Tarot Tips: 17th Birthday Issue

Published: Wed, 02/01/12

If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 4 #2 / February 1, 2012

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: What To Do When a Querent Misunderstands a Reading
- Tarot Card Showcase: Eight of Cups
- Upcoming Events
- Best Practices: Client Testimonials - Do They Really Work?
- Featured Tarot Blog: Tap Your Vision

Welcome to a special issue of Tarot Tips!
Today we celebrate The Tarot School's 17th BIrthday!
This is a very exciting time in the history and development of tarot, and we're grateful for the opportunity to keep exploring and sharing it with you.

It's been a tradition of ours to offer a gift of thanks on
this occasion. This year we're giving away the mp3s of our
recent 2-hour class on The Pentacle. The cards themselves
get lots of attention, but we also like to focus entirely on
the suit symbol itself. It's a little different and a great way to understand the entire suit.

To pick up your present, go to http://tarotschool.com/store
and click on the birthday cake. (Good through the month of February.) Enjoy!


And now a bit about what you'll find in this issue...

In The Tarot of the Magicians (Samuel Weiser, Inc.,
1985), Oswald Wirth explained how "masters"
introduced tarot as a unique tool that teaches us to uncover
the truth and understanding of ourselves. Unfortunately,
in today's world many want instant gratification and try
to find a shortcut to self-understanding.

This issue takes a look at how readings can be frustrating
for both the querent and the reader. Reevaluating your
approach to reading the cards is an ongoing process, and
often leads to relinquishing what you previously learned
about using tarot. Among the many ways to improve on what
you know is to learn to simply listen to you inner voice, as
well as the outer voice of the querent.

The Best Practices column talks about how to use client
testimonials. Using feedback from others will help you put
what you do as a reader in perspective.
Are more of your querents experiencing isolation or
frustration because they lack of direction? Our Showcase
Card, the 8 of Cups, may make an appearance in their
readings. See how the traditional interpretation of this
card "speaks to their condition."
We've found another great blog to check out, too.

And one more thing (actually, two things)...
You may be aware of the exciting new tarot film
being made by Chris Deleo and Kimberlie Naughton.
Production on Tarology will be completed in July,
but we'll be getting a sneak peek at Readers Studio,
along with a Q&A session that will feature a rare
in-person appearance by Enrique Enriquez. You
won't want to miss it!
Also, the filmmakers have put together a wonderful
Readers Studio movie short with interviews and
scenes from the conference. We'd love you to
watch it and share it with your friends!
(And of course, register if you haven't already.)
Click the Movie/Slideshows link on the navbar at
Yours in celebration,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
I've been doing tarot for some time now, and there are
those who don't understand a reading. I use tarot in a
therapeutic way to help querents understand themselves
from the inside out. But when I try to clarify what I said,
it's a bit of a challenge, since some spiritual concepts,
like self-love etc. are hard to explain.
How do you handle such an instance?
Even if I clarify, the client still may not understand and
it's very frustrating!

Blessings and joy,

Thanks for your question, Veronica.

It is undoubtedly frustrating to not be understood when
trying to communicate mystical principles. Dealing with
querents is a complex topic because no two are alike.
It is a given that a reading can answer very practical
questions, but the spiritual lesson for the querent may need
to be left to their experience rather than your explanation.

In our approach to teaching tarot, we find it important to
be able to seek and gain understanding of the self through
the cards. Tarot truly is about looking in the mirror and
reflecting on what you see. It's reasonable to expect that
you may in turn be able to help others, but that is not
always the case.

As far as techniques using the cards, when a querent has
trouble understanding a reading, it may require changing
your approach. We know readers love to be in control of the
reading itself, but it also works to allow the cards to speak
to the querent.
Here is one method:

1.    Ask the client to pick a number from 1 - 5 or 1-10.

2.    Count down that number of cards, lay them aside, and
       choose the cards for your spread beginning with the next
       card in the deck.

3.    Lay the cards out for the querent to review.

4.    Ask them to talk or tell a short story about the card(s)
       that seems to address their issue.

5.    Add your interpretation or additional card meanings to
       complete the consultation.

6.    Don't forget to ask if they find the reading useful
       and if they really understand it.

7.    If the issue persists, it may be time for both you and
       the querent to move on.

Other Suggestions:

+  Too many cards
Steer away from long and complicated spreads with too many
cards. It can be overwhelming and intimidating for some to
see a huge spread.

+  Too many questions and issues
The client may have difficulty articulating what they want
to know, or may ask for something general and vague. Then the
reading becomes general and vague, and may be confusing.
Help them clarify one or two key questions and focus on those.

+  Beliefs and Vocabulary
Avoid using a terminology that is unfamiliar to your querent
and making assumptions about their belief system.  Keep in
mind that your querent may not share your approach to soul
evolution or spirituality.

+  Expectations
Be aware that some people have expectations of what a
reading is and what a reader can bring to a reading. Explain
your technique or approach to tarot. They may want a psychic
and not a therapist, or the other way around.

+  Listening
Take a moment to actually listen to your querent. They may
want some objective advice on something very practical. If
you talk about self-love or other "higher principles," that
could seem confusing to them.

+  Re-evaluation
If there are several clients who don't understand your
readings, what is the common denominator? This may be a
good time to re-evaluate your approach to tarot readings.

There is no harm in going back to basics when you are a
seasoned reader. Tarot takes everyone -- reader and querent
alike -- through a process every time a consultation happens.
The experience teaches everyone involved. The message you
are giving to the querent is sometimes a message/reminder
for you.

Using tarot to advise people is a special skill. In order to
successfully transmit information to others you should be
conscious of how they receive it. Bear in mind that everyone
learns differently. For more on this, see our previous article
on communication styles in the Tarot Tips archives at:

There is a theory in psychology called Maslow's Hierarchy
of Needs. At the top of this ranking is self-actualization.
In describing yourself as using tarot therapeutically, we
could say that you are helping your querents to become
self-actualized. But if a querent is focused on a basic
practical need, it is highly unlikely that telling them about
self-love will be well-received at the reading. However,
a reading can still be an opportunity to "educate" if you
find that the querent is receptive.

Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

Astrological Attribution: Saturn in Pisces
Qabalistic Attribution: Hod in Briah
Esoteric Title: Lord of Abandoned Success
The Eight of Cups depicts a lone red-cloaked figure
ascending a hill. Under the glow of the moon, he crosses
a river leaving eight cups behind. Waite's card portrays a
long quest or journey. The journey takes the seeker on
rocky and uneven paths.

Saturn in watery Pisces can produce an environment and
mood of discontent, of disinterest, of abandoned success.

The moon is shown in this card in both full and crescent
phases. The moon represents the ebb and flow of emotional
currents of Pisces. This creates an energy that urges the
seeker to higher attainment.

Liberation is sought through the Eight of Cups. Eights
generally show movement, progress and attainment in the
world. However, with this card we see moving away from or
disinterest in the past, even when that past has been filled
with success, facing the unknown with the need for something

In a reading, the Eight of Cups may mean disinterest in
what was once stimulating. Relationships with certain people
can be draining, resulting in a desire to hide out or withdraw.

On the other hand, the card may indicate intentional isolation
or retreat in order to do some deep soul searching on a matter.

Positive Keywords: Detachment, liberation, release,
progress, regeneration, reevaluation, exploration, and solitude.

Negative Keywords: Disinterested, disconnected, alienated,
empty, alone, weary, and blocked.

Tarot Affirmation: I am willing to walk away from situations
that do not support my emotional well-being.


Upcoming Events:
  • Sunday, February 19
  • Free Readers Studio Teleconference
    Open to all -- Join us for an informal get-together
    which is often surprising and always fun!
    1:00-2:30 pm Eastern time
    Sign up and get the call-in details at:

  • April 27-29, 2012
  • The Readers Studio
    LaGuardia Marriott Hotel
    East Elmhurst, New York
    Speakers include: James Wanless, James Wells,
    Shawn Nacol, Nancy Antenucci, Marcia McCord,
    Jude Alexander, Mary K. Greer,  Barbara Moore,
    Thalassa, James Ricklef, Courtney Weber, Frances Ktenas,
    Paris Finley, Chanah Liora Wizenberg, Ciro Marchetti,
    Sheilaa Hite and Mike Hernandez.

    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    Before website testimonial pages, people made comments on
    products or services they used in print ads and TV promos.
    Advertising and marketing firms used these comments as a
    stamp of approval so other potential customers would be
    convinced to whatever they had to offer.

    Typically you see testimonials in the form of endorsements
    by celebrities. Many sites display testimonials or use a
    rating system with client comments as a means of social
    proof to attract buyers. But do testimonials really work?

    There is general disagreement as to whether testimonials
    are effective. However, there is not a marketing pro or
    copywriter who would say not to use them. But the question
    is how to use testimonials.

    A testimonial page for your site is highly recommended.
    Choose comments that offer a reason to purchase your
    services. For example, "Gina, is a fantastic reader!" is
    a great compliment. However, it is better if your prospects
    read, "Gina is a fantastic reader. The reading was
    accurate, thorough, and confirmed a lot of my own gut
    feelings. The approach she uses allowed me to feel confident
    in making choices for myself and I felt less anxious about
    my dilemma."

    The point of a testimonial is to use comments that will give
    others the "why" or the "because" factor to purchase
    your services. People often make decisions based on what
    others think. Testimonials can also give your potential
    clients an idea about your approach and reading methods.

    Testimonials are excellent to use for special offers, sales
    letters and other promotional items. To get your clients to
    participate in giving you feedback, send a follow-up email
    or thank you note and, of course, ask permission to quote

    Posting Negative Feedback
    You are probably wondering, "what about the not-so good
    feedback?"  Common sense tells you that you would never
    want to elicit or post negative feedback when you are trying
    to solicit business. In many cases you won't have control
    over negative comments, like when you work on a site that
    has a rating system. Negative comments are a way to improve
    upon what you offer.

    If you want honest feedback, use a survey to get customers
    to tell you about your service or make suggestions. Be warned
    -- most people use these as opportunities to really let you
    have it. Remain objective when someone tells you something
    less than ideal about yourself. You may be able turn that
    frown into a smile by being proactive instead of reactive.

    Questions arise when developing or transitioning
    to professional Tarot Reading status to earn
    income. These can range from "How can I make
    money with Tarot?" and "How do I get started?"
    to more complex technical and business questions.
    You may already be up and running and have
    questions about how to enhance or ramp up your
    business. We would love to hear from you. Send any
    questions, or interest in a future class on the
    Business of Tarot, to [email protected].


    Join our international event as hundreds of tarot

    readers, teachers, authors and artists gather for three

    extraordinary days of tarot study and play.

    The 2011 Readers Studio ...the place to be for tarot! Click Here!

    April 27 - 29, 2012
    LaGuardia Marriott Hotel, New York

    for all the details!


    Featured Tarot Blog
    TAP YOUR VISION @ e-Tarocchi.com
    Tarocchi is the Italian word for tarot. e-Tarochhi.com is
    for the tarot enthusiast who loves everything mystical.
    You can find a full list of meanings for the Rider-Waite
    cards and other interesting decks. Articles are written by
    a variety of authors that include topics like astrology and
    oracles. It is busy with lots of resources on ancient symbols
    and tools for self-awareness. Tap your vision!

       Find us on Facebook
    Join our 3,785+ fans and join the fun!
    Up to the minute news, mini lessons and more...


    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to http://www.TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2012 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone