Tarot Tips: Matters of the Heart – Common Themes in Relationship Readings

Published: Thu, 02/01/18

"...today we are celebrating The Tarot School's 23rd Birthday!" 
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 10 #2 / February 1, 2018
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Matters of the Heart –
                   Common Themes in Relationship Readings
- Tarot School Aphorism
- PsychWise: Tarot at the Crossroads –
                      Where Religion & Psychology Meet (Part 2)
- Best Practices: The Power of Consistency            
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

Happy 23rd Birthday to The Tarot School!
Who doesn’t love February? There's lot's to love
about it, but today is extra-special because we
are celebrating The Tarot School's 23rd Birthday!
It's hard to believe it's been so long since we
created a place where tarot enthusiasts could
study tarot as long and as deeply as they liked.
Back in the day (yeah, we get to say that!), 
there was only the occasional beginner's workshop
from a traveling tarot teacher – if you were lucky!
There were a few books, but nothing like today.
There was no online tarot community. In fact,
there was hardly an online. Look how far we've
all come!!

The new year is well under way, and for some
of us the things or people we have pledged priority
to for the new year are well in our sights. Inquiries
about commitment, partnership and matters of the
heart tend to be very prominent for the tarot reader
during this month and deserve the spotlight in this
The main tip this month, Matters of the Heart:
Common Themes in Relationship Readings,
focuses on the types of concerns that pertain to
close, intimate partnership and some questions
that may be useful to your querent.

In PsychWise, Katrina Wynne joins us again
for Part 2 of Tarot at the Crossroads, and
Best Practices talks about the importance of
consistency as a tarot professional.           
And one more thing...

A gift for you!

To celebrate The Tarot School's 23rd Birthday,
we have a gift just for you! Pick up a FREE 
Study Guide by entering coupon code BDAY23
when you check out. You'll find our selection of
Study Guides at http://tarotschool.com/store/

With love and gratitude on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, and Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

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Tarot Tip

When trouble in paradise occurs, which it does very
often, it tends to be the hot subject of many tarot
consultations. The saying that “Life doesn’t come
with a manual” couldn’t be more true when it comes
to dealing with couples issues. Relationship readings
are complex because there are two behaviors,
personalities and egos to deal with, and all there
separate issues.

Some common themes a tarot practitioner may deal with
include: infidelity, secrecy, emotions, future plans,
marriage proposals, communication issues, difficult
partners, or new prospects.
One of the most challenging things for a reader to do
during a relationship inquiry is to get the querent to
focus on themselves rather than on their love interest.
Questions such as, “What can I do to be a better
communicator in this relationship?” may not occur as
often as “Will we be together again?” or “Am I
wasting my time with him or her?” 
In some cases, it’s difficult to formulate questions
for a good relationship reading because the bottom line
or underlying current are our emotions. The following
are questions that can be used with any spread that you
may find helpful for relationship readings:

• What have you learned about yourself / your partner
in this relationship?

• How are you fulfilled by the relationship?

• How does what has happened in past relationship
affect this relationship?

• Do you feel heard/ respected by your partner?

• What type of partner do you view yourself as in the

• What feelings would you like her/him to acknowledge
and understand?

• What fears/concerns do you have regarding trust?

• How does your partner / you view the relationship?

• What are the strengths / weaknesses of the

• What is the best outcome based on the current path
of the relationship?
These questions can be used as a stand-alone spread or
combined with other specific questions based on the
needs of your querent. As is the goal of all readings,
the questions should be formulated to get the best
possible insight that will bring about hope and healing
for the seeker. 


 Tarot School Aphorism
            In tarot, the landscapes of personal evolution are filled with welcoming spirits who beckon the traveler forward to join their company. ~ Wald Amberstone / TarotSchool.com


(excerpted from Spiritual Roots of Tarot, taught by
Katrina Wynne, M.A. as a recorded online class at

by Katrina Wynne, M.A.

[Note - If you are a regular reader of Tarot Tips, you
may have noticed that Part 1 of this article appeared
in the January 2018 issue, but may have seemed a tad
jumbled up, for which I apologize. Writing while
traveling for me is a bit like spinning plates…sometimes 
a plate falls…ugh. So, please allow me to share with you 
Part 2 of this series with some overlap from the beginning 
article…much more accurate and comprehensive. 
Thank you!]

“…the eternal religion that shows man as emanating
from the Divine and points out the path he must ascend
in order to realize the truth of his being—that he
himself is Divine.” 
― Eden Grey
I know what you are thinking...you read the word
“religion” in this title and already you are either
fascinated or repulsed by this idea. Please take the
leap, keep an open mind, and be prepared to be
surprised by this brief presentation on the historical
confluence between Tarot, religion, and psychology…
all having common roots in philosophy.

Philosophy is the foundation of any religion or belief
system, the “In the beginning….” statement or
story. The moment we start learning the terms and
characters in a new area of study, it’s like learning
a new language. Be it science, religion, or Tarot, we
are being introduced to a belief system that informs
the structure and boundaries of that code. The leap of
faith, or transforming moment of discovery, is the
moment when we embrace the new philosophy and
dive in to learn more…and to possibly add our
wisdom to the mix.
Just as our human biology and consciousness has
evolved, building upon the experiences of the past, the
hit and miss struggle for survival and meaning in life,
so has the Tarot grown. But what are the ancestors of
this system? What are the building blocks that have
brought us to this time?          


“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the
illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the
slight details we are able to perceive with our frail
and feeble mind.”
— Albert Einstein  
Religions come in many forms and can be traced
throughout most of written human history. Ultimately,
each religious belief system relies upon a philosophy
of where we came from, how to behave, the nature of
life, and/or how to prepare for an afterlife (yes, I
know I am oversimplifying a huge topic). 
In Part 1 of this series, I summarized the various
forms of theism, including the following: paganism,
pantheism & polytheism, atheism, and monotheism. 
You may wish to review them here:

As you probably know, the history of people and their
religions, backed by ever evolving philosophical
thoughts that were rejected or adopted through the
institutionalization process of the powers that be
(cultural, religious, etc.), is intimately entwined
with the images and values imbued in the Tarot cards.
The major historical characters from the Western
world who processed and promoted specific
philosophical ideas that can directly be traced to
various religions, as well as integrated into the Tarot,
include the following names: Ancient Greece philosophers -
Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle; Neoplatonic
philosophers – Iamblichus, Plotinus; and many others.
Just as we find various interpretations of the cards
and their meanings, separately or as a whole deck,
the philosophical leanings swing between unitive
or dualistic values, mundane or spiritual concerns,
reactive or proactive purposes.
For example, in the opening quote from Tarot luminary
Eden Grey, we can clearly see a spiritual message that
resembles the Kabbalistic lessons portrayed through the
Tree of Life…which is “Emanationism” in its essence,
as presented in Plotinus’ work, Enneads. In Grey’s eyes,
the purpose of the Tarot is to be used as a tool for
proactively realizing a higher truth and Divine presence
within the querent.



Religion and philosophy merge with the work of the
designer of the Thoth Tarot deck, Aleister Crowley
(artist, Lady Freda Harris). In his autobiography,
Crowley claimed that his purpose in life had been to
"bring oriental wisdom (philosophy) to Europe and to
restore paganism in a purer form." Crowley’s life was
a journey from West to East and back again, collecting
magical, spiritual, and profound mystical experiences,
then weaving them together for the foundation of his
religion of Thelema. 
Equally significant is the influence of philosophy
upon modern psychology, and then in turn the
application of psychological ideas to the interpretation
or understanding of the Tarot cards as well as approaches
to reading. Often, these ideas or values are parallel to
religious teachings.
In psychology, much like with science and religion,
there are different philosophies and approaches to
working with, understanding, and then healing the
psyche and the mind, or just addressing elements of
the intellect.
We see various schools of thought, each with their
take on the unique workings of the human mind:
Behaviorism (Watson, Pavlov, Skinner), Cognitive
Psychology (Piaget), Psychoanalysis, (Freud, Jung,
Erikson), Gestalt Psychology, and Humanistic
Psychology (Maslow, Rogers) to name the major ideas.
When engaging in a reading of the cards, do you
strongly believe in a cause and effect approach to
interpreting the cards? “You did that…and now this
will happen?” This is close to the way Behaviorists
approach the mind and its effect on our chosen or
automatic behaviors.
Most readers align with the Humanistic values of
free will, personal growth, and the concept of
The approaches of various religions also touch upon
these philosophies of being. Quick example, many
religions have their rules for how to behave in life,
what not to eat, what one is expected to wear, marriage
arrangements, etc. They are reinforced with rewards and
punishments, much like with Behaviorism. To contrast,
Buddhism as a spiritual philosophy leans more towards
self-actualization and Humanistic Psychology values.
In summary, psychology and religion both apply
overlapping philosophical ideas in search of the
human soul and to promote well-being in life.
Tarot is a psycho-spiritual representation of these
ancient wisdoms as well as the tool used to explore
and awaken this awareness in each querent.
May all your Tarot journeys be fruitful and multiply!           

For modern ways of reading Tarot cards applying
psycho-spiritual values, please read An Introduction to
Transformative Tarot Counseling
by Katrina Wynne, M.A.
It is available as a Kindle e-book on Amazon.com or can
be ordered directly from Katrina:

“Spiritual & Biblical Roots of Tarot” a 2-part
recorded class is available here:
About Katrina:

Katrina Wynne, M.A.
Katrina Wynne, MA, CTM, CTI, CLC
is an internationally renowned Transformative
Tarot Counselor™ and trained psychotherapist
with close to 50 years’ experience living the
wisdom of Tarot.

Contact Katrina at:
www.TarotCounseling.org  - website
www.MySacredJourney.org - weblog
www.OracleSoup.org - podcast



Best Practices for Professional Readers
By Gina Thies

www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 
www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

If you had to choose one word that would be important
to a tarot practice, what would you choose? Would you
say the word accurate? How about the word trustworthy?
These are great options but in my experience it would
be consistency. Have you ever noticed how you say yes
to people, services or brands because of their
consistency? It is the one marketing strategy in terms of
being persuasive that effectively works!

My clients often comment on how consistent I am and
by that they are relating to two areas. One being that
insights in my reading don’t shift just to appease my
client, but I share my insights with confidence and the
level of professionalism is high and reliable.
 People typically prefer to make choices among products
and services that align with their own sense of value,
quality and attitudes. This is why certain demographics
can be targeted based on their preference for consistency.
It is a behavioral and emotional reaction. This preference
also gets strengthened as people mature. Think for a
moment how unsettling it is when something you are
attached to or are used to changes in quality, taste or
value. Change can be uncomfortable. People won’t
change services or buy something new without proper
motivation. This is where consistency can be useful.

A new product or service needs to align with their
pre-existing ideas, beliefs, and sense of quality or
values while also freeing them from these pre-existing
Understand how consistency can be beneficial when
you work with existing clients, but also in targeting
potential clients. If you have clients who use your
services on a regular basis, you may have found your
niche or your ideal client. This information will help
you target specific areas or demographics in your
marketing scheme. 


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• April 26, 2018

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