QABALAH: Dead or Alive?

Published: Thu, 11/04/10

Hi and greetings from The Tarot School!

Have you ever been puzzled by a card that doesn't
seem to fit in a reading? You KNOW there's
something important  that you must be missing, but
aren't sure where to find it.

Do you have the sense that there's more to Tarot
than meets the eye?

When other readers talk about sephiroth, pillars,
worlds, or paths on the Tree of Life, do you feel
confused, frustrated and left out?

Are you ready to learn a fascinating symbolic
system that is also surprisingly useful?

For 200 years, Hermetic Qabalah has been the root,
the foundation and the blueprint for the meanings
and imagery of Tarot. In modern times, more and
more Tarot readers have discovered the structure
and clarity that Qabalah gives to Tarot.

Far from being a dead, outdated system, Qabalistic
Tarot is more alive than ever!

Since 1997, we have been revealing the structure,
clarity and beauty of Qabalah to our students in
the form of intimate weekend intensives. Our
approach is relaxed and direct, and the
information is beautifully organized and
presented, making it easy for you to understand
and remember.

Wald Amberstone is one of our most popular audio
courses. It's so important to a good education in
Tarot that we've included it in our correspondence
course. The audio course and workbook is a fine
way to learn, but if you're like a lot of Tarot
students we know, there's nothing quite like
learning in a live setting!

It's been over a year since we offered Pain-Free
Qabalah for Tarot Readers as a weekend intensive
-- and we're not sure when we'll be doing it again --
so if you've been waiting for the live training,
now is the time! In fact, we're giving it TWICE
to accommodate everyone who wants to attend:

1st Intensive:
Saturday & Sunday, Nov. 13-14
11am - 7pm both days

2nd Intensive:
Saturday & Sunday, Dec. 11-12
11am - 7pm both days


  • 3 Reasons Qabalah should be part of your Tarot
  •        practice

  • Kabbalah, Cabala or Qabalah?

  • Terminology, architecture, concepts and
  •        vocabulary of the Tree of Life

  • What this has to do with Tarot, the world and you

  • How you can put all this to use in your readings


        > We recommend this intensive for every Tarot
    student, regardless of skill or experience, who is
    not already intimate with this material, even if
    you consider yourself â€oeallergic” to Qabalah.
    It was designed especially for you!

        > If you've read the books and still find Qabalah
    confusing, all will become clear after the weekend.
    Yes, really.

        > We also welcome experienced Tarot
    practitioners who'd like a refresher. Some of
    our students attend year after year â€" there
    are always new insights to share!

    There is a rich, special and natural connection
    between Tarot and Qabalah. We invite you to join
    us for a joyful learning experience that will open
    up Tarot for you like an oyster with a pearl

    TUITION: $250 for either weekend.

    LOCATION: Forest Hills, NY
    (Directions will be sent to you upon registration.)

    Call 800-804-2184


    Register online HERE
    Scroll down to the bottom of the list
    Choose the November OR December intensive!

    We look forward to seeing you!

    Bright blessings,
    Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone


    The Tarot School - Discover Tarot, Discover Yourself!