Tarot Tips: Energy Types and Tarot

Published: Fri, 11/01/13

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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 5 #10 / November 1, 2013

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Energy Types and Tarot
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- Tarot Card Showcase: 8 of Swords 
- Best Practices: Small Steps to Help Improve Your Practice 
- Featured Tarot Blog: The Tarot Nook
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new readers.
First off, we want to say:
to our own Gina Thies, on the publication of her 
first book, Tarot Coupling: Resources & Resolutions
for Relationship Readings! It's just out from 
Schiffer Publishing, and you can read all about it
at http://tarotcoupling.com [Ruth Ann & Wald
fling confetti in Gina's general direction.] Yay, Gina!

As the year comes to a close and thoughts of Holiday
excitement build, it can be overwhelming but exhilarating at
the same time. Family gatherings can certainly be a mixture
of energies, ranging from happiness and pleasure to stress.
This issue's tip is all about energy.
What is meant when we say that we sense energy from a card?
How would you determine the type of energy the card emits?
In this issue, we thought it would be interesting to explore
types of energy and how they relate to tarot.
One card with a distinct type of energy is the showcase
card,  the Lord of Shortened Force - the Eight of Swords.
The Best Practices column takes a look at the energy you 
put into your business to make it a success and we are 
delighted to offer another interesting tarot blog.

We're also introducing a new feature! Each month we'll
include a Tarot School Aphorism -- a short contemplation
with words by Wald and design by Ruth Ann. May they
offer you some nourishing food for thought.

And one more thing...
At this time of year when the veil between the worlds is
thinnest, we are transitioning and transforming our Monday
classes. (It's also fitting that last week's class was on
Starting this Monday, November 4, we will be holding a
weekly "Tarot Salon" at our Forest Hills, NY location. 
We'll be diving deep into intuitive and special techniques 
for improving your reading skills, while enjoying some 
social time in a comfortable environment. (Yummy snacks!) 
All levels of experience are welcome.
The Salon will meet from 6:30-8:30pm and tuition will 
be only $20. Seating is limited, so register in advance to 
reserve a seat and get directions. For full details, go to

Oh, and another thing...
We have not been spared this Mercury retrograde. <sigh>
So, if you get an "Internal Server Error" while on
our site or in our store, please try again. We're 
working on it! 
Yours truly on the tarot path,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
Energy is a word used to describe various types of physical,
mental and spiritual activity. It is important in physical
science, alternative medicine and mystical practice.
Some say that physical energy is different from spiritual
energy, while others believe that energy pulsates and
resonates through everything that exists between and within
the physical and spiritual planes.
In tarot, the suits of Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles
Each carry their own form of energy. These energies are
symbolic rather than scientific. but they often borrow
descriptions from the realm of physics.
In the work of a tarot practitioner, the energy associated
with each suit is perceived mainly through illustration, but
it can be difficult to ascertain the exact type of energy.
So what are some of the types of energy? Physical energy has
several basic categories, two of which are potential and
kinetic. Potential energy is stored energy, while kinetic
energy is the energy spent in the movement of objects.
Spiritual energy also has different forms like kundalini,
chi, or prana.
While examining your deck, what distinct energy forms can
you identify from the illustrations? See if you can get a
sense of the following:
-       Sound
-       Heat
-       Light
-       Wind
-       Steam
-       Gravitational
-       Electrical
-       Spring (e.g., stretching, rubber band)
-       Nuclear (e.g.,, fusion, heavy water)
-       Magnetic (e.g., compass, magnets)
-       Chemical (e.g., gasoline, batteries, natural gas)
All of these are energy manifesting as different physical
properties, and in the context of tarot, symbolize different
psychological and spiritual states.

 Tarot School Aphorism




We'll been invited to have a conversation about
The Lovers, and then we'll see where things go 
from there!
Divine Design Program with Cyndi Silva
Time: Monday, November 4th 
12:00pm Pacific / 3:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend, visit: 
Phone Number: (206) 402-0100
Pin Code: 753491#
Scroll down to the Upcoming Events section 
for details about this intensive.

Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.


Astrological Attribution: Jupiter in Gemini
Qabalistic Attribution: Hod in Yetzirah
(Splendor in the World of Formation)
Esoteric Title: Lord of Shortened Force
A blindfolded robed figure bound in white
wrappings wanders among eight swords
plunged into marshy ground. Behind the
figure are houses with tall spires and
red-topped roofs jutting from a hillside
The puddles of water around the figure are colored blue and
represent the color of Jupiter. The figure wears an orange
robe, which is the color of Gemini.
In the esoteric understanding of the card, the blindfolded
figure is analogous to a candidate for Masonic initiation.
The eight swords represent the eight officers of a Masonic
lodge. The figure awaits the ritual moment of being released
from the blindness and bondage of everyday life into a state
of enlightenment.
In a traditional intuitive reading, this card suggests
isolation and feelings of helplessness. Forces that
influence the situation are erratic or inconsistent. The
energy level suggested here may be tense but temporary.
Positive Keywords: Preparation, initiation, focus, patience, 
carefulness, concentration, attention, protection.

Negative Keywords:  Imprisoned, restricted, repressed, 
blocked, cut-off, bound, confined, oppressed.

Tarot Affirmation: Relax, it's temporary.


The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement and The World

The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement and The World are 
the five scenes of the final act of the esoteric drama of creation. 
They are the paths that light the darkness of nature and lead us 
home. Join us and find out how the story ends. 

5 Thursdays,  November 7, 14, 21, December 5 and 12 

9-11pm Eastern Time
Tuition: $95 for the series -- includes .mp3 recordings! 
Earns 10 Degree credits for live participation 
You'll receive the mp3 recordings even if you can't attend the classes.

Best Practices for Professional Readers
By Gina Thies
Busy "soul-prenuers" can find it overwhelming to be both
the talent of their business, and be responsible for its
growth and expansion. It is great to do things daily or take
small steps that will make a difference in how you improve
your business. Think of it as sprinkling tiny seeds that
will one day become a beautiful garden.
Here are some things you can challenge yourself to do over
the next 30 days:
  1)   Rewrite copy for your website
  2)   Update your mailing and contact list
  3)   Prospect for new clients
  4)   Create a webinar or teleseminar program
  5)   Use your sphere of influence to get referrals
  6)   Look at the competition
  7)   Redesign your marketing materials
  8)   Create offers that showcase your skills or new tools
  9)   Offer to write a guest blog/article for others
10)   Raise your fees
 Here's to your business growth and success!
Questions arise when developing or transitioning
to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
income. These can range from "How can I make
money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
to more complex technical and business questions.
You may already be up and running and have
questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
questions, or interest in a future class on the
Business of Tarot, to [email protected].

Featured Tarot Blog

Tarotist Kelsey Lynore brings to tarot a unique background
in Art Practice, Caregiving, Language Acquisition, Literary
Theory, and Teaching. This site has some interesting
perspectives on the modern use of tarot.
 Upcoming Events:

  • November 24, 2013
  • Readers Studio Teleconference -- Free!
    Come hang out with us on the phone
    at our monthly informal get-together.
    It's a great chance to catch up with each
    other and brainstorm new ideas.
  • December 7-8, 2013 and repeated on...
  • January 11-12, 2014
  • Tarot Psychology and the Art of the Psychological Portrait
    Forest Hills, New York
    This weekend intensive will teach you how to paint a clear,
    accurate and beautiful psychological portrait of any person
    using the theory and techniques of Tarot Psychology. In this
    global introduction, you'll learn to make tarot a precision
    instrument for both analysis and intuition.


       Find us on Facebook
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    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to http://www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2013 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone