And now for something completely different...

Published: Fri, 11/08/13

Hi ,

Two of our good friends in the Tarot community,
Ferol Humphrey and Christiana Gaudet, are
taking part in Kim Wilborn's new Telesummit,
which starts on Monday!

The Guardian Gateway Telesummit II is a free,
multi-speaker event that will show you how
to connect and work with the high-vibrational
beings-Angels, Unicorns, Flower Spirits,
Dragons, Saints, Stone Beings, Merfolk, Animal
Guardians, and more-who are guardians and
supporters of your gifts and soul purpose.

The Telesummit runs from November 11 - 22.
(Both Master Numbers!)

You can register and listen for free at:

The world is a mysterious place, full of magic!

Ruth Ann & Wald