Tarot Tips: The Benefits of Follow-Up Readings

Published: Fri, 09/01/17

"The What's Gnu? column has very exciting news!!" 
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 9 #7 / September 1, 2017
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: The Benefits of Follow-Up Readings
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- PsychWise: Psyche or Psychic?
- Best Practices: Are Pro Bono Readings Costing You?
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

healing energy for Hurricane Harvey relief

We hope that most of you are enjoying the change of
weather and season that brings with it great cheer and
positive energy!
To our Texas and Louisiana readers, friends, and
colleagues, we send out healing energy, and hope that
you are safe and recovering from Hurricane Harvey.
You are in our hearts and prayers!
In this issue, the tip from guest contributor Grace,
demonstrates how one reading doesn’t always
resolve all a querent's (or your own) issues.
She writes about the importance of ‘follow-up’

The What's Gnu? column has very exciting news!!

In PsychWise, Katrina Wynne returns to share
her thoughts from a psychological perspective on
the terms psychic and psyche. In Best Practices,
we take a look at the cost of doing free readings for
the professional.      

And one more thing...

NPR has put together a very comprehensive guide,
Here's How You Can Help People Affected By Harvey.
It covers general relief, blood, shelter, food, people
with disabilities, kids, and animals.  

If you are looking for ways to help, this is a great
place to start!



With love and gratitude on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, Gina & Katrina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

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with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

The minute I tell someone that I’m an intuitive
counselor; the questions start flying like fastballs.
“Are you really a psychic?”
“So what am I thinking? I know you can read my mind.”
“What are the winning lottery numbers?
I’m sure we all have many stories that we could
exchange about questions like these.
I think there is a widespread misconception that tarot
readers have all the secrets and answers to everything.
Obviously, this is not the case. Many of us are here to
help our clients with life’s challenges and roadblocks,
but sometimes they don’t realize that their questions
can’t all be answered in one reading.

I always tell my clients, "Tarot readings are used as a
guide and shouldn’t be the sole basis for making
important decisions." 
I once had a client who desperately wanted a new job.
Her reading showed that there was potential for a
career shift. She got The Fool, Two of Wands and the
Eight of Pentacles.
I told her she could have a new job if she worked at
polishing her skills and stepped outside of her bubble
to meet new people. She seemed pleased with her
reading, but came back a month later frustrated and
defeated. The first thing she said was that she
didn’t get the new job that came up in the last
reading. I asked her what steps she had taken to try
and get a new job and she said, “Nothing.” Her
reasoning was that because the tarot cards showed that
she would have a new job, she believed that she
wouldn’t have to do anything for the new opportunity
to fall in her lap.
That reading was a lesson for both my client and
myself.  Now I always explain to the client about doing
the work. Just like the weather, tarot cards can
constantly change. I’m known for showing my clients
some tough love, but I tell them they have to get out
there and let the tarot cards work for them. In the
example about the job, by getting a reading she was
given a hidden insight that she could have used to help
her work situation. Sending her resume to a potential
employer or going to an after work mix-and-mingle are
examples of ways she could have used the reading to her
With the first reading, my client didn’t do the work,
so I gave her another reading; this time I used the
seven-card job spread called the Umbrella.

The Umbrella Spread
1) The first card is the result of your efforts while
looking for a job: The Moon, which showed her
frustration and lack of drive while looking for a job.
2) The second card is other people’s help in your search
for a job: Five of Cups. This still revealed that she
wasn’t asking for help during her job search and that
she was still focusing on the unhappiness at her
current job.
3) The third card is what your experience while searching
for a job is going to be like: Eight of Swords. She is
trapped in fear and her thoughts are holding her back
from actually looking for a new job even though she
says that is what she wants.
4) The fourth card is what surprises you can come across
while searching for a job: Two of Cups. I interpreted
this as her meeting a new love interest or going into a
business partnership with someone.
5) The fifth card is what type of career should you look
at: The Ace of Wands. She can possibly start a new
business.  It showed that she is creative, and if she
worked a little harder and was more passionate in her
endeavors, she would be very successful.
6) The sixth card is the outcome and perspectives of your
search: Six of Pentacles. Again, if she put in some
effort, she would gain the success of finding a new job
that she is happy with that could bring her more
prosperity and balance.
7) The seventh card is what her distant future looks like
for a successful career:  Nine of Cups. She can have
more happiness, success, fulfillment of accomplishments
and financial stability.
After this reading, two months later she came back and
thanked me. She found a new job that she loved in her
field of study that could lead to promotion opportunities,
along with an increase in salary.  She was excited about
the guy she met while printing off resumes at Office Depot.
She is now one of my regular clients.
With this client, it took two readings to help her
figure out what she needed to do. There may be other
times when it will take more than two readings or
maybe even more than three, but it’s all about giving
your clients the information, and having them use it to
their advantage. Intuition is key.

About Grace:

Recognizing her psychic gifts from age seven, Grace is
an intuitive counselor and Reiki master who has been
reading for over 15 years. She is available for
in-person, phone and Skype readings.
Phone: 248-890-3113
Facebook: Grace Intuitive
Email: [email protected] 


 Tarot School Aphorism
            Tarot belongs to the world of magic. That is true if you believe magic is real. It is also true if you don't. ~ Wald Amberstone / TarotSchool.com


               The 2018 Readers Studio Welcomes You!

                                          (poster art by the fabulous Ryan Edward)


by Katrina
Wynne, M.A.
(excerpted from Life is But a Dream – Jung,
Process Work and the Dreamtime in Tarot
presented at the 2017 Tarot and Psychology
Conference presented by The Tarot School.)

The word “psychic” is a common term in our world of
reading cards. Often, we associate it with an enhanced
ability or skill to tap into information or communicate
messages from a source other than the cards set before
us, sort of a layering of meanings validated in more
than one dimension. You may have come across the
assumption from the general public that all card
readers are psychic, or found yourself differentiating
between being intuitive in contrast to being a clear
psychic channel.
Here is what popular dictionaries say about the term
• Cambridge Dictionary —
adjective – 1) having to do with the mind and the
emotions rather than with the body; 2) If a person,
experience, or event is said to be psychic, the
person’s abilities or the nature of the experience
or event cannot be explained by modern science.
noun – a person believed to have abilities,
especially involving a knowledge of the future,
that cannot be explained by modern science.

• Wikipedia.org —
A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory
perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from
the normal senses. The word "psychic" is also used as
an adjective to describe such abilities. Some famous
psychics include Edgar Cayce, Miss Cleo, John Edward,
and Sylvia Browne.
Wikipedia describes the etymology of the term
“psychic” as a Greek word for the human mind,
derived from the word “psyche” meaning “soul”,
which can be associated with “breath” and even
spirit, as well as conscious life.
Psyche in Psychology
In psychology we are embarked on the study of our
individual soul’s journey as well as the collective
system or network which can include the conscious
and the unconscious realms. This work with the
conscious/unconscious processes is much closer to
what Swiss analyst, Carl G. Jung meant when he
used the word “Psychic” to mean…of the Psyche.
Jung was highly influenced by the philosophy of Plato
who wrote that after death, when the soul separates
from the body, the Psyche is better able to gain wisdom
and experience the Platonic forms (see Wynne’s August
2017 article on “Archetypes”
). Plato’s teachings later
evolved into what Greek philosopher Aristotle expressed
as the “three souls” (psyches). As we look at Jung’s
contribution, the evolution of these three souls appears
roughly as three levels of consciousness. 
Jung described the Psyche as comprising these three
levels of consciousness:

•            Conscious
•            Personal Unconscious
•            Deep or Collective Unconscious
As you can see, Jung combined these three concepts
under one title, the Psyche, then proceeded to describe
attributes of this totality as “psychic.” In other
words, every aspect of consciousness, from mundane
awareness of everyday life to the deep dreaming of our
collective unconscious, is a function of being psychic
for it is of the Psyche.
We all have Psyches and thus can be described as
psychic at any moment when referring to our conscious
or unconscious process. In my psychotherapeutic studies
a distinction is made that describes “conscious” as
being what one is aware of in any moment. The
“personal unconscious” is what you may know, but
are not thinking of or recalling at that moment, while
the “collective unconscious” is a greater topic
better saved for a future article. Suffice it to say
that when we as readers are accessing information that
is within our conscious knowing or memory, such as card
knowledge, we are utilizing the conscious mind, drawing
from our personal unconscious memory banks. But tapping
into the collective unconscious is what we typically
describe as psychic reading. As you can see, Jung would
not limit the term psychic to the deep unconscious
“Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

 — Carl G. Jung
For me, the goal of working with Tarot and other oracle
cards is to find a channel for bringing our dreamy
unconscious material to the surface of our awareness,
and, hopefully, in a way that inspires our clients to
do the same. By raising awareness individually, and
especially collectively, we move away from fatalistic
belief systems and allow ourselves to feel and act more
powerfully, responsibly, and more alive. Raising
awareness is the key, from Jung’s point of view, for
it opens the door to what he called our “Individuation”
process…a topic for a future Tarot Tips article. 


For empowering ways of reading Tarot cards applying
Jung’s concepts please read An Introduction to
Transformative Tarot Counseling
by Katrina Wynne, M.A.
It is available as a Kindle e-book on Amazon.com or it
can be ordered directly from Katrina:


Katrina Wynne, MA, CTM, CTI, CLC
is an internationally renowned Transformative
Tarot Counselor™ and trained psychotherapist
with 45 years’ experience living the wisdom
of Tarot.

Contact Katrina at:
www.TarotCounseling.org  - website
www.MySacredJourney.org - weblog
www.OracleSoup.org - podcast


Best Practices for Professional Readers
By Gina Thies
www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 

www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

It’s an all too common tactic for readers to offer
free or sample readings to would-be prospects, in
the hopes of turning these leads into paying clients.
Some practitioners offer their reading services to
charitable organizations as a donation or as a way
of volunteering.
Just as open houses in real estate rarely bring same-
day purchases, free readings are hard work for very
little return. There are some successful practitioners
that have made pro bono readings work for their
business but they are exceptions to the rules.
It is understandable that the strategy of offering
your services free of charge seems like a great lead
generation tactic. I don’t have statistics either
way, but I do have experience on how it worked
when I worked as an independent contractor on
a psychic site.
So how would a free reading cost you money?
The most relevant way is that pro bono services
aren’t tax deductible. The first thing to know is
that there are distinctions between donating your
professional service and volunteering.
If one sits online in a forum or on a social media site
for 1.5-2 hours answering questions for free, the
expenses incurred for internet connection, electricity
and other things to contact prospects potentially put
you in the red. Also, since you aren’t spending
advertising dollars in most cases, you may be at risk
for not being able to use that time as a deduction.
Publicity and exposure have value but only if it’s a
business expense.
The hours spent consulting for free are not viewed
by the IRS as a deductible. The IRS gives specific
qualifications for pro bono expense that you may
be able to use.

Sure, giving back to the community or serving those
less fortunate may feel good to the soul but may be
hurting your profit. 

• Can You Deduct Pro Bono Services 
From Your Income Taxes?
What You Need to Know About Tax Deductions 
for Pro Bono Services

• Are Pro Bono Services the Same 
as Volunteer Services?
Offering Pro Bono Services May Have Tax Benefits

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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone