Tarot Tips: A Little Bit About... Shuffling Cards

Published: Sun, 01/01/12


If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 4 #1 / January 1, 2012

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: A Little Bit About... Shuffling Cards
- Tarot Card Showcase: Two of Pentacles
- Upcoming Events
- Best Practices: 2012 Prophecies and Changes - Are You Ready?
- Featured Tarot Blog: Tarot Totes

Happy New Year Tarot Tips Readers!
We extend a warm welcome to you all with wishes for
vibrant health, abundant prosperity and joy!
2012 has arrived! Our thoughts are turning to the many
combinations of joy, intensity, potential and fun this
year will offer. While every year brings change, this
year has been particularly marked for big changes.

The prophecy of 2012 is touched on in the Best Practices
column, but we wanted to focus on the positive side of
what can be good about change. Change has comes to
The Tarot School with the launch of our new store. Stop
by and visit today. We'll give you a special $10 coupon
just for logging in! http://tarotschool.com/store

All readings start with shuffling. Is there a right or
wrong way to shuffle? The tip in this issue helps with
this important step in the reading structure. No other
card makes us think of juggling and shuffling like the
Two of Pentacles, so we have chosen it to showcase in
this issue.
This past month we were very honored to be included in
Biddy Tarot's "15 of the Best Insights on How to Become
a Tarot Expert." It's a great collection of insights and each of
us had something different to say. You can see the article at

And one more thing...
We're very excited to unveil the new Readers Studio
poster art by Ciro Marchetti for RS12. It's delightfully
different, and you can see it further down the page.
For the impact of a larger version, check it out at
Yours in harmony on the tarot path,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
Shuffling becomes a natural habit for any card user.
There are many ways to shuffle and mix up cards. Some
readers are mixers, some shuffle delicately, while others
get right in there bending and curling the deck until it
feels just right.

When one card flies out to the floor or desk, what should
you do? Should you start all over? Did you mess up?
Is there something to pay attention to about this one card?
What if half the deck falls? There are all sorts of myths
surrounding the dos and don'ts of tarot. Let's look at the
process of shuffling cards.

For obvious reasons, cards should be shuffled. Cards
are packed in order according to the method of its
producer, and they need to be randomized to be useful.
Also, new cards can stick together, so it is a good
practice to loosen them from each other.

Tarot represents four ideal symbolic worlds, with all
their parts and connections. In the beginning, when the
pack is opened, these card worlds have a natural order
to them. From these ideal worlds, the one world of a
mixed deck is made from the chaos of shuffling. It is
the connection between the inner spirit of tarot and
the reality we do readings to understand.

Shuffling is a process that can range from the simple
to the elaborate. It gives you a way to start up your
intuitive energy. When a card falls "accidentally"
on the floor, it could mean something or it could mean
nothing at all. Your inner state as you shuffle will
help you decide if this is important or just a distraction.

It is important as part of the tarot reading process
that you be able to enter sacred space. Lack of
concentration and distraction makes for a poor reading,
and shuffling helps you to focus comfortably.

Here's a delightful video with Amethyst Mahoney
demonstrating some excellent ways to get an ordered
deck ready for reading. Enjoy!


Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

Astrological Attribution: Jupiter in Capricorn
Qabalistic Attribution: Chochma in Assiah
Esoteric Title: Lord of Harmonious Change
In the image of the Two of Pentacles we see a figure
juggling two disks enclosed by a green lemniscate. This
juggler moves to keep his tall hat on his head while
simultaneously handling the pentacles. The design
background shows two ships on the swell of ocean waves.

Here we see the steady effort the juggler has to make to
keep things moving without dropping a ball. Pamela Colman
Smith's illustration of this card appears to place emphasis on
movement, agility and flexibility. The energy of Jupiter in
Capricorn is a decan of ups and downs, gain and loss,
routine and concentration. This could be interpreted as
taking comfort and pleasure in maintaining the balance
of continuous change.

The Two of Pentacles in many early decks was typically
designed with opposing disks surrounded by a ribbon or
banner in the shape of an S. This S-shaped detail contained
the name of the card-maker, and the city and year of its
publication. In addition to this detail, a tax stamp was
also used to date and validate decks.

On another level, this card is also often interpreted as
"robbing Peter to pay Paul." Prudence in handling
financial matters is cautioned by this card.

It seems contradictory that a card called the Lord of
Harmonious Change suggests difficulties and obstacles.
But change can often feel unpleasant or uncomfortable,
even when it leads to beneficial results.

In a reading, this card can indicate juggling two or more
things at once. Troubles and blessings may come in pairs.
Recreation, play and gaiety are also connected to this card.
Change is constant. Good fortune in your travels, business
and social life.

Positive Keywords: Joy, play, gaiety, vacation, money
concerns, possessions, sharing, settlement, harmony,
liveliness, gain, balance, partnership, communication,
exchange and flexibility.

Negative Keywords: Weakness, loss, argument,
embarrassment, inconsistency, difficulty, prevention,
confusion, obstruction, discontent, worry, perplexity,
and instability.

Tarot Affirmation: I work in harmony with change and settle
into a natural rhythm allowing joy to enter constantly.


Upcoming Events:
The Star, The Moon, The Sun -- the infinite, the
intimate and the immediate light that illuminates the
theatre of nature.

Judgement and The World -- the shadows that are the
natural consequence of light.

The theatre of nature is the universe we know, and it
is a play of light and shadow. Here is where we take
the stage, where we stand beneath the lights and say
our lines. Here is where we are what we are, where we
live and die.

This 5-class series looks at creation's end and our
beginning. Come and join us for the conclusion of the
awesome journey of the Major Arcana!


01/12     The Star
01/09     The Moon
01/26     The Sun
02/02      Judgement
02/09      The World

5 Thursdays: January 12, 19, 26, February 2, and 9.
9-11 pm Eastern time 
Tuition: $80 for the series (the 5th class is free!)
-- includes .mp3 recordings! 
Earns 10 Degree credits 
A phone number will be provided.
You'll receive the mp3 recordings even if you can't attend
the classes.

(This only happens once a year!)
Saturday & Sunday: January 14 - 15
Pain-Free Astrology for Tarot Readers

11am - 6 pm Eastern time
Forest Hills location (supplied upon registration)
Tuition: $250 for the weekend
Call to Register: 800-804-2184

  • Sunday, January 29
  • Free Readers Studio Teleconference
    Open to all -- Join us for an informal get-together
    which is often surprising and always fun!
    1:00-2:30 pm Eastern time
    Sign up and get the call-in details at:

  • April 27-29, 2012
  • The Readers Studio
    LaGuardia Marriott Hotel
    East Elmhurst, New York
    Speakers include: James Wanless, James Wells,
    Shawn Nacol, Nancy Antenucci, Marcia McCord,
    Jude Alexander, Mary K. Greer,  Barbara Moore,
    Thalassa, James Ricklef, Courtney Weber, Frances Ktenas,
    Paris Finley, Chanah Liora Wizenberg, Ciro Marchetti,
    Sheilaa Hite and Mike Hernandez.

    Best Practices for Professional Readers

    2011 was a rough year and the Doomsday prophecies of 2012
    may make things worse in a lot of ways. I am going out on a
    limb here and make a prediction that I will be asked if the
    world is going to end in December 2012. I bet you will be, too.
    You may get asked at the very least "Will I die?"or maybe
    "Is Jesus coming?"

    I have a huge sense of humor around certain questions, but
    unfortunately some querents will pose these questions in all
    seriousness. While many theorists, debunkers and other
    researchers do not believe the end of the world will happen
    or that cataclysmic changes will occur on December 21, 2012,
    it doesn't change the fact that there are some frightened or
    doubtful people.

    While romance, finance and success will continue to concern
    the majority, others are juggling more than they can handle.
    Here are some things to keep in mind when reading for anyone
    going through changes, especially the challenging kind:


    1.    Keep yourself balanced.

    2.    Use whatever technique of protection you know from
           ambient negative energy.

    3.    Have empathy for the fears or concerns of your client.

    4.    Explain your ethics or concerns on death readings.

    5.    If they are truly distressed, suggest a mental health

    6.    Follow your instincts; if something feels off don't
           ignore it.

    I thought I would share two interesting links, one slightly
    lighter than the other, but great food for thought on 2012.

    What Can I do To Help Someone Suicidal?

    Top 10 Reasons The World Won't End on December 21, 2012

    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].


    Join our international event as hundreds of tarot

    readers, teachers, authors and artists gather for three

    extraordinary days of tarot study and play.

    The 2011 Readers Studio ...the place to be for tarot! Click Here!

    April 27 - 29, 2012
    LaGuardia Marriott Hotel, New York

    for all the details!


    Featured Tarot Blog
    Betty Diamond's site features interesting articles for
    every tarot enthusiast. You can even order a beautiful tote
    and other tarot related items to change and your tarot deck

    Join our 3,695+ fans and join the fun!
    You never know what we'll say next...


    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to http://www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2012 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone