Tarot Tips: Fantastic Flora of Tarot (Anniversary Issue!)

Published: Fri, 10/01/10

If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 2 #19 / October 1, 2010

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Fantastic Flora of Tarot
- Tarot Card Showcase: Ace of Cups
- Upcoming Events
- Best Practices: Tender Loving Care of the Tarot Reader
- Featured Tarot Blog: New Paths Tarot

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
 And a special welcome to our new readers.
What a delight to continue to share the world of
tarot with all of our subscribers!
Happy Anniversary, Tarot Tips!
We are marking the one-year milestone of
reigniting our newsletter with the addition of
wonderful contributors and a growing list of
enthusiasts that sets Tarot Tips apart on the
magickal tarot journey. Thank you for being
part of our adventure and for sharing Tarot Tips
with your friends!
!!!!  Our Anniversary Gift for You  !!!!
From now until the next issue comes out on
October 15th, we'll give you 10% off plus
f 'r e e shipping (yes, even international!) on
all orders of physical products -- books,
cds, and even our correspondence course! 
Prefer digital delivery? We'll take 15% off 
your total. You won't find this offer on our
website and the ONLY way to accept this
gift is to send an email to tarot [at] tarotschool.com
with "Anniversary" in the subject line when
you place your order. We'll make sure you
get the special rate when we process your
payment. Remember, this offer is only good 
for the next two weeks, so visit our website now
at TarotSchool.com  so you don't miss out!
Anyone who undertakes the study of tarot will
attest to the power in its images. Together, they
are a rich recipe of symbols and archetypes, a
delicious allegorical dish that satisfies the
appetite of the esoteric seeker. Tarot is truly
The tarot has many secrets to learn, and to study
it makes one an observer of Nature. In this issue,
the tip focuses on the vegetable kingdom and its
symbolism in tarot.
Plants and man have in common that they share the
phenomenon of life and death. Like man, the life
of plants is subject to the environment and relies
on the elements - water, air, earth, and fire in
the form of the sun.
Creation stories linked to vegetation have always
been important and survive to this day. From the
fall of man caused by an apple to the tree spirits
of indigenous tribes, the plant kingdom has played
a significant role in the mystical life of humans.
In our everyday lives, we nourish ourselves with
the fruits of harvest and heal ourselves with
remedies that originate in plants.
Cauldrons, mortars, chalices and other vessels are
tools associated with preparing the special herbs
and ingredients used in magical ritual and
healing. This issue spotlights the Ace of Cups,
which symbolizes ritual, receptivity and the
ultimate attainment in the quest in the tale of
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
We have a link to another amazing tarot blog and
practical advice on the ins and outs of the tarot
profession. The end of the year is approaching
quickly. It's not too early to think about The
Readers Studio. The new RS11 website is up 
so be sure and check it out at ReadersStudio.com.
Yours in love and light,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

Intuitive stimulation is one of the main functions
of carefully examining the cards in a tarot
reading. When asked to pick a detail from a card,
a querent will most often select a large detail.
There is often so much going on in a card
illustration that the tiny details of grass,
leaves and flowers appear almost as an after-
thought. To the well-trained tarotist, the
tiniest item can sometimes provide profound
The following is a list of sample questions to
keep in mind when the detail of a plant catches
your attention in a reading....
1)  Is there a metaphor or saying using this
particular plant/flower that has a message at this
For example - "A bird in the hand is worth two
in the bush" or "A rose by any other name
would smell as sweet."
2)  Is there a particular season or time that
this flower/plant blooms which could be of
3)  Is this a flower that opens or shuts with
the rising and setting sun?
4)  Are you or your querent allergic to wheat, 
grass, grapes, etc.?
5)  Does this plant/flower remind you of an
occasion or ceremony?
Here are typical floral images you'll find in the 
Rider-Waite-Smith deck and some interpretations:
Iris: wisdom, faith, valor
Yellow Iris: named after the Greek goddess of 
the rainbow who accompanied female souls to 
the underworld.
Rose: emblem of the Rosicrucians, sacred to
the goddess Venus
(Red Rose) blood, love, passion, beauty
(White Rose) purity, charm, virginity, secrecy,
female genitalia, the soul, sexuality
Lily: purity, perfection, symbol of the
Virgin Mary
Lily of the Valley: renewal, new beginnings,
reward for hard work
Water Lily: innocence, beauty, origins,
roots, heritage and spiritual revelation
Lotus: wholeness, royal power, purity,
enlightenment, spiritual perfection
Sunflower: the passive principle, the sun
Grapes: revelry, blood, abundance,
wealth, fertility and pleasure
Pear: effort, abundance and nourishment
Pomegranate: fertility, the sun, menstruation, 
integral to Masonic aprons, aphrodisiac, 
female genitalia
Pumpkin/Gourds: abundance, fertility,
Olive: fruitfulness, immortality, victory,
achievement, peace, reconciliation
Wheat: harvest, symbol of the goddess
Demeter, rebirth and resurrection, sacred to the
Egyptian god Osiris
Grass: areas of growth or change,
multiplicity, ideas or thoughts that spring up
Ivy: immortality, growth, vitality
Trees: stages of life, family, a phallic
symbol, object of religious devotion, intellect
Cypress: sometimes represents death but also
feminine energy, sacred to Venus and associated
with Pluto, immortality
Oak: divine presence, strength,
steadfastness, mightiness, protection
Date Palm: masculinity, male fertility
Palm Branch: fruitful and bountiful crops,
Laurel: symbolizes victory and immortality, 
excellence in arts and sciences, awards and 
Tree of Life: immortality, that which makes 
humans god-like, occult knowledge, the Zodiac
Tree of Knowledge: self-awareness, temptation,
good and evil, loss of innocence

Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a
specific tarot card. While there are many
systems and decks to choose from in the world
of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite
Tarot images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.
Esoteric Title: Root of the Power of Water
Qabalistic Attribution: Kether in Briah
The Ace of Cups begins the suit that generally is
associated with emotional matters. It is a symbolic
reference to the chalice in the legend of King
Arthur and also to the Celtic goddess Cerridwen.
The five streams of water flow from an unseen
source and represent the five senses that we use
to experience and gain knowledge about life. The
water also symbolizes the Great Mother, an
all-encompassing Maternal Force. All aces have as
a main theme fresh start and new beginnings. In
the case of the Ace of Cups there could be a new
emotional beginning or the deepening of an
emotional connection.
The Ace of Cups was traditionally interpreted as
"the house." This could be a connection
referencing the cup as a source of refreshment or
nourishment. In the same manner, the womb is
thought of as a house for the fetus during
gestation. It is said to represent The Catholic
Church as the Virgin Mary.
The dove on the Ace of Cups is a symbol of peace
and purity. In Christianity it represents the Holy
Spirit. The dove in this card can represent the
Great Mother, Venus carrying a wafer which is
depicted by a circle and equal-armed cross
representing the heavens and the earth.
The "W" is said to be the initial of Waite and
as a reversed "M" refers to the Hebrew word
for water, mayim. The tiny ripples on the water
demonstrate the subtle activity of the
subconscious. The twenty-six drops of water
represent the numerical value of the letters of
the Tetragrammaton, which equals 26.
Kether in the Ace of Cups influences one to strive
for the highest point of "walking with God."
In reaching Kether we come face to face with deity
and obtain the highest in spiritual happiness. The
tiny bells on the cup make the sounds of the
angels and could signal news of a wedding, or the
birth of a girl.
When you get this card in a reading, love and
emotional fulfillment is in the air. You are
blessed by Mother Nature and feel at one with the
universe. A time of overflowing abundance and
thanksgiving is on the horizon.
Positive Keywords: Pregnancy, fertility, love,
emotions, feasting, inspiration, the holy and
sacred, home, beauty, pleasure, service, goodness
and cheer.
Negative Keywords: Mutation, instability,
reversion, infertility, dormancy, barrenness,
distance, rejection, disturbance, blockage, a

Upcoming Events:
  • October 29-31
  • Land of Enchantment Tarot Symposium (LETS)
    Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Featuring Mary K. Greer, Fern Mercier,
    Carrie Paris, Margaret Letzkus, Robert Hahn,
    Melissa Weiss Steele, Jordan Hoggard and more.
    Sign up with their in-person attendance option, or
    choose to attend the Symposium from your own home!

  • April 29 - May 1, 2011
  • The Readers Studio (RS11)
    Queens, NY
    Presenters include: Caitlin Matthews, Corrine
    Kenner, Barbara Moore, Mary K. Greer, Bev
    Haskins, James Wells, Carolyn Cushing and
    many more to be announced!


    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    Tender loving care of the tarot reader is really
    about taking care of you - the busy reader - and
    managing overload. When is the last time someone
    offered to read for you? When is the last time you
    took time for your own personal and spiritual
    development? When is the last time you didn't
    feel overwhelmed with too many tasks? Do you feel
    a bout of reader's block coming on?
    You may be thinking that times are too tough to
    slow down and how the heck are you going to get
    everything done? If you are not operating at full
    capacity, this could be reflected in your
    business. As the demands of life increase, so do
    the chances of feeling overwhelmed.
    Start by evaluating your situation and ask
    yourself the following questions:
    1)  What am I getting out of constantly being
    2)  What part of my business if suffering from
    my being overwhelmed?
    3)  What part of my personal life is neglected
    from being overloaded?
    4)  What do I value the most about my business?
    5)  What is working?
    6)  What isn't working?
    Here are some actions that will help you alleviate
    overload and be more productive.
  • Create a to-do and a not-to do list.
  • Delegate/Find a partner or assistant
  • Minimize incoming information
  • Have a schedule
  • Change your workspace
  • Find your personal strengths
  • Eliminate what is unnecessary
  • Find your peak energy times
  • Reward yourself
  • Learn to say no
  • Turn the phone off during lunch
  • Take a brain break
    Some of this may be easier said than done,
    especially when you are goal-driven and have lots
    of people depending on you. I am guilty of that
    and have to revisit these actions often. Once you
    get used to efficiency and being more productive,
    you'll be able to appreciate having given so
    much TLC to yourself.

    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].


    Discover the meanings behind the interpretations
    and hidden secrets of the cards.
    Learn how to read with confidence and precision.
    Cut through confusion, conflicting viewpoints and
    tarot "information overload."
    Create a deep well of tarot knowledge that you can
    access at any time, without consulting a book.
    Find out what is behind the pictures of the world's
    most famous deck!
    Uncover the secrets tucked deep inside you as
    you learn and grow...
    Get a firm foundation in tarot that you'll build on
    for years to come.
    Start your tarot journey here... and go anywhere!
    Study at your own pace and get one-on-one coaching
    from Tarot School director, Wald Amberstone.

    For details, click


    Featured Tarot Blog / Newsletter
    Koneta is a student, teacher and collector of
    tarot. Her blog voices her tarot philosophy and
    she explores the wisdom tarot through interesting
    questions and readings. Be sure and stop by for an
    "enchanted journey on your life path" with
    this fellow lover of all things tarot.


    Join our 2,310+ fans and join the fun!
    You never know what we'll say next...


    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2010 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone