Tarot Tips: Weather, Climate and Atmosphere in Tarot

Published: Wed, 09/15/10

If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 2 #18 / September 15, 2010

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip:  Weather, Climate and Atmosphere in Tarot
- Tarot Card Showcase: The Sun
- Upcoming Events
- Best Practices: Brilliant Ways to Get Clients to Say Yes!
- Featured Tarot Blog:  Donnaleigh's Divine Whispers

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
 And a special welcome to our new readers!
This is hurricane season, and weather forecasters
have the task of studying and evaluating the
atmosphere and how it will interact with and
affect the earth. Everyday millions of people tune
into a weather station to hear what the weather
will be like in the hours or days ahead so that
they may plan their life accordingly. In the same
way, the tarot practitioner evaluates and figures
out the "weather" of a querent's life.

The ancients thought of the sky as the arena of
the gods. They understood the state of their world
by what was going on in the realm of the gods.
Weather was a telltale sign of the state and
reactions of the gods and thus became symbolic of
the inner state of many human characters in
stories and myths.

THE SUN is the focus of this issue, much as it is
a central focus for life on earth. The sun and the
moon are two very important links to weather in
tarot, and can reveal much about psychological and
spiritual matters. The tip for this issue takes a
look at climate and various atmospheric symbols in
the cards.

Are you getting a "yes" to your efforts when
advertising your service? The "Best Practices"
column has illuminating ways to gear your clients
to saying yes. We also feature a wonderful new
blog from a bright tarot practitioner and rising
star in the tarot community, Donnaleigh.
Brightest Blessings,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

Weather analogies are used all the time in
literature. The weather serves as an analogy for
the moods and states of the human mind. In the
rich symbolic universe of tarot, the elements,
climate, and other forces of nature depicted in a
card can reflect the outer circumstances of the
querent or the inner climate of the mind or
emotions being experienced (or hoped to be
experienced) by the querent.

There are three major aspects of natural phenomena
that are represented by climate, weather and
natural surroundings. These aspects can be
corresponded to the suits as follows:


Wands (Fire): hot, arid, and scorching

Cups (Water): wet, cool, foggy, rainy, tropical,
and oceanic

Swords (Air): warm, moist, humid, mild, and damp

Pentacles (Earth): dry, cold, sub-arctic, and frozen


Wands (Fire): sunny, bright; lightning, heat wave,
or drought

Cups (Water): rainfall, precipitation, mist and fog

Swords (Air): humid, clear to partly cloudy,
breezy and windy

Pentacles (Earth): snow, ice, sleet; wintry,
overcast, slushy and frozen


Wands (Fire): hot dry climates, deserts;
lightning, volcanic eruption, lava flow, fires and

Cups (Water): rivers, rainstorms, puddles, seas,
oceans and rainbows

Swords (Air): clear days, clouds, wind, tornados
and hurricanes

Pentacles (Earth): flora and plants, snow-capped
mountains, stars, grassy plains, mud and hills

Interpretations for Climate, Weather and
Atmosphere in Readings

Blizzard: Disturbance to natural state. Internal
conflict. Blocked energy. Feeling threatened or
battered. Isolation.

Snow: Hardships. Snow forces things to slow down.
Coldness and frigidity. The whiteness of snow can
be purifying. Depending on individual reaction to
snow, it can be harsh or relaxing. For instance,
warming up and snuggling when it snows outside or
dreading the bitter winter months.

Rain: Emotions that take away from happiness.
Tears, sadness or an emotional release. Fertility,
condensation or purification. In the 3 of Swords
the rain refers to the astrological attributes of

Wind/Windy: The wind is air in its active and
violent aspects. Being symbolic of the intellect,
windy conditions can signify a surge of ideas and
literally brainstorming. The wind has power that
can be felt but not seen and connects us to the
presence of the divine. In a reading, the wind can
signify a message from the spiritual realm.

Clouds: When a card that has clouds appears in a
spread, it is helpful to consider the type of
cloud shown in the illustration. Patchy clouds
with light or sun rays shining through often can
mean the passing of breakthrough in situations.
Clouds can be thick and hide the divinity present
in all things. Bright clouds can be seen as
uplifting while dark clouds spell trouble or

Lightning: An aspect of the element of fire,
lightning can be life-changing in both positive
and negative ways. A sudden illumination or a
flash of inspiration demonstrates how fast
lightning works. Certain urges and drives like
sexual frustration can be shown by the display of
lightning. In mythology, Jupiter's three
thunderbolts represented chance, destiny and
providence. What are the chances of being hit by

Mountain/ Mountain Peaks:
Mountains bring a huge
awareness into life situations. Man has long tried
to climb and conquer the highest mountains that
can represent the realm of God. The mountains are
a place of higher consciousness and communion with
the Highest Self. A mountain can signify a unique
event. Mountains can be a symbol of challenge or a
symbol of isolation.

Seas/Oceans:  The element of water is illustrated
in many different scenarios in tarot. Although
there are specific astrological and esoteric
meanings for water, in a reading take into
consideration whether the water is still, waving,
rolling, etc.
Does the water look survivable?
Does it go to or from somewhere else?
A large body of water such as a sea or ocean
signifies a confrontation with something new
and unfamiliar. It calls to mind an infinite collective
unconscious in which we all have a part. The sea
gives us a boundary yet calls us to independence.
Several cards have the sea depicted with some sort
of boundary in the form of a wall, shore or landscape.

Rainbows: The rainbow is a very old means of
communication between god and man. It is a message
from the divine that lets us know of the good that
is coming. Rainbows are a symbol of crossing from
one phase of life or an experience to another.
Although generally positive in a reading, it must
be noted that rainbows are optical illusions and
we could be only seeing what we want to see or
only a part of the story.

Sunny/Sunshine: Radiance, warmth and vitality.
The connection to the sun is often represented by
the colors yellow and orange. It symbolizes a new
start and a greater awareness of Self. In a reading,
a sunny day depicts happiness, pleasure and
generally positive outlooks.

Although not typically illustrated in the
Rider-Waite-Smith deck, there are some other forces
of nature and natural catastrophes that should be
mentioned. Sometimes the image on a card may
evoke these from the depths of the querent's
subconscious. They are: volcanic eruptions,
hurricanes, tsunamis, mudslides, thunderstorms,
tornados and earthquakes.

All of the catastrophes mentioned above can
signify a great change in the circumstance or life
of the querent. Sometimes these are truly
circumstances beyond the control of the querent.
In these cases, pay attention to the Major Arcana
cards in the spread.


Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a
specific tarot card. While there are many
systems and decks to choose from in the world
of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite
Tarot images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.
Esoteric Title: Lord of the Fire of the World
Astrological Attribution: Sun
Hebrew Letter:
Resh = Head
Collecting Intelligence
Symbol of Apollonian consciousness for over 3000
years, The Sun in tarot has been illustrated in
various ways. Traditionally illustrated with a
large central sun and two figures, Waite settled
on a lone figure of a golden haired child crowned
with a floral wreath and red feather, riding on a
white horse carrying a red flowing banner backed
with a stone wall in which 4 sunflowers grow.

The child riding the white horse is the symbol of
Apollo, the Sun God. Apollo is an adaptation of
the Sumerian sun god Utu or Shamash. One
characteristic of the Sun God is that of
righteousness and justice, as he has the power to
light that which is hidden and is the enemy of the
deeds of darkness.

In the myths of Apollo it is told that at only 4
days old Apollo wanted a bow and arrow in order to
slay the Python that terrorized his mother. Apollo
was depicted with curly golden hair and was the
symbol of perfect maleness and eternal youth. On
this path we return to innocence and begin to
remember our original state.

Unlike most gods in mythology, Apollo's function
was less than clear. Instead of having a single
domain, Apollo had many functions as a god of
music, poetry, hunting, prophecy, healing and
masculine beauty. It is no wonder that on this
path the "Sun embraces the whole of creation in
its rays."

The four sunflowers represent the four worlds of
Qabalah or the four realms of nature: vegetable,
mineral, animal and human and the Sun's rays
represent the twenty-two paths rays on the Tree of
Life. The wall behind gives protection, control
and boundary, and directs growth according to the
laws of nature.

In The Sun there are opposites and contrast of
light/dark, day/night and masculine/feminine. The
Sun can bring about great fertility or create
barrenness and drought. The child represents new
life, growth and development, and is depicted
without clear reference to gender.

In a reading, The Sun indicates success in
endeavors. The answer to any question is
undoubtedly positive! There is pleasure in life
and the joy of existence. The Sun can indicate
issues with children or grandchildren. The news of
an engagement, marriage or birth can also be
indicated by The Sun.

Positive Keywords: Enlightenment, goodness, love,
contentment, satisfaction, sincerity, glory, riches,
achievement, natural, sunrise, awareness, happiness,
and the good things in life.

Negative Keywords: Unwillingness, displeasure,
loneliness, break-ups, cancellation, weakness,
laziness, stagnation, darkness, anger; unaware,
clouded, closed, unfulfilled.

Upcoming Events:
  • October 29-31
  • Land of Enchantment Tarot Symposium (LETS)
    Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Featuring Mary K. Greer, Fern Mercier,
    Carrie Paris, Margaret Letzkus, Robert Hahn,
    Melissa Weiss Steele, Jordan Hoggard and more.
    Sign up with their in-person attendance option, or
    choose to attend the Symposium from your own home!

  • April 29 - May 1, 2011
  • The Readers Studio (RS11)
    Queens, NY
    Presenters include: Caitlin Matthews, Corrine
    Kenner, Barbara Moore, Mary K. Greer, Bev
    Haskins, James Wells, Carolyn Cushing and
    many more to be announced!
    NOTE: Today (9/15) is the last day to split
    your RS11 registration into 6 installments!

    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    One of the biggest problems for the soul
    entrepreneur is sounding too much like a
    salesperson when trying to obtain commitments
    for their services. This is not an objection to
    selling as such, as it takes great skill to be a
    master of the art of persuasion. What you want
    to do is persuade subtly through your ad or web
    content in order to get a "yes" response from
    your prospects.

    Did you ever get a call from the local state
    troopers' association asking if you'll commit to
    a small donation of $20? Then if you don't
    commit to $20, they will accept a smaller donation
    of $15 or $10 or whatever you can spare, but are
    they really looking for $10? It's all for a good
    cause and you'll get a sticker to display on
    your car and so on.

    These people are trained in the art of consistency
    and commitment, just two of the fixed-action
    patterns that are instinctual response, a precise
    and predictable sequence of patterns in behavior.
    This sequence is set in motion by a specific
    trigger. It can be in animals and humans alike.

    Robert B. Cialdini, a respected social scientist
    and compliance psychology specialist, wrote in his
    book 'Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion'
    that "...automatic, stereotyped behavior is
    prevalent in much of human action..."

    Cialdini explains the principles of reciprocity,
    commitment and consistency, social proof, liking,
    authority, and scarcity. If you understand these
    principles, you can use them to influence
    prospective clients in your sales letter or
    website content.

    Here is an explanation and examples of how these
    principles can come into play:


    When someone does something for us, we feel
    compelled to return the favor. There is an
    overwhelming desire to repay debts. No one likes
    to owe anyone else. When someone does something
    nice for you, you'll generally feel like you'll
    want to do something nice for them.

    How to Use: Think about what you can give. In
    order to get what you want, you have to give
    someone what they want - and sometimes for free!
    A free gift with purchase, a calendar, a coupon, a
    special horoscope report or anything that relates
    to your services or product.

    Commitment and Consistency

    No one likes a flip-flopper. Your message must be
    consistent and clear. Consistency comes in the way
    we shape ourselves socially and personally.

    When we take a stance or go on record, in order to
    gain credibility it is important to commit to our
    stance and remain consistent.

    The best way to get someone to commit to something
    in the long-term is to get him/her to own it.  The
    way to gain a commitment is to start small, make
    it reasonable and non-threatening. This will not
    only lead to compliance but eventually further
    compliance to larger requests in the long run.

    How to Use: Surveys, questionnaires and feedback
    are great ways to get a customer to take a stance.
    In making a request for their opinion, reward them
    with a bring-a-friend or discount coupon just for
    answering. In getting them to perform an action or
    give their position on something, you will
    establish a "commitment."

    Social Proof

    When you are unsure about a product, service,
    restaurant or beautician, who do you go to? A
    trusted friend or resource for guidance, right?
    What others think or feel about something matters
    and then we act accordingly. "Social proof" is
    the scientific term for the sheep/herd mentality.
    It is in times of personal uncertainty that social
    proof is most important; when you are feeling
    unsure, you're going to follow others.

    How to Use: Invite potential clients to interact
    with current or past clients. Sampling through
    free classes or teleconferences. Testimonials or
    letters from satisfied clients.


    We all like to be connected with those of like
    mind. We are more likely to go along with someone
    we like and who makes us feel good. Various
    factors that affect liking include:

        * physical attractiveness
        * similarity
        * compliments
        * contact and cooperation
        * conditioning

    How to Use: Become an ally with others to solve
    problems. Reveal a bit of yourself. Be likeable
    and friendly. Find common ground and have fun.


    In today's world of technological advance and
    globalization, we respond to authority more
    readily. We strive for independence but still want
    expert advice and authority to guide us and show
    us the way. We respond to status, clothing,
    uniforms, insignia and titles as triggers
    indicators of authority that affect compliance

    How to Use: Mention any special degrees or
    certifications you have achieved. Provide solid
    information and expertise from other sources that
    aligns with your own. Demonstrate where your
    expertise has been used or cited. Make a note of
    tenure or years of practice in your particular


    Have you ever noticed how people can get fiercely
    competitive when they come from a place of lack?
    We have a tendency to value things that are
    scarce. Items that are expensive or hard to come
    by send a social signal that they should be prized
    or become a "must have." We should stock up on

    How to Use: Limit availability to a specific
    number. Use time limits and expiration dates.
    Limited-time specials are a great way to create
    scarcity. Create "once only this year" or other
    limited offers.

    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].


    Discover the meanings behind the interpretations
    and hidden secrets of the cards.
    Learn how to read with confidence and precision.
    Cut through confusion, conflicting viewpoints and
    tarot "information overload."
    Create a deep well of tarot knowledge that you can
    access at any time, without consulting a book.
    Find out what is behind the pictures of the world's
    most famous deck!
    Uncover the secrets tucked deep inside you as
    you learn and grow...
    Get a firm foundation in tarot that you'll build on
    for years to come.
    Start your tarot journey here... and go anywhere!
    Study at your own pace and get one-on-one coaching
    from Tarot School director, Wald Amberstone.

    For details, click


    Featured Tarot Blog / Newsletter
    This is the blog of Donnaleigh, one of the
    co-hosts of Beyond Worlds Talk Radio and
    member of TarotTribe.com. She is exceptionally
    creative and an inspirational tarot enthusiast.
    A member of the American Tarot Association,
    Donnaleigh has been a contributor to the ATA's
    quarterly newsletter and Tarosophy International
    Magazine. You'll love her spirit guide portraits
    and daily blurbs on tarot.

    Join our 2,240+ fans and join the fun!
    You never know what we'll say next...


    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2010 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone