You haven't missed out yet!

Published: Sun, 09/29/13

Dear ,
On October 1st the FREE Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit
will be over! If you've been tuning in, we hope you've been
enjoying all the great sessions. (We had a lot of fun sharing 
our insights on The Lovers!) But if you didn't get around
to it, you can still catch the last few cards.
And there's still time to take advantage of the special upgrade,
which will give you access to mp3s of all 22 card presentations -- 
plus an extra Empress session! 
So even if you're too busy to listen now, you'll have the
downloads to enjoy whenever you like.
You can also grab some terrific bonuses, including our 
newest study guide, What Should I Ask?
All you have to do is enter your name and email address
at and you'll
be sent all the information you need to start having 
some great tarot experiences!
This is a rare opportunity to learn from so many tarot
teachers all in one place, and we highly recommend 
you check it out.
Bright blessings,
Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone
P.S. The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit is a FREE multi-speaker event
that will show you how to access your own inner wisdom and Higher
Guidance through the Tarot -- a powerful tool for self-discovery. 
To get all the details, click this link or copy/paste it into your browser: