Tarot Tips: The Angels of Tarot, Part 2

Published: Mon, 11/15/10

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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 2 #22 / November 15, 2010

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: The Angels of Tarot, Part 2 - Invoking the Tarot Angels
- Tarot Card Showcase: Temperance
- Upcoming Events
- Best Practices: Testing the Reader - Handling the Skeptical Querent
- Featured Tarot Blog: Ask My Cards!

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
 And a special welcome to our new readers.
Since the dawn of humanity a belief in or
recognition of some supernatural power has
existed. The ancient world was full of gods,
goddesses and demi-gods or lesser gods. Biblical
texts make reference to several disembodied
spiritual beings including demons. To these gods
were attributed many different powers, purposes
and duties, and humanity has tapped these powers
through ritual.
Many of the gods of one culture were adopted 
and translated into the names of the conquering
nations' gods, bringing together cultures and 
accommodating the changing needs of the community
created through a give and take among religious
To the ancients, the gods were an important part 
of the life force surrounding everything on earth.
Realizing the importance that the gods had in 
manifesting desires, people sought to communicate 
with them. This was carried out in rites, rituals and 
ceremonies, and the angels as messengers of God, 
were among the first recipients of these devotions.
In this issue we continue the discussion of angels
and their presence in tarot. We offered a basic 
introduction to the four archangels and their 
correspondences in the last issue. If you missed it,
you can read it on our website at:
This time we will discuss invoking the angels of tarot.
Rituals in relation to divination techniques can
involve anything from banishing to cleansing to an
increase in psychic information. Our tip provides
information on some well known and some not so 
well known angels that are attributed to the Major 
Tarot practitioners know the importance of finding
the right mixture of understanding and explanation
of the images of the deck that culminates in a
successful reading. Temperance is the featured
card for this issue. Like the angel standing
between two opposing energies, you may find
yourself in a situation where you need to "temper" 
a querent who may be testing you or is opposed to 
and skeptical about readings. The feature article in 
the Best Practices column brings you tips on how to 
deal with this type of querent. 
Of course we have lots of information on upcoming 
events, and Tarot Tips wouldn't be complete without 
a new tarot blog for your enjoyment.
Yours with thanks and gratitude,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

The angelic realm plays an important role in
Western religious and magical practices. There 
are a wide variety of functions attributed to these 
beings and in keeping with the laws of occult magic, 
the angels invoked can be chosen according to their
unique function and natures.
The pip cards of tarot have angels that correspond 
to each hour of the day, each day of the week, and 
each month of the year. Calling upon the correct angel 
in ritual with powerful invocations helps confirm that
a person's will is in alignment with the will of the 
invoked being.
Ritual success can be augmented by adding a
visualization of the image of a desired angel. 
Golden Dawn traditions strongly suggest calling 
upon a specific angel for a specific issue. In 
accordance with the Golden Dawn tradition, 
the Great Angel HRU is usually called upon for 
assistance and guidance in a tarot divination.
Although there are many ways to ritually prepare
for a reading, here is the formula given in Israel
Regardie's The Golden Dawn.
Take the pack in the left hand and with the right
hand hold the Wand or any lesser instrument and
then say: "In the divine name IAO, I invoke Thee
thou Great Angel HRU who is set over the
operations of this Secret Wisdom. Lay thine hand
invisibly on these consecrated cards of art, that
thereby I may obtain true knowledge of hidden
things, to the glory of the ineffable Name,
For a detailed discussion of angels and how they
can be used with tarot, we recommend Tarot
Talismans: Invoking the Angels of the Tarot by
Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero.
Coordinating angelic forces with tarot cards is 
not an exact science. Working with a favorite 
god name or elemental may be a better fit if 
you're uncomfortable working in the angelic 
kingdom. For instance, you might want to invoke 
Mercury for communication issues.
Here is a list of suggested resources which, though 
not exhaustive, gives a great range of additional
knowledge about angels and rituals or rites that assist 
the concentration in securing divine messages.
Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, Three Books of Occult
Philosophy. Llewellyn Publications, 1993.
Cicero, Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. 
The Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to 
High Magic. Llewellyn Publications, 2003.
Cicero, Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. 
Tarot Talismans: Invoke the Angels of the Tarot
Llewellyn Publications, 2006.
Davidson, Gustav. A Dictionary of Angels. The Free
Press, A division of Macmillan, Inc., 1992.
Godwin, Malcolm. Angels, an Endangered Species.
Simon and Schuster, 1990
Regardie, Israel. The Golden Dawn. 6th Edition,
Llewellyn Publications, 1994.

Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a
specific tarot card. While there are many
systems and decks to choose from in the world
of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite
Tarot images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

Esoteric Title: Daughter of the Reconcilers, 
the Bringer Forth of Life
Hebrew Letter: Samekh
Meaning: Prop
Path: #25 Yesod to Tiphereth

Temperance features a large winged figure pouring
liquid from one cup to another. It is considered to be 
one of the most important Paths on the Tree of Life. 
As one of the cardinal virtues, Temperance is often 
symbolized as a woman mixing water and wine,
although the liquid depicted in the cards is not
clearly defined.
Key 14 - Temperance is positioned between Death
and The Devil on the Tree of Life, making this a
"dark" card in spite of its light and non-threatening 
setting. The 25th path is related by some tarot scholars 
to the Dark Night of The Soul written by St. John of 
the Cross. It is a journey in which the soul travels 
through a desert completely relying on its own 
strengths. It can be described as the "light at the 
end of a tunnel."
The darkness imputed to this journey is due to the
progress of the soul through a series of difficult
trials and tests. This is a path of temptation and testing. 
It is therefore called the Intelligence of Probation.
The central figure in this card is the Archangel 
Michael. The leader of God's army, he is 
considered a protector. Michael is associated 
with the sun and the element of fire, which 
symbolizes spiritual energy.
Temperance is sometimes called the Arrow of
Sagittarius. The three lowest paths on the Tree 
of Life,  The Moon (Qoph), Judgment (Shin), 
and The World (Tau) spell the word 'bow' or 
'rainbow' in Hebrew. The yellow irises in the
Temperance card are a reference to the Greek 
goddess Iris, goddess of the rainbow and also 
a messenger of the gods.
In Greek mythology, Iris is often depicted with a
vase in which she carries the waters of the river
Styx, which was used by Zeus to test the other gods
verifying the truthfulness of their oath to him.
If the offending god was found to be dishonest, he
was place on probation from Olympia.
Temperance is called the Daughter of the
Reconcilers, the Bringer Forth of Life. The central 
figure, albeit an angel, is often depicted as female.
Temperance references both the Sun and the Moon,
the two ends of its path on the Tree of Life, often 
depicted by gold and silver cups.
This card leads the individual to the beginning of
awareness of the Higher Self found in Tiphereth.
The symbols on the card attempt to explain the
experience of treading this path of initiation and
spiritual evolution.
In the ancient art of transmutation known as
alchemy, temperance means to mix" or 
"to bring together." Alchemy is often associated 
with the process of turning base metals into gold 
or silver. In its deeper sense, alchemy is a means 
of spiritual and personal perfection.
The important meanings of Temperance refer to its
process of preparing the soul and body to contain
an influx of Light. The process needs constant
monitoring and testing from the higher realms,
hence the presence of the angel who is assigned at
the inner gate for our protection.
The esoteric function of Temperance is anger and 
leads to another interesting interpretation of Key 14. 
The idea of anger in this sense is that of a passion
that is divinely inspired. The word refers to a motion 
of vibrating or quivering with such force that it 
propels one into ecstasy - a spiritual orgasmic release.
This card expresses the exchange of opposites, the
interchange of Fire and Water, though all elements
are present in the card. The angel having one foot 
on earth and the other in water demonstrates a 
harmonizing or tempering of physicality and 
In a reading this card could signify dealing with
opposing energies either  internally or externally.
Temperance reminds the querent not to get bogged
down in distractions and maintaining no matter
the obstacle. A difficult situation may call for
modifying and making adjustments in order to find
a happy medium.
Temperance calls for us to listen to the inner
guidance of our Higher Self.  When presented with
an unpleasant situation, the energy of Temperance
gives us the power to handle anything that comes
to us in life. All trials and tribulations serve to make us
stronger in the presence of this powerful card.
Positive Keywords: Trust, harmonizing, mixture,
adapting, experimentation, moderation, motion,
union, balance, control, examination, reviewing,
and reconciliation.
Negative Keywords: Setbacks, disharmony,
imbalance, distortion, opposition, resistance,
conflicts, competition, clouded, separation,
detachment, and division.

Upcoming Events:
  • December 11 and 12
    with Wald Amberstone

    We're pleased to offer this popular training
    once more this year. Here's what you'll learn:
    *  3 Reasons Qabalah should be part of your Tarot practice
    *  Kabbalah, Cabala or Qabalah?
    *  Terminology, architecture, concepts and vocabulary 
        of the Tree of Life
    *  What this has to do with Tarot, the world and you
    *  How you can put all this to use in your readings

    I loved the Tarot School's Qabalah and Tarot course 
    and found it very useful. It was a fun and easy way 
    to quickly get an overview of qabalah and immediately 
    be able to apply it to tarot.  It enhanced my tarot skills 
    enormously and made esoteric qabalistic references 
    easier to understand. ~ Elinor Greenberg, Ph.D.
    There is a rich, special and natural connection
    between Tarot and Qabalah. We invite you to join
    us for a joyful learning experience that will open
    up Tarot for you like an oyster with a pearl
    This is the last time this course will be offered live
    for the next year or two. Seating is limited so
    register today!
    December 11 and 12
    11 am -7 pm Eastern time 
    Tuition: $250  
    Location: Forest Hills, NY   
    Call 800-804-2184

  • April 29 - May 1, 2011
  • The Readers Studio (RS11)
    Queens, NY
    Presenters include: Caitlin Matthews, Corrine
    Kenner, Barbara Moore, Mary K. Greer, Bev
    Haskins, James Wells, Carolyn Cushing and
    many more to be announced!

    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    Let's face it folks, we're in a tough practice. 
    Many readers still have to hide their interest 
    or involvement with tarot or the occult because, 
    as much as we would like to be accepted by 
    the mainstream public, tarot readers and other 
    occult practitioners are still a "novelty".
    I love when I read for people who have never had
    a reading. I often work at events where attendees
    either don't particularly need a reading or don't 
    believe in divination or psychics at all - they 
    don't believe I'm "real." 
    Let me take a moment and define real as: 
    a.) the ability to tell them something that I have no 
    business knowing about them because I have never 
    met them, and the only way to prove I am real to 
    them is to scare the bejeezus out of them. 
    b.) make a real prediction that has to come true. 
    This of course comes with a personal disclaimer on 
    lotto numbers, sports score and horse races.
    Eventually, you'll have to deal with a skeptical
    querent or someone you just don't seem to
    connect with, and nothing you say applies to them.
    Understand that everyone doesn't have to believe 
    or share an interest in tarot. Skeptics exist in every 
    field - they exist in science, politics, religion - 
    and tarot is no different. It's different strokes for 
    different folks. 
    Naysayers and testers have a motive, but it's not 
    for you to figure it out. Trust your cards and 
    your ability. Learn some people management
    skills and vary your reading techniques. This will
    give you an advantage.
    Let's look at potential ways you might be 
    approached by testers or skeptics, and suggestions
    on how to make life easier for you as the reader:
    1. Belief systems or religious abuse. This is
    usually the first "barrier" that people present 
    as a defense. This may come out in the phrase,
    "I don't believe in that..." What I usually say, 
    politely of course, is something like "You 
    don't have to believe in anything. There is no 
    pressure. And while I consider myself
    connected to spirit, I offer wisdom from your
    Higher self that is applicable no matter what 
    you believe."
    2. Trust Issues.  Like any other profession,
    anyone can scam someone and unfortunately, it
    happens in the divination arena too. A person may
    have had a bad experience and while willing to
    give you a try, may have their own system of
    verifying your skills. You can reassure them by
    discussing any training and/or certifications you
    have. If you've created a Code of Ethics, showing
    a copy to your querent may help reduce their
    nervousness and testing behavior.
    3. I Don't Want to Hear the Bad Stuff. This
    is another stereotypical thing that readers have
    to educate the layperson about. Create a technique
    that is what I call  "non-threatening." The
    Tarot School's Elemental Array technique is an
    excellent example, as it can help querents find
    their strengths and learn more about themselves.
    Any non-predictive, "pro-active" spread will 
    also avoid potentially disturbing news.
    4. No, That Doesn't Sound Like Me. Perhaps
    your querent may be uncomfortable with the 
    mirror you are holding up. In that case, you
    might want to approach the reading from a
    different angle.
    5. The Impossible Question. Could you tell me
    the color of my next car? When will I die? What is
    the name of the person I will marry twenty-five
    years from now? Ok, maybe these are possible to
    answer, but if you feel uncomfortable with 
    questions like these, you have a right to say so.
    6. Deceptive Questions. This would be something
    like asking about a marriage when they are single.
    John Gilbert gave an example of a woman asking 
    about her husband who was dead, as if he were alive, 
    in order to test John's ability as a reader. 
    If you are truly psychic, you'll probably be able
    to catch the deception. However, if you're not psychic,
    you should say so up front. Then the client will have
    no reason to test you in this way.
    The best defense is a good offense. The thing to
    remember is to not take it personally if you are
    tested or are just plain wrong. Learn to ask for
    validation and critiques that will later help you
    improve. Tarot cards are mysterious and sometimes
    scary to the "uninitiated." I like to begin readings 
    with a nervous client by asking if they would 
    like a prayer, or by using angel or goddess oracle 
    cards. This seems to put them at ease.
    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].


    Discover the meanings behind the interpretations
    and hidden secrets of the cards.
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    Featured Tarot Blog / Newsletter
    Madame Jozefa Seaqueen's blog discusses
    everything from reading tarot to oracle cards.
    This blog also has extensive information on
    cartomancy and lots of categories that concern
    various matters, from common questions to decks. 
    So much to cover so little time - tarot-holics will
    love it!

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    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2010 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone