have a deck with
missing cards, you can participate in the project by sending
it to Jeannine (she'll pay your postage). Give your "broken"
decks a new home in the hearts of New Yorkers -- many
for whom this is their first encounter with tarot.
Here in the northern hemisphere, Autumn is a season of 
changes and letting go. In this issue we will focus on 
things that are outdated or passing. Death is the featured 
card because it calls attention to what is disappearing 
because it is no longer needed.
Are you in a bind where you may need to end things with
a client? The 'Best Practices' column shows you how. 
And our featured blog is a real treasure we know you'll enjoy!
And one more thing...
Back in high school, I had a wonderful time creating
theatrical productions with my good friend, Mark Schaeffer.
He was caring, talented and funny -- and he still is! 
Recently, he put together a witty music video in support
of the future of public education. After you enjoy watching
it, please share it with your friends. Thanks! ~ RA
Packing your school bag with tarot goodies,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
A reading can begin in many ways that vary with the
reader. Some of the most popular ways involve ritual,
prayer, meditation and other ceremonial practices. 
When ritual is used, even when it is simple, it sets the
tone for a reading, changes the atmosphere, and calms
both the reader and querent.
Often the most anticipated card in a reading is the
very last card that is placed in the spread. It is the one 
that says the last word for the entire reading. Sometimes 
it is an outcome card and finalizes the advice of the 
reading. In a well-performed reading, that last card 
can make the querent want more. Even if the card is 
seen as a negative outcome, many querents want to 
go further -- just one more card.
Many spreads have more than a few positions and cards.
It can be troublesome to decide what the last card
represents, even more so when the inquiry doesn't
require an "outcome."
Here are some suggestions for possible meanings of the
final position in your spreads:
  • What it's all about
  • Things to reflect on
  • What needs attention now?
  • Hidden theme of question/reading
  • What will best help me now?
  • What piece am I missing?
  • The next action to take
  • Core message of reading
  • Clarifying Card
  • At this time, what is most likely to show up?
  • The unexpected twist
  • What is leaving my life?
  • What needs to leave this situation?

    The Fours, Fives & Sixes
    New "1+1=Tarot" teleclasses begin Thursday. 
    Perfect for students at all levels!
    #2: The High Deck is Coming Soon!
    65 years in the making, this symbolic
    deck was created by Arthur Amberstone,
    with help from his young son, Wald.
    It will be published for the very first time,
    thanks to the visionary folks at Schiffer!
    We'll be putting together a webpage and
    gearing up to take pre-orders very soon,
    so watch this space.

    Tarot Card Showcase

    In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
    While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
    the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
    images and symbols.
    Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

    Astrological Attribution: Scorpio
    Esoteric Title: Child of the Great Transformers; 
    Lord of the Gate of Death
    The common depiction of Death as a mounted 
    figure comes from the Book of Revelation where, 
    in a vision, the prophet John sees a figure on a pale horse and reveals that his name is Death. 
    In different regions of the world, Death is pictured 
    as everything from a skeleton to an old woman to a
    non-threatening youth. The medieval representation
    of Death used by Waite was that of Death as a Black Knight mounted on a white horse.
    In front of the white horse appears a bishop dressed in
    ceremonial robes and a mitre headdress. The mitre
    headgear is an ancient association with the fish-god
    Dagon, who figured prominently in the Philistine
    concepts of death and the afterlife. Here the horse
    represents the journey of the soul to the land of the
    dead, and is often seen as an omen of death.
    The esoteric title of Death is Child of the Great
    Transformers, Lord of the Gates of Death. We often
    refer to physical death as "passing on" or going to
    "Heaven's Gates" to pass into the eternal. This
    is one possible meaning of the title.
    But in a reading, Death rarely refers to a physical
    death, although it could. A more profound meaning
    behind Key XIII is transformation, a change to a new
    and better condition. It also points out the variety of
    attitudes about dying and loss. Sometimes when this
    card appears, it is not about what is dying out or
    leaving your life but more about what you are trying to
    keep from dying and fighting to preserve.

    Positive Keywords: Transformation, renewal, uprooting, 
    breaking out, radical change, stages or levels of growth, 
    release from an old condition.
    Negative Keywords:  Dead, dying, loss, corruption, decay, 
    dread, gloom, fear, endings, finality, fatality, mourning, 

    Tarot Affirmation: I let go when I must, and move forward 
    in the highest possible way.


    Join us for our continuing study of the Minor Arcana... 
    Instead of studying them suit by suit, the cards will be grouped by number. 
    In this series, we'll be looking at tarot from the perspective of the Fours, 
    Fives and Sixes, a special little universe unto themselves. 

    1+1=Tarot is especially created for students of all levels!

    The Fours, Five and Sixes
    3 Thursdays,  September 6, 13 and 20 

    9-11pm Eastern Time
    Tuition: $75 for the series -- includes .mp3 recordings! 
    Earns 6 Degree credits for live participation 
    You'll receive the mp3 recordings even if you can't attend the classes.

    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    By Gina Thies
    In order to get along in this world, we were raised to
    do what is socially acceptable. This means treating
    people the way you want to be treated and acting with
    high standards. Most people are taught to treat
    everyone with respect, and essentially to be polite and
    nice to everyone.
    I read recently that women especially are raised to be
    pleasing are conditioned to be nice. For the most part,
    both men and women are conditioned to see the word
    "no" as a problem, and that we should mostly say
    "yes" and just try and be cooperative. Sometimes, this
    doesn't work in our best interest.
    In business you generally want people to know you and
    to like you. In fact, being likable is one of the key ways 
    to positively influence others. When working to build or 
    increase your profit, you sometimes have to tolerate some 
    things you don't like, but you don't have to accept or 
    tolerate everything, especially challenging clients.
    It is not easy to strike a balance between working with
    someone or choosing not to when you are in the business
    of helping people. Many readers get clients that seem
    to test their limits in one way or another. I know I
    have had them. So I am here to say that it is perfectly
    okay should you need to bring a business connection to
    a close. If you find yourself avoiding the person when
    they call for an appointment, dread having to read for
    them because they challenge everything you say, or you
    feel they are crossing personal boundaries, it may be
    time to "fire" them as a client. Better yet, if you
    see it coming, end it before the relationship begins.
    Don't make the mistake of thinking the "free reading" 
    client who likes to work with you will end up wanting 
    to pay for your services down the road. If this is a part of 
    your business plan, you may want to rethink it. If someone 
    abuses your time, you'll want to notice that right away and 
    put a stop to it. Time is one of your most valuable assets.
    What I want you to take away from this is that it pays
    to transform your business to make it always a win-win
    for you and the clients you service. Should there be a
    need to end a relationship with a client, do so honestly, 
    graciously and bravely.
    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].


    The High Deck coming Fall 2012



    Featured Tarot Blog
    Thanks to our student and colleague, Erik Vidal 
    for telling us about this fascinating blog!
    A tarot reader, deck collector, and great story-teller,
    Le Fanu's curious cabinet is filled to the brim with
    all kinds of informative and copiously illustrated
    posts such as "When Cards Are Eerily Spot On,"
    "On Wands," Lenormand-themed posts, and an 
    in-depth look at "Seventies Decks" -- a personal
    Highly recommended!
     Upcoming Events:
  • September 30, 2012
  • Readers Studio Teleconference -- Free!
    Come hang out with us on the phone
    at our monthly informal get-together.
    It's a great chance to catch up with each
    other and brainstorm new ideas.

       Find us on Facebook
    Join our 4,360+ fans and join the fun!
    Up to the minute news, mini lessons and more...


    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to http://www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2012 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone