Guess what?

Published: Sun, 02/23/14

Dear ,

At 12:03am on February 24th, I'll be turning 60! (That's just a few
minutes from now.)

I want to give you a gift, and Wald agreed to let me offer you
$60 toward our correspondence course. We've never done that before,
and I don't know if we'll ever do it again -- so if you've been
thinking about enrolling, this is a great time to do it.

Speaking of time...

This offer is only good for 24 hours!

That means that the coupon will expire at 12:30am on February 25th.
The coupon code is RA60 -- nice and simple. :)

So head over to and give yourself
(or a friend) a present of some great tarot learning!

Note: If you have any trouble with our shopping cart (Mercury is
retrograde after all), just send me an email at [email protected]
and I'll set you up through PayPal on Tuesday. I'm celebrating on
Monday, you know.

Remember to enter Coupon Code RA60 when you check out.
Thanks for celebrating with me!

Bright blessings,

Ruth Ann Amberstone


The Tarot School - Discover Tarot, Discover Yourself!