Tarot Tips: Group or Multi-Person Readings

Published: Fri, 04/01/11

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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 3 #7 / April 1, 2011

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Group or Multi-Person Readings
- Tarot Card Showcase: 3 of Wands
- Upcoming Events
- Best Practices: Networking for the Tarot Entrepreneur
- Featured Tarot Blog: Tarot with Nale and Company 

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new readers.
Happy Day of The Fool! Some people have adopted
April 1st as a semi-official Tarot Holiday. If you're 
celebrating today, stop by our Facebook Page at
http://facebook.com/TarotSchool and tell us if you're
doing something special to mark the occasion!
It is important to be acknowledged for any contribution
made to a project and be properly rewarded for a job
well done. It is equally important to be welcomed and
be able to network in a community, and as readers we
can certainly be proud of what we offer to our
community and to the world.
In this issue the focus is on bonding, alliances, group
energy and networking to bring about successful
completion of common goals. The tip discusses reading
for groups of more than one person. We are sure you
will enjoy the newest featured blog, and you will find
useful information in the 'Best Practices' tips
about networking for the tarot professional. The
showcase card this issue is the Four of Wands, which
seems relevant to this time of year when people gather
together for graduations, weddings and outdoor parties.
This also the time of year for the annual Readers
Studio, a place to learn from the tarot masters and
also the biggest networking opportunity of the year for
tarot enthusiasts. During Readers Studio, Saturday's
schedule includes a costumed dinner banquet. If you are
attending this year, you can dress as your favorite
tarot character, so get creative! It is truly a fun-filled evening!
Festively yours on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
It is not uncommon for a querent to want a reading
about issues that concern more than one person. A
querent may want to know about a group, a company, 
two or three friends or family members. The issue is to
figure out who to address in the reading.

Some typical questions like, "How will my family
respond about my decision to move?", "I'm
attracted to John and Dave. Which one should I date?"
"Will my company be in financial trouble? I am
worried about my job." "Someone reported me to my
boss last week. Can you tell me who it is?" "I am
going on a cruise with my girlfriends next month. Will
we have a good time?" are just a few of many
situations that you will sometimes need to address.

The following suggestions are helpful when you are
faced with a "multi-person" reading:

1.  Define The Target. Remember finding the subject 
in a sentence in elementary English class? The target of 
the inquiry may be the querent specifically and have
nothing to do with other people included in the
question. Also the querent may have an actual person in
mind but may be avoiding addressing them directly.

2.  Narrow It Down. When the querent names too many
people or uses the word "somebody," this is an
opportunity to ask if they can name a person they have 
in mind and eliminate the others from the equation.

3.  Court Cards. The appearance of a Court Card may
indicate a specific person or represent the "group"
personality. This is especially helpful when the inquiry 
is about a "company," "we," "they," "family," etc.

4.  Special Spreads. Find or design spreads that will
represent specific parties in certain positions.

5.  Clarify The Issue. For instance, in the example
question, "Will my company be in financial trouble? I
am worried about my job." there seem to be two
separate issues. The company's finances is one and
the querent's job worry another issue. The anxiety
about the job may have nothing to do with the finances
of the company.

We are all subject to the influence of groups and
like-minded individuals. Tarot readings can be helpful
in sorting these things out.

Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

4 of WANDS
Astrological Attribution: Venus in Aries
Qabalistic Attribution: Chesed in Atziluth 
             (Mercy in the World of Emanation)
Esoteric Title: Lord of Perfected Work
In the Four of Wands, Venus is activated by the Mars
energy in Aries. The energy in this card demonstrates
how love and romance flows easily into ones life and
could relate to getting along well with others.
This card expresses cheerfulness and enthusiasm that
causes one to excel in social circumstances. In the
Four of Wands it's all about social urges; the ties
we share in family, partnerships and community.
The number four symbolizes completion, perfection,
totality and bringing things to fruition. The two
figures raise their arms high above their heads with
hands filled with the nature's abundance. The flowers
represent the love and luxury of Venus.
The astrological meaning of this card can be considered
but Venus in Aries is only the external attribute.  The
Four of Wands speaks to how we celebrate important
milestones, completion of projects or marking rites of
passage in our lives. Life's achievements are
celebrated through ceremony, parties, graduations,
roasts, dinners, weddings and reunions.
The energy in the Four of Wands gives encouragement
when things seem too daunting. It reminds us that most
things in life do not come easily. The bridge on the
card represents moving from one stage to another. It is
moving past mistakes or pains and into happiness. It is
then that rest and relaxation comes.
The Fours of Wands is one of the marriage cards of the
deck. The canopy of flowers and vegetation is a
reminder of the bounty that comes from the earth and
speaks to a fruitful union of two people. This can
happen in any relationship of course including work
In a reading, the Four of Wands can represent
negotiations, talks, or compromises between opposing
parties. There can be a feel of serenity in the midst
of a lot of activity and turmoil.
With the Four of Wands as Mercy in the World of
Emanation, there is a sense of Divine protection. As
social creatures we have the capacity to welcome and
trust those who may be new to our family and community.
There is freedom to rejoice and celebrate successful
endeavors and even though the party won't go on
forever, it will mark a time that is memorable and
rewarding. It is interesting to note that the card has
such a happy and fortunate energy that, even when it is
reversed, some traditions consider the card meanings to
be unaltered.
Positive Keywords: Gatherings, weddings, party,
celebration, blessings, harvest, home, protection,
enjoyment, gifts, visitors, reunions, bounty, society,
agreements and contracts.
Negative Keywords: Tension, delays, dread, disruption;
unwelcome, uncomfortable, unwanted, insecure,
insincere, unreliable and socially inept.

Upcoming Events:
  • April 29 - May 1, 2011
  • The Readers Studio (RS11)
    LaGuardia Marriott Hotel
    Queens, New York
    Presenters include: Caitlín Matthews, Corrine
    Kenner, Barbara Moore, Mary K. Greer, Bev
    Haskins, James Wells, Carolyn Cushing and
    many more!
  • May 25, 2011
  • World Tarot Day

    On World Tarot Day we celebrate the diversity
    of tarot and bring tarot to the world.

  • June 17 - 19, 2011
  • Tarot Southern Symposium
    Bella Rahka Retreat Centre
    Auckland, New Zealand
    Presenters include: 
    Fern Mercier, Lynn Howarth-Olds, 
    Jean-Michel David, Annie Dunlop, 
    Diane Thorp and Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber
  • August 27 - 28, 2011
  • San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium
    Golden Gateway Holiday Inn
    San Francisco, California
    Their 20th Anniversary celebration!


    Best Practices for Professional Readers

    Networking is more than just meeting people. People
    often think of networking as meetings at a local
    restaurant or bar for "chit-chat", shaking hands
    and swapping business cards.
    Business networking for entrepreneurs and professionals
    means establishing relationships that are mutually
    promising and beneficial to all involved. It does
    happen that networking activities are often done
    through the venues of dinners, happy hours, club
    activity, seminars or conventions. In the new social
    networking age, the internet also plays a major role in
    connecting with potential clients and business
    The great advantage to networking is that it
    establishes working relationships that will enhance
    your bottom line. The results can be often seen
    immediately, but it might take time as you build
    relationships out of your initial contacts.
    Exchanging ideas or discovering out how others can
    support your practice is at the heart of networking.
    Building a sphere of influence through networking is
    also fun as you get to commune with a group of
    like-minded people.
    While not every contact you make can help you with
    building your business, here are a few tips to guide
    you in successful networking:
    1.  Know the type of individuals that can help you
    and you can help.
    2.  Keep a database of related businesses and
    practitioners for reference that may be useful in the
    3.  Have the goal in mind to help them while they are
    helping you. This is an important attitude to adopt. In
    the long run, reciprocity works.
    4.  Use networking as a low cost way to promote your
    website, services, classes, etc.
    5.  Drop the scarcity mentality. Clients are hard to
    get and keep, yes, but do not be afraid to give
    referrals and accept them.
    6.  Become a wealth of resources. When you are
    recognized as a strong resource, you will be sought out
    for ideas, concepts and information.
    7.  Recognize that you may network differently for
    business contacts and for potential clients. Know the
    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].

    Tarot Lovers Welcome Home! 

    Join our international event as hundreds of tarot

    readers, teachers, authors and artists gather for three

    extraordinary days of tarot study and play.

    The 2011 Readers Studio ...the place to be for tarot! Click Here!

    April 29 - May 1, 2011
    LaGuardia Marriott Hotel, New York

    for all the details!

    Featured Tarot Blog
    Tarot enthusiast and deck collector Mary Nale uses this
    blog in a very practical way. It features readings from
    a very personal perspective, deck reviews, a list of
    favorite tarot books, and she takes you on a journey
    through the cards she loves. Mary is a member of The
    Tarot Guild where you can read her regular postings.
    Follow Mary and see how tarot has truly changed her


    Join our 2,940+ fans and join the fun!
    You never know what we'll say next...


    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2011 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone