Tarot Tips: Simple One-Card Reading Method

Published: Thu, 03/01/18

"...One of the simplest methods for extracting insights from the tarot..." 
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 10 #3 / March 1, 2018
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Simple One-Card Reading Method
- Tarot School Aphorism
- PsychWise: Tarot for Teens
- Best Practices: Red Flag Indications for Less Than Ideal Clients             
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.


It's March already! How did that happen so quickly?
That means there are only 54 days left until the
Tarot & Psychology Conference and Readers Studio!
RS18 sold out months ago, but you can still get
tickets to Tarot & Psych if you hurry. Check it out
at http://tarotandpsychology.com  We'd love to 
see you there!

In this issue, the Tip keeps it simple with one-card
readings. In PsychWise, Kooch and Victors Daniels
discuss Tarot for Teens, and Best Practices spotlights
the red flags that signal a potentially bad client.           
And one more thing...

Tarot Tips will be on hiatus for the next
2 months as we focus our full attention
on Readers Studio. The next issue will
be published on June 1st.

In the meantime, enjoy our back issues
at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html.
Just scroll down the page until you find
the archives.

With love and gratitude on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, and Gina

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Tarot Tip
One of the simplest methods for extracting insight from
the tarot is the Simple One –One Card Cut. This
method works wells for yes/no inquiries, card of the
day readings, or for reading at faires or parties.

This method is for a quick overview or when the querent
is not necessarily looking for detailed information and
wishes not to take up too much time. The challenge in
reading with just one card is the temptation of pulling
more cards when you don’t like the card that’s been
selected. The other complication is keeping the
question as simple and specific as possible.

With that said, basic questions such as,  “Is it wise
to meet Tom on Tuesday?’ are okay but more complex
inquiries such as, “ I’m meeting friends for dinner
on Tuesday. Should I bring wine, cheese and bread or
just bread and wine, plus will I be sitting next to
that cute guy that lives next door?”
Here’s a good way to perform a Simple One-Card

• Separate the deck into three or four stacks and
reverse one or two of the stacks. Recombine the stacks
and shuffle.

• With the deck face downward on the table,
concentrate and think of a question.

• Cut the deck once with your non-dominant hand,
placing the top portion to the left and the bottom
portion on top. Then re-stack the cards into a single

• Choose the top or bottom card of the deck as the
card that will answer your question.

• Closely examine the card, relating it to the
question at hand. Take note of the first thing that
comes to mind. If time permits, you can write the
insights in a journal.

There are many ways to choose a single card for this
type of reading. Feel free to experiment until you find
which ones you like best.


How To Do A Single-Card Tarot Reading

Tarot Spread Tutorial - 1 Card Spread


 Tarot School Aphorism
            Tarot is an ocean fed by a hundred rivers of tradition and a thousand streams of recorded personal experience. ~ Wald Amberstone / TarotSchool.com


by Kooch and Victor Daniels

When the everyday world seems to lack answers, the
tarot can offer an alternative “reality”—especially
for teens. More and more teens are using the tarot
to create a magical reality like Harry Potter’s world,
or another that fits their own interests and explores
questions that daily school life doesn’t seem to
answer or even address. 

Sometimes a teen's excitement for tarot can inspire
soul wonder. But if they draw dark cards, they can
leave a reader’s table with distrust or anxiety that
lasts for a long time.

In a world of perfect readers, there would be no need
to address the importance of using tarot cards with
impressionable teens in a psychologically sound manner.
 But not all readers realize how heavily their words
and interpretations can affect vulnerable young people
who are newly searching for their paths. When you meet
a teen who has been told by a reader that “he will
never find love”, or that “the cards indicate that
she isn’t capable of reaching a goal,” knowing how
to reframe such messages as a way to realize one’s
potential becomes urgent.

In some ways many teens are well along to becoming
adults, while in other ways they’re still kids whose
judgment is not yet well-developed. Pressure to know
the advantages verses disadvantages in making important
choices and to find answers to perplexing questions can
be hidden under a teen’s shyness, their distraction
by cell phones, or their unwillingness to openly
discuss feelings.

But never underestimate a young person’s natural
intuition and wisdom, or what he or she might make of
your comments. For example, instead of agreeing with
your interpretation that the Major Arcana card
“Justice” represents fairly weighing pros and cons,
in a teen’s perception it can represent his right to
photo bomb a classmate’s selfie. To make sure
you’re both communicating on the same track, be
willing to ask relevant questions. Some young people
will view you as a knowing authority and will accept
your interpretations as a source of deciding truth.
Others will view your comments primarily as a source of
entertainment, or some as a combination of both.

Although there are innumerable situations, and
countless ways to discuss the cards, there are some
beneficial methods for working that can inspire
positive directions and self-discovery. When possible,
encourage a back-and-forth dialogue to gain clues and
insight into a teen’s inner world. This may include
what has actually gone on in the past, what is felt in
the present, and concerns about the future that are
triggered by the turned up cards. This exploration
opens up an opportunity to let out feelings that may
be tightly kept inside.

You can let teens talk about what they see in the
images and speak in relation to whatever is most
critical to them now. You can let them have a turn at
guiding the discussion to get a good sense of how they
want to run with or from the messages they and you find
in the card symbols. Keep in mind that many teens feel
overwhelmed by the complex questions and dilemmas they
face. What internal demons or emotional pressures may
they be facing? A golden nugget might be uncovered when
you open up a chance to make decisions that can lead in
a helpful direction.

Whatever process you use during your reading session,
don’t forget the magic and mystery that the cards can
inspire.  Without fail, it bodes well if your cards
leave your client believing he or she can reach for the
stars and find their way out of any mineshaft of
confusion or fear. 

Written by Kooch and Victor Daniels
Authors of Tarot At A Crossroads, The Unexpected Meeting of Tarot & Psychology


Best Practices for Professional Readers

By Gina Thies

www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 
www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

When we do tarot readings, we tend to trust our
instincts and intuition. You can also learn to trust
those instincts to alert you to people who are
potentially bad clients. It only takes one or two bad
experiences to show that you can’t help everybody,
nor should you.
Very often potential clients select from the saturated
field of psychic readers based on reviews, rates, and
the roll of the dice. As professional readers, we often
take the same gamble when we decide to take an
appointment from a new client. Over the years, I have
used lots of caution in taking on clients.

The following red flags are from my perspective,
and one size does not necessarily fit all. In every
situation, you should use your own best instincts
and judgment based on what you are able to
handle and the needs of your business.
red flag Their energy doesn’t feel right.

red flag They complain about prior readers.

red flag They request trial or free readings.

red flag​​​​​​​ They say it’s a quick question.

red flag​​​​​​​ They question your rates/pricing.

red flag​​​​​​​ There are communication issues.

red flag​​​​​​​ They cancel several times in a row.

red flag​​​​​​​ They disregard your policies.

red flag​​​​​​​ They start off asking for discounts.
While things happen that can throw us all off in life,
in these situations you don’t necessarily have to
throw out the baby with the bathwater. The best way
to avoid mishaps and confusion is clear communication.
If you don’t value your talent and time, no one else
will either.


Upcoming Events:
• March 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2018

Tarot Salon
Forest Hills, New York

Our popular Monday night Salons are the
hottest thing in tarot instruction!

• April 26, 2018

2018 Tarot & Psychology Conference Banner


(NOTE: If you have already registered for the 2018 Readers Studio
and would like to add the Thursday, Tarot & Psychology Conference
to your registration, contact us for the coupon code to get the special
2-conference discount!)

• April 27 – 29, 2018

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2018 Readers Studio
(Sold Out! Contact us to get on the waiting list)



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