Tarot Tips: Interesting Ways to Interpret Reversed Cards

Published: Tue, 07/01/14

An interesting trend on social media and photo-sharing sites, called Throwback Thursday... You're receiving this email because you expressed interest in The Tarot School. PLEASE DON'T MARK IT AS SPAM. You can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of this page. If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 6 #6 / July 1, 2014

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Interesting Ways to Interpret Reversed Cards
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- Tarot Card Showcase: Six of Pentacles 
- Best Practices: Mid-Year Assessment of Business Goals 
- Featured Tarot Blog: Magickal Connections
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a warm welcome to our new readers. 
An interesting trend on social media and photo-sharing
sites, called Throwback Thursday, is all about looking
at images that are classic, vintage or "old school."
In this issue of Tarot Tips, we have a bit of a
"throwback" for you which is not so much vintage 
or old but rather a classic in terms of its long-lasting
interest and use. That's right, we are talking
reversals! Check out some tried and true ways to
interpret reversed cards with some added twists.
The year has reached its half-way mark and the Best
Practices column looks at how to measure your business
success as well as looking at where your practice has
been and where you'd like it to go. It is time for a
mid-year review for the professional reader.
The Six of Pentacles is the card showcased for this
month and we have a fantastic blog that helps you
"live an inspired life" that we are adding to our line-up.

And one more thing...
We are very saddened at the recent passing of
Phyllis Weprin. Phyllis was a dedicated tarot student
of ours for more years than we can count. It was
wonderful to watch her grow in power and wisdom.
She often told us that writing and publishing her book, 
direct result of the support and encouragement she
received at the numerous Readers Studios she attended.
Perhaps you had the pleasure of getting to know her
there. We'll miss her gentle presence very much.
Yours truly on the tarot path,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
The most common questions asked about reversals in 
card readings are usually, "Should I use them?" and
"How do I interpret them?" For the most part, many
traditionalists stress the use of reversed cards.

Reversals cards can challenge the novice and seasoned
reader alike because let's face it, no one likes to
have their world turned upside down and fall out of
alignment with normal perceptions.
Reversed cards can appear in a spread by chance or or
by intention. Some readers choose half of the deck to
turn opposite the upright half before shuffling, while
others shuffle the cards randomly and thoroughly
before laying them out in a spread.
Another challenging factor in reading reversals is the
traditional reversed card meanings. Sometimes reversed
cards mean more than just the opposite of the upright
interpretations. Some reversed meanings are intuitively
negative while others are quite the opposite and have a
positive spin.
Every practitioner has to decide whether using reversals 
is beneficial to their personal reading style. As a 
well-rounded student of tarot, you'll want to include 
tarot reversals in your curriculum as well as deepen 
your knowledge of reversed card meanings.
Reversals are often interpreted as an absence or lessening 
effect of a card's energy. Lack, disagreements, blocks and 
refusal to accept one's circumstances are traditional ways 
to interpret reversed cards. Here are a few other ways to 
read the significance of reversed cards, should you decide 
to use them:

1.  Pay attention. Give special attention to the
reversed cards. No matter where they fall in the
spread, attend to these cards first or save them until
you have gone through the rest of the cards and tied
them into the reading.

2.  Neighbors. Examine the card at the right, left,
top or bottom of the reversed card. Go over any special
connections between the cards

3.  Remove the reversed cards and use them in a
separate mini spread.

4.  View them as the positives. These may point to
what the querent has a handle on and thus it may not
necessary to address them at all.

5.  Worst case scenarios. The reversed cards can be
used to represent the worst-case scenarios of the
possibilities explored in the reading.

6.  Yes or No. The reversal can represent no or that
which is non-affirming.

7.  Say goodbye. Reversals can point to what is 
"leaving" a situation.

8.  Wait for it. Reversal can represent what is delayed 
from manifesting or that which is not apparent at the 
time of the reading.

9.  Ignore them. Remove them from the spread and 
return them to the deck.

10. Turn them upright and read the meanings in the
normal way.

11. Choose one detail from each reversed card that has
significance for the querent, and find a message in it.

12. Do the Math. Utilize the numbers of the reversed
card for special insight.

13. The Past. Reversals can be used to look at the past
or something/someone that no longer is pertinent to the
matter of the reading.

14.  Patterns. Look for patterns such as colors,
animals, planets that seem to be a theme in the cards
that show up reversed.

15. Have querent make a list of dos and don'ts around
the focus of the readings and use the upright cards to
represent the dos and the reversed card the don'ts.

16. Choose a single reversed card that is liked even
though it is reversed. Then choose one that you are not
so fond of and examine the contrast between the two. 

 Tarot School Aphorism




We can't believe we forgot
to tell you!

The updated Readers Studio website is
far from ready (we could easily blame
the recent horrific Mercury retrograde,
but that would be slightly disingenuous).
We did mention that registration is open
for RS15, but neglected to tell you who
the presenters will be!
Drumroll please...
Tarot & Psychology Conference (April 23, 2015):
  • Art Rosengarten, Ph.D
  • Andy Matzner, LCSW
  • Rick Bouchard, LCSW
    Readers Studio (April 24-26, 2015):
  • Theresa Reed
  • Carrie Paris
  • Ellen Lorenzi-Prince
    It's going to be Legen...dary!
    Oh, and speaking of the unspeakable Mercury Retrograde,
    we had the kind of computer disaster you never want to
    experience. If you sent us an email and didn't receive a
    response, please send it again! It wasn't personal. Really.

    Tarot Card Showcase

    In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
    While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
    the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
    images and symbols.
    Copyright 1992 U.S Games.
    Element: Earth 
    Astrological Attribution: Moon in Taurus
    Esoteric Title: Lord of Material Success
    Traditional Meanings:
    The hand outstretched to receive creates 
    the reciprocal urge to give -- a hierarchy 
    of generosity and need. But knowing how 
    and when to ask, and knowing what and 
    how much to give, makes all the difference.
    Patronage, pity. Influence, assistance. Resentment, suspicion. 
    Token reforms. Barely enough.

    A positive response. A missed opportunity. A good heart. 
    An unequal relationship. That could be me! 

    Six Pentacles: The number six was regarded as the most
    perfect number in the Middle Ages because it is the sum
    of its parts (1+2+3=6) as well as the product of its
    parts (1x2x3=6). The six Pentacles are arranged in a
    pattern that reflects these mathematical combinations.

    Merchant: Corresponds to the Hierophant in Key V. 
    The gesture of the hand that is dropping the coins is 
    the same as the Hierophant's gesture of blessing. (The
    astrological correspondence for Key V is Taurus.)

    Round Cap: Signifies understanding of heavenly things.

    Robe: An external symbol of spiritual potency.

    Gold Coins: The four coins falling in a straight line
    are the Geomantic shape "Via," ruled by the Moon. 
    This is the symbolic reference of the astrological 
    association of this card with the Moon. Gold is the 
    color of Tiphereth. Considered to be the earth's most 
    sacred secret, it is also a symbol of spiritual perfection 
    and love.

    Scales: Represent the proper measure of charity
    extended equally to all -- generosity and need in
    perfect balance, enough but not too much. This is both
    a Rosicrucian and a Buddhist teaching.

    The Two Beggars: Correspond to the acolytes in The
    Hierophant (Key V). They represent the needs of a
    suffering world. The Merchant and the Beggars together
    refer to the three pillars of the Tree of Life --
    Beauty in the center as the source of bounty, Severity
    on the left as most in need, Mercy on the right whose
    need is less or none at all.

    Cloaks: Symbols of invisibility, withdrawal and
    renunciation; disguises the true shape of the wearers
    and allows them to take any form and express any
    Excerpted from The Tarot School Correspondence Course


    BIRTH CARDS: Special Knowledge and Applications

    The nice thing about Birth Cards is that they're simple. 
    The problem with people is that they're complicated.

    This intensive is an interface between the simplicity
    of the Birth Card form and the complexity of Birth Card
    theory and applications.

    These two days will be packed with useful information
    and techniques. Even if you already use Birth Cards in
    your reading practice or for personal contemplation and
    self-knowledge, this will be a rare opportunity to refine 
    what you know, and to discover important things you 
    never knew before.

    We're going to have a very interesting time, and we
    look forward to sharing it with you. 

    Saturday,  July 26 - Sunday, July 27, 2014 

    11am - 7pm both days / Limited seating.
    Tuition: $250 for the weekend 
    Forest Hills, NY location. Directions provided upon registration.

    Students come from all over the United States and
    Canada to these intensives. Want even more info?
    Call us at 800-804-2184. 

    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    By Gina Thies
    Despite the fact that most of us are sole proprietors
    and small businesses, it does not mean that we
    shouldn't pay attention to the strengths and weaknesses 
    of our practice like a much larger operation often would.
    An assessment helps measure and identify areas that
    need improvement or sift out new internal or external
    opportunities. While it may be enough to review your
    business once or twice a year, it can be an ongoing
    process for success.
    Where should you start? A great way to begin your
    review is to evaluate what you actually do -- your
    essential activities, the products that you make or the
    services you provide. The next step is to assess how
    efficiently all the aspects of your business work
    together. For example, your location, workspace, 
    the time you spend getting to and from clients, and
    promoting to and contacting clients.
    Keep in mind that a business assessment is separate
    from a personal assessment, and should focus only 
    on your practice as an entity separate from you as 
    an individual.
    A quick and easy suggestion comes from the article,
    "How to Assess Your Business to Develop Better
    Strategies" by Lahle Wolfe, and goes as follows:
    To begin your business assessment, make a list that
    includes three columns:
    Column 1 - The Positives: List successes and things
    that are working well. This column is your "balance"
    column. An assessment or list that only contains the
    negatives is not focusing on the big picture.
    Column 2 - The Reality Check: List business goals 
    that have not been met, and specific challenges and
    set-backs. This is your "reality check" column and
    should not contain personal statements that begin with
    "I." You are not looking to reinvent yourself, but for
    ways to improve your business.
    Column 3 - The Assessment: In this column you will 
    try to identify key reasons for challenges and divide each
    issue from Column 2 into two main areas: Things you can
    change, and things you cannot change.
    To see the whole article go to

    There are various tools to help you with a business
    assessment. I highly recommend researching a source and
    method that works for you. I would love to hear about
    your success! 

    Featured Tarot Blog
    Amythyst Raine-Hatayama is a professional psychic and
    spiritual feminist. She has practiced her own brand of
    paganism for the past 30 years. Check out her blog for
    fantastic articles and tarot tutorials.

     Upcoming Events:

  • July 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2014
  • Tarot Salon
    Forest Hills, New York
    Our popular Monday night Salons are the
    hottest thing in tarot instruction!
  • July 20, 2014
  • Readers Studio Teleconference -- Free!
    Come hang out with us on the phone
    at our monthly informal get-together.
    It's a great chance to catch up with each
    other and brainstorm new ideas.
  • July 26 - 27, 2014 
  • Birth Cards Intensive
    Forest Hills, New York


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    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to http://www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2014 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone