Tarot Tips: Tracking Your Tarot Year

Published: Mon, 01/01/18

"Welcome to 2018! It's a time of planning, renewed commitments and..." 
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 10 #1 / January 1, 2018
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Tracking Your Tarot Year
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- PsychWise:
  Tarot at the Crossroads – Where Religion & Psychology Meet
- Best Practices:
  Being Covered – A Word on Small Business Insurance            
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

Happy New Year! 2018

Welcome to 2018! It’s a time of planning, renewed
commitments and new beginnings. In tarot, Aces are 
the epitome of originality, fresh starts and advancement.
The study and practice of tarot generates a level of
commitment all its own, bringing with it fresh insights, 
deepening understanding, self-knowledge and growth.
We wish you blessings of health and prosperity, joy
and peace –– and may the cards gently guide you
throughout the year ahead.
This month the tip was submitted by Angelo Nasios, 
who discusses journaling and tracking your tarot 
readings. In PsychWise, Katrina Wynne engages us 
with an interesting perspective on the meeting of tarot,
religion and psychology. In Best Practices, Gina Thies
returns with a useful look at obtaining small business
insurance, and there are lots of exciting events!
And one more thing...

If you're in the New York City area (or like to travel),
we have two special events coming up this month.
The first is the Tarot School's annual "Keep the Holidays
Going Party!" See the fun poster created by Sasha Graham
and her husband, Bill Brady for details.

We're also holding a special in-person intensive,
"Pain-Free Qabalah for Tarot Readers." If you've
ever wanted a beautifully organized introduction
to how Hermetic Qabalah can add a whole new
dimension to the cards, or if you'd simply like a
refresher, check out the Upcoming Events section
for information on how to register. We'd love to
see you there!

With love and gratitude on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, and Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

Angelo Nasios
Tarot journaling is often thought of as a fundamental
practice. Unless you are like me and find journaling a
real pain. I tried to journal in my early years but those
attempts failed. How did I overcome the hassle of
journaling? I created and published my own journal
designed for people like me. 

Meet the Tarot Tracker: A Year-Long Journey.
The Tarot Tracker was designed to be what I always
wanted in a journal that I did not see out in the market.
Something simple, easy, that would not overload me
or anyone else. 

So, it’s a journal, what is special about it? The
Tarot Tracker is waiting to be filled with your voice.
To record what you are learning from tarot, instead of
being told by someone else what tarot is. The Tarot
Tracker is meant to be a yearly record of your
relationship with the tarot, from the micro to the
macro events in your life.

Your experiences with tarot will translate over time
into unique meanings and insights into the cards. A
good example of this occurred with me a few weeks ago.
For my daily card, I pulled the 6 of Swords. That day I
ran into a former friend with whom I’d had a falling
out. I knew the friendship was over. The other person
acted as if things were ok, but I knew there was no
looking back (6 of Swords). I had made up my mind and
was moving on. 

Sections of the Tarot Tracker

The Tarot Tracker features the following sections for
your journey:

• Card of the Year
At the start of the journal, you will calculate your
"Year Card". Every year has its own card, which has a
possible influential energy for each person. This will
often be unknown if you are not aware of the year’s
card. For example, my book Tarot Unlocking the Arcana
features on the cover The Hermit from the Tarot
Illuminati. The book was released in 2016, which was a
Hermit year. Knowing the connection shows what a great
alignment this was, especially since the cover was
selected without the book having a release date!

• Meaning Tracker
The cards have many meanings; our understanding of
the cards always expands and grows as we learn and
use them. In this section, you will record the meanings
that resonate most with you. As the year progresses, at
any point you like, you can add new meanings. At the
end of the year, you can see how you much you have

• Daily Tracker
Each day has a dedicated page with two options: a day
reading and a night reading. You can do one or the
other or both. Each will present to you a selection of
questions you can ask along with the option to ask your
own question. Daily readings are insightful and very
helpful for understanding how the tarot talks to you.
They allow you to see how the cards can manifest in
your everyday life. This will permit you to develop
your personal knowledge base of tarot meanings based
on your experiences.

• Seasonal Tracker
In addition to our daily lives, there are times
throughout the year that have special significance,
and a tarot reading is useful around these times. For
example, New Years and birthdays are two seasonal
events when many readers, including myself, do readings
for ourselves. The seasonal tracker will keep track of
these cyclical events. Because these events occur
throughout the year, having easy access to them to
review later on is important. Your Tarot Tracker will
have it all in one easy, accessible place. 


Tarot Tracker by Angelo NasiosOnline Group
Connect with fellow trackers online with the
Facebook group dedicated to the Tarot Tracker

Order Your Tracker

(Amazon will say "Temporarily out of stock" -
They will ship them out as soon as stock is in.)

About Angelo:

Angelo Nasios received his B.A in Religious Studies,
and is currently pursuing a Master's in History. An
active voice in the tarot and pagan communities, Angelo
is the author of two books, Tarot: Unlocking the Arcana
and Tarot Tracker: A Year-Long Journey. Writing on
Patheos Pagan, his blog The Hearth of Hellenism is
dedicated to the history of Greek religion, philosophy,
and mythology. 

Visit his website at:


 Tarot School Aphorism
            The Tarot Aces signify pure potential. Everything is still possible; everything is promised but unrealized.

           2018 Tarot School Holiday Party Invitation


(excerpted from Spiritual Roots of Tarot, taught by
Katrina Wynne, M.A. as a recorded online class at

by Katrina Wynne, M.A.

“…the eternal religion that shows man as emanating
from the Divine and points out the path he must ascend
in order to realize the truth of his being—that he
himself is Divine.”
― Eden Grey
I know what you are thinking...you read the word
“religion” in this title and already you are either
fascinated or repulsed by this idea. Please take a
risk, keep an open mind, and be prepared to be
surprised by this brief presentation on the historical
confluence between Tarot, religion, and psychology…
all having common roots in philosophy.

Before sharing some of my research and ideas, it is so
important to honor some of the Tarot scholars we have
in our midst, especially Robert O’Neill who first
inspired my interest in the esoteric and biblical roots
of Tarot back at the 1999 International Tarot
Conference in Chicago, IL (USA). Christine
Payne-Towler, another scholarly researcher and writer
offers her wisdom in a series of articles on Tarot.com,
along with O’Neill, who are resources I highly
recommend for your studies. The Origins of Tarot has
been a powerful resource on the confluence of
philosophical and spiritual movements leading to the
formation of the Tarot, eloquently written by Dai Leon.
Robert M. Place has a new book to be released soon (The
Tarot, Magic, Alchemy, Hermeticism, and Neoplatonism
that updates his ongoing research and discoveries on
the history of Tarot and other divination tools. (For a
list of my resources on Tarot and spirituality, please
contact me at my email address below.)

Religions come in many forms and can be traced
throughout most of written human history. Paganism,
although not an organized religion, is the oldest
influence upon the formation of Tarot wisdom and many
practitioners today identify with this label.
Pantheism and Polytheism, both involving multiple
deities as in Hinduism, have appeared in various Tarot
decks from its historical beginnings to the present.
Tarot History Poster  
Atheism, the lack of worship of a deity, yet embracing
spiritual values and psycho-social practices, is more
relevant to our use of Tarot than one may assume. For
example, Buddhism, Taoism, and especially, the I Ching
(origins traced to approx. 1325 BCE), have influenced
the philosophy behind the understanding of Tarot that
sees the cards’ messages as lessons in finding
balance and harmony from a non-dualistic perspective
—a unitive approach.
Monotheism, represented by the single God/Supreme Being
beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, or Sikhism. 
The Roman Catholic Church had a direct influence on
the imagery and original associations embedded in the
original 78-card Tarocchi decks of the mid15th century
in Northern Italy.
Specific influences come through the Mamluks,
particularly traced in the history of the minor arcana
cards, via playing cards, which date back to 2nd century
China. The Mamluks were Muslim (Islamic) slave
soldiers whose reach spread throughout the Middle East
and North Africa, including the northern part of the
Silk Road where the Mamluk cards landed in the hands
of trade merchants from Northern Italy.
Once these cards made their impact on the wealthy
merchants and aristocracy of Northern Italy, we see the
creation of the first tarocchi decks, custom painted
art cards now known as the Visconti-Sforza Tarot. We
clearly witness the imprint of the Roman Catholic
Church, its art and the stories from the Bible in
individual Tarot cards and their Christian struggle
between the dualistic forces of right and wrong, angels
and the Devil, etc. Obviously, we would not have a
triumph labeled “The Devil” unless there was a
Christian identity in the cards.

Irene Gad, in her exquisite book on Tarot and
individuation, describes… “Individuation is the
process that enables a creative dialogue between the
unconscious and consciousness. It can be experienced
and becomes visible through the symbol, the means
whereby something from within can be seen without,
something invisible becomes visible, something concrete
is given spiritual perspective, something specific and
limited reveals universal dimensions.”
– Irene Gad, Tarot and Individuation, 1994
And thus an archetype points to a possibility, but
does not define it. It can be the symbol that bridges
understanding, bringing the depth of one’s
unconscious material into everyday experience and
awareness. This is the gift of working with Tarot
cards.  The key is to refrain from jumping into the
known, the expected, or the learned association for
archetypes, including Tarot cards, for what may be
missed is an opportunity to access the transformational
potential beyond for which the card is only an empty
box…a form without content…a field duality or
It is rare to find a reference to Tarot cards from
Jung, but this jewel stands out…“If one wants to
form a picture of the symbolic process, the series of
pictures found in Alchemy are good examples, …It
also seems as if the set of pictures in the tarot cards
were distantly descended from the archetypes of
— C. G. Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective
(#81), (1959).

For modern ways of reading Tarot cards applying
psycho-spiritual values, please read An Introduction to
Transformative Tarot Counseling
by Katrina Wynne, M.A.
It is available as a Kindle e-book on Amazon.com or can
be ordered directly from Katrina:

“Tarot History poster & chart” by Katrina Wynne,
available on her webpage:

“Spiritual & Biblical Roots of Tarot” a 2-part
recorded class is available here:
About Katrina:

Katrina Wynne, M.A.
Katrina Wynne, MA, CTM, CTI, CLC
is an internationally renowned Transformative
Tarot Counselor™ and trained psychotherapist
with close to 50 years’ experience living the
wisdom of Tarot.

Contact Katrina at:
www.TarotCounseling.org  - website
www.MySacredJourney.org - weblog
www.OracleSoup.org - podcast




Best Practices for Professional Readers

By Gina Thies

www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 
www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

Reading and talking about insurance can be as exciting
as watching wet paint dry on a wall, right? Covering
our possessions and our family is a necessity in life
but may be an afterthought when it comes to sole
Should you decide to fully operate as a business
entity, as a professional reader, I strongly urge you
to investigate how general or professional liability
coverage is right for you as a professional. Think
about it. What if someone trips over your tablecloth
and injures himself/herself or what if that crystal
ball drops on someone’s toe?
If you are a performance artist who signs contracts on
large events held at commercial venues, in many cases
agencies, vendors, property owners, etc. will require
that you carry some sort of general liability coverage.
General liability coverage protects your business and
you from claims of bodily injury, property damage, and
personal injury like slander and libel from a third party.
You may also get coverage for things like business
property, equipment and other things you need to run
your business.
Depending on where you operate, coverage needs will
vary. Start the conversation with a trusted insurance
agent who can help you decide whether or not business
liability insurance is right for you. As the old adage
says, “it’s better to be safe than sorry!” 

Upcoming Events:
• January 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2018

Tarot Salon
Forest Hills, New York

Our popular Monday night Salons are the
hottest thing in tarot instruction!

• January 10

Annual Tarot School "Keep the Holidays Going Party!"

Thanks again to Sasha Graham for organizing
this wonderful event. It's a great chance to
get together IRL (in real life) to keep the holiday
spirit going –– and you're invited!       

7 – 10 p.m. 
161 Lexington Ave. (@ 30th Street)
New York City, NY
RSVP to Sasha Graham: [email protected]

• January 20 – 21

Tarot School Winter Intensive: Pain-Free Qabalah for Tarot Readers

Tarot School Winter Intensive:
Pain-Free Qabalah for Tarot Readers

Forest Hills, New York

Click Here for Details

• April 26, 2018

2018 Tarot & Psychology Conference Banner


(NOTE: If you have already registered for the 2018 Readers Studio
and would like to add the Thursday, Tarot & Psychology Conference
to your registration, contact us for the coupon code to get the special
2-conference discount!)

• April 27 – 29, 2018

2018 Readers Studio logo

2018 Readers Studio
(Sold Out! Contact us to get on the waiting list)



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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone