Tarot Tips: Breathing Fresh Air Into Old Tarot Habits

Published: Sun, 06/01/14

It's good to be back in the saddle with... You're receiving this email because you expressed interest in The Tarot School. PLEASE DON'T MARK IT AS SPAM. You can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of this page. If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 6 #5 / June 1, 2014

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Breathing Fresh Air Into Old Tarot Habits
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- Tarot Card Showcase: The Empress 
- Best Practices: Buying and Selling Tarot - Lessons and Classes 
- Featured Tarot Blog: Ace of Stars Tarot
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a warm welcome to our new readers. 
It is good to be back in the saddle with the Tarot Tips
newsletter, bringing practical tips and insights for the
tarot enthusiast. Thanks to all of you who have given us
wonderful feedback on this newsletter! It is great to know
how much you appreciate and value our hard work.
In the last issue the focus was on freshening up your
spreads. In this issue we would like to discuss freshening
up the study of tarot. Some of you have ways you like to
study and practice with the cards that work quite well for
you, while others may be challenged in maintaining the
discipline to practice or even retain what they have learned
about the cards. This issue's tip will help you consider
some interesting ways to revive your tarot study.
We are pleased to feature a blog we think you'll find
interesting. We welcome the Ace of Stars Tarot to our
ongoing lists of tarot blogs. The 'Best Practices column
weighs in on the business of selling tarot. 
And one more thing...
We were delighted to see many of you at the recent 
sold-out Readers Studio. Thanks to those of you who 
blogged and took pictures! Here are a few that we 
know about. Please email us at [email protected] 
with any we missed!
  • Circle Ways (James Wells):
  • Tarot by Hilary (Hilary Parry):
  • That's Totally Tarot (Angelo Nasios):
  • The Tarot Lady (Theresa Reed):
    If you have a Facebook account, these photo 
    albums are full of friendly faces!
  • Ferol Humphrey:
  • Helena Domenic Art:
  • Kooch Daniels:
  • Paul Nagy:
    For commercial shots of the banquet,
    these photos are fabulous and fun!
  • Oliver Puzon Photography
    FYI: 16 people have already registered for RS15!
    You can get on the early-bird payment plan, too
    by going to http://ReadersStudio.com  

    Yours truly on the tarot path,
    Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

    Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
    of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
    advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
    questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
    or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
    in an upcoming issue.

    Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
    with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

    Tarot Tip
    You may feel it takes discipline to study tarot and to
    make it an ongoing daily practice. It may be a daunting
    undertaking or even a challenge to learn just 78 card
    meanings and interpretations.
    Do you ever feel when you take a "break" from tarot
    that you are not committed enough to learning, or that
    you feel disconnected from your deck or study? There
    are no standards or hard rules that say you have to
    immerse yourself in daily tarot study. However, deep
    immersion in the study of tarot has its own reward for
    some practitioners.
    While structure and discipline in study are useful,
    versatility and freshness are beneficial, too. So how
    can you give your study of tarot a breath of fresh air?
    Here are some things you can do:
    1.  Back to Basics. Revisit some of the first books
    or old notes from when you were first introduced to
    tarot. You may discover things long forgotten or get a
    refresher on some things you would like to incorporate
    in your readings now.
    2.  Review. Take stock of what you have learned
    recently and over the years. Consider what has worked
    for you and what hasn't or what needs more practice
    and examination.
    3.  Overhaul Your Deck Collection. Go through your
    decks and separate out the ones you frequently use from
    those you hardly use. Worn and tattered ones can
    perhaps be replaced. Using the ones you hardly touch is
    one of the easiest ways to revive your tarot study.
    4.  Use Complex Spreads. Try alternatives to spreads 
    you have already perfected.
    5.  Global Communities. Join online groups from
    around the world and learn tarot from a larger global
    perspective. It is fun to see how tarot has such a
    global impact! 

     Tarot School Aphorism



    Do you want to be invited?

    From time to time, we hold weekend
    intensives on specialized topics (we're
    planning one on Birth Cards for July). 
    Seating is very limited, so we usually 
    fill them from a private invitation list. 
    Would you like to be on this list?

    The intensives are held in Forest Hills,
    NY on a Saturday and Sunday from 
    11am-7pm. We've had students come from 
    out of state, so it's not essential you live in 
    the area if you're willing to travel.

    These intensives require an investment of time and money ($250 for the 
    weekend), and are for serious students. That said, if you would like to be 
    included on the invitation list, send your name, email address and phone 
    number to [email protected].    

    Note: Because intensives can fill quickly, sometimes the only way to know
    about them is to be on the list. Wald will call you when seats are available.

    Tarot Card Showcase

    In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
    While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
    the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
    images and symbols.
    Copyright 1992 U.S Games.
    Traditional Meanings: 
    Fertility, fruition, proliferation, creativity, 
    boundless energy. Combinations and 
    permutations; giving birth to an idea, 
    a form, or a body. Nurturing and protective, 
    playful and indulgent, soft and fierce, 
    loving with equal energy the beautiful 
    and the ugly, the well- and the mal-formed, 
    the good and the evil.

    Archetypal Interpretation:
    Mother, Earth Mother, Isis, Mother Nature, Madonna. 
    The doorway through which spirit becomes flesh. The 
    arms of the mother around the child. The nourishment 
    in earth, the freshness in air, the purity in water, the 
    energy in fire; the blood in every living thing; the will 
    to be in every created form.
    Protect and nurture, encourage and enliven, help and 
    sustain all without distinction, as the sun shines and the 
    rain falls and the earth supports without asking payment 
    in excellence, beauty or virtue. 
    Esoteric Attributions:
    Name: Empress - the first crowned figure in tarot,
    the first to wear the visible symbol of Kether. The
    Fool is androgynous, prior to the differentiation of
    gender, and wears a wreath and a feather. The Magician
    is male and wears the lemniscate and headband. The High
    Priestess, the virgin female, wears the spiritual
    precursor to a crown, a symbolic headdress. But the
    first symbol of rule, the first imperial path,
    expressed as feminine sexuality, is the empire of the
    Key #: 3 (Major #4) - Key 3, 
    The Empress, finishes the structure 
    of the Supernal Triad. This is the 
    abstract triangle of concepts made of 
    three depths (numbers), and three paths
    (trumps), on which the solid reality of
    manifest creation is modeled.
    Hebrew Letter: Daleth - The number 4 in Hebrew.
    Daleth means door, a reference to the qualities of its
    intelligence and the nature of its path. The door of
    The Empress is the threshold between force and form,
    between male and female, between the hard and the soft,
    between the explosive and the yielding. Opening this
    door is what every mother warns her daughter about 
    when she starts dating.
    Function: Wisdom/Folly - The sparkle of The Fool,
    from which is everything is made, and the radiance of
    Wisdom, the force that makes everything happen. These
    two together pass through the door of The Empress.
    There they are tamed by the imagination, (one of six
    functions of consciousness, the one associated by
    esoteric tradition with The Empress) and become all 
    the names, forms, and changes of the creation that 
    will emerge from the womb of Understanding.
    Astrological Attribution: Venus - The goddess who
    arose from the formless energy of the sea. Her beauty
    is the essential beauty that can be seen in all things
    that arise from the ocean of original force.
    Path #: 14 - The experience of the journey between
    Wisdom (#2) and Understanding (#3), joining the depth
    of Beginning to the depth of End and finishing the
    Supernal Triad. This path is the experience of
    Imagination. In one direction, from Beginning (#2) to
    End (#3), it gives shape to what The Fool has brought
    into being and The Magician has brought to life. In
    this direction, formless light creates an endless
    shadowplay on the wall of infinite darkness. 
    In the other direction, from End (#3) to Beginning
    (#2), the shadowplay is drawn back along the path 
    from the luminous darkness of created things and is 
    lost again in formless light.
    Intelligence: Luminous - The radiance of wisdom
    streams through the door of the imagination and fills
    the creation to come with light.
    Direction: East - The direction of dawn, the
    excitement of beginning. This is the state of things
    when the Supernal Triad is completed.
    Title: Daughter of the Mighty Ones - of Wisdom 
    (the Father) and Understanding (the Mother). 

    The Wheat: is sacred to Ceres, a Greek manifestation of
    Venus, and also to Isis, the divine mother. The grove
    of trees in the background are cypresses, also sacred
    to Venus, as are the pearls around her neck. The orb
    mounted on a scepter and crossed by the fingers of her
    right hand are another symbol for Venus as is the plain
    astrological symbol set in the heart beneath her throne. 
    The roses on her robe as well as the needlework in one 
    of the pillows supporting her continue this motif.

    The Stars in her Crown: represent the signs of the
    zodiac. It is also the crown of the Illuminating 
    Intelligence of Wisdom, linking her to that sephirah. 

    The Water: flowing downward at the right is the water
    from which Venus is born, the continuous process
    whereby the pristine consciousness of the High
    Priestess flows into and gives rise to all the forms of
    The Empress.

    Alchemical Symbolism: In Aleister Crowley's
    alchemical references, the Magician is mercury, the
    Emperor is sulphur and the Empress is salt. Mercury,
    Sulphur and Salt are the alchemical elements of
    creation. Salt has the qualities of the solid, passive,
    and fixed in nature; it balances the volatile element
    Sulphur in alchemical processes.

    Colors: The color gold of the background is the color
    of consciousness. Green is the color of all that lives
    and grows, as well as being the color of Venus; white
    is the color of purity and spirit; red is the color of
    blood and passion and implies the capacity to destroy
    as well as create. Red is also the color of Binah in
    Atziluth, (Understanding in the world of Emanation--
    the 3 of Wands), another reference to the destructive 
    aspect of the Mother Goddess. The grey of the heart 
    and the throne is the energy of the unmanifest, reminding 
    us of the formless divinity at the root of all things.
    Excerpted from The Tarot School Correspondence Course


    The Court Cards

    The Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings...
    The Court Cards are far and away the most complicated,
    least understood and simplest-looking cards in the
    whole deck. They are what you think they are, but just
    barely. They are so multi-layered and serve so many
    purposes that the first question in learning about them
    is where to begin. 

    In the continuum of Court Card issues, we need to
    choose a place to start and a focus for our attention.
    1+1=Tarot is the name that shows us where the glow 
    of our attention will lie. We will talk about Court Cards
    as energies. Court Cards are the energy of cycles, of
    sexuality, of elements and of mysteries. 

    4 Thursdays,  June 19, 26, July 3 and 10 

    9-11pm Eastern Time
    Tuition: $95 for the series -- includes .mp3 recordings! 
    Earns 8 Degree credits for live participation 
    You'll receive the mp3 recordings even if you can't attend the classes.

    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    By Gina Thies
    From teleclasses, books and recordings to master
    classes and coaching, there is no shortage of ways to
    study tarot. It is undoubtedly big business and there
    is no shortage of supply for those who want to learn.
    When I was reviewing information for writing this
    segment, I considered the potential end results or
    goals of what students of tarot seek to understand and
    what are the end results of what we offer as
    teachers/mentors. In other words, what do tarot
    students need and want to learn, how is the information
    effectively delivered, and what might you say in your
    marketing content to attract the right students?
    There are many approaches to learning tarot and many
    unique techniques to extract information for the
    querent from the cards and spreads. When you decide
    what you want to do with tarot and the best approach,
    it becomes apparent that sometimes you need very basic
    information and minor details. Sometimes you prefer
    richer lessons, theories and other pertinent
    information that makes and keeps tarot interesting.
    Papa John's Pizza Chain Restaurants uses the tag line
    "Better Ingredients. Better Pizza." If you are a
    teacher, why not use the best of ingredients to produce
    a better than average result. I'd like to think this
    could be adopted as a platform in terms of developing
    one's students, who eventually are the results of the
    quality of the information or lessons imparted and
    imbibed. We are creating future tarot readers and we
    are creating our own tarot legacies at the same time.
    When developing material to teach, or writing content
    for advertising/marketing, here are some sample
    questions to consider at the outset of developing or
    revising your product, class, service, etc.:
    1.  Who are members of my target audience?
    2.  What is their experience level with tarot?
    3.  If I am promising that they can learn tarot in 30
         days, will I meet that promise and how?
    4.  What will be gained from buying/participating in
         this class (mentorship, coaching, etc)?
    5.  How can I under-promise but over-deliver?
    6.  What are the advantages of learning/studying/
         participating with me compared with other teachers?
    7.  Would they be willing to recommend me as a
         teacher? Why?
    8.  Am I teaching something original or am I recycling 
         material from another source?
    This list can go on and on of course. The main idea is
    to get the creative juices flowing as you think about
    where you want to take your tarot practice as a reader
    and/or teacher. Be sure to check future issues of Tarot
    Tips for more articles on Buying and Selling Tarot.

    Featured Tarot Blog
    Intuitive Tarot Guidance by Shonna

    Tarot Reader Shonna uses her blog to answer questions
    and share insights about tarot. Check out this wonderful 
    blog written by a very passionate and perceptive tarot 

     Upcoming Events:

  • June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 2014
  • Tarot Salon
    Forest Hills, New York
    Our popular Monday night Salons are the
    hottest thing in tarot instruction!

  • June 19, 26, July 3 and 10 
  • 1+1=TAROT: The Court Cards
    a phone # will be provided
    Great tarot classes via your favorite phone!
  • June 29, 2014
  • Readers Studio Teleconference -- Free!
    Come hang out with us on the phone
    at our monthly informal get-together.
    It's a great chance to catch up with each
    other and brainstorm new ideas.


       Find us on Facebook
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    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to http://www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2014 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone