Do you work with crystals?

Published: Sat, 07/12/14

Dear ,
We are excited to share with you a FREE event taking place this month:
Crystal & Stone Guardians Telesummit 
  JULY 29 through

The Crystal & Stone Guardians Telesummit is a free event
that will show you how to partner with Stones and Crystals
to fully express your divine purpose. 
20 Teachers are coming together July 29 through August 11
for two 1-hour calls every weekday. There's no cost to
attend, and even if you can't attend the talks live, you'll
get access to each replay for 48 hours.        
Our colleague Kim Wilborn (who interviewed us earlier in the
year for the Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit, and whom
you may have met at Readers Studio), along with several
other wonderful teachers will show you how to create a
deeper relationship with Crystals and Stones--a partnership
that can transform your life as it helps to uplift the world.  
There's no cost to attend, and even if you can't attend the
talks live, you will get access to each replay for 48 hours. 
We cordially invite you to be our guest at this
ground-breaking event. Pardon the pun! :)   
Join us and experience: 

~ Naisha Ahsian - Connecting with the Crystal Allies: How to Work Effectively and Deeply with Your Mineral Guardians & Teachers

~ Lourdes Lebron & Tara Mideaker - The Crystal Bridge: Using Crystals to Connect the Physical World with the Spiritual Realms

~ Ashley Leavy - Connecting with Crystals: Learn to Harness Crystal Energy for Meditation in Your Sacred Space 

~ Calista - The Atlantean Way 

~ Joy Gardner - Entering the Crystal Kingdom and Queendom

~ Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess - Live and Evolve with Stonebeings, Yes!

~ Smadar Lorie - Medicine Stones for Sensitive Souls: First Aid When You are Reactive to the Shifting Universal Energies

~ Lauren D'Silva - The Crystal Blessings

~ Stephanie Arnold - Animals and Crystals: A Natural Combination

~ Charles McAlpine - The Magic of Crystals; How to Connect with Your Crystals

~ Brenda Durbin - Shining a Light on Your Personal Power Animal with the Assistance of Crystal Energy

~ Caroline Jalango - Establish an Intimate Relationship with Your Crystals for Maximum Effect

~ Danna Weiss - What Does the Stone You Choose Say about You?

~ Evergreen Amundson - Accessing Crystal Consciousness

~ Herb Stevenson - Crystal Awareness: Building Relationships with Crystals

~ Michelle Phillips - Exploring the Potential of Orgonite to Move Forward in Your Life

~ Host Kim Wilborn - Partnering with Crystals & Stones to fully Express Your Divine Purpose

...and more!
The telesummit will take place July 29 -August 11, 2014, 
with free 48-hour replays for every call.

If you would like to partner with the living energies of the Crystal Kingdom to awaken your divine potential, register today for the FREE Crystal & Stone Guardians Telesummit.

"See" you there!
Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone
P.S. Check out the video on the event page -- it's sparkly!