a 7 Minutes with... double-header!

Published: Wed, 02/05/14

One great question, one great answer!
Wald asks interesting questions of interesting people
in the tarot community, and Ruth Ann creates 7-minute
content-rich videos for you to enjoy.

We're starting with Readers Studio instructors, but
will be talking with many more tarot authors, deck
designers, readers and teachers in the months to come.

 7 Minutes with Victor Daniels

Victor answers the question:

You've had a long career as a psychology professor, who has 
come to work with tarot. What role, if any, do you feel that 
tarot can eventually play in academic psychology?

 7 Minutes with Kooch Daniels

Kooch answers the question:

You are a very successful tarot reader with a strong background 
in psychology.What role has psychology come to play in your 
tarot practice and thinking?
Learn their answers at http://tarotschool.com/7-minutes.html

And join us today at 1pm PST / 4pm EST on Kosmic Koffee 
with Kooch as we talk about Readers Studio and the 
Tarot & Psychology Conference!
Enjoy the videos and feel free to share them with your friends!