Tarot Tips: Guide to Kipper Cards (and more!)

Published: Wed, 08/01/18

"We are so excited to have two awesome contributors this month!..." 
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 10 #6 / August 1, 2018
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Who On Earth? Guide to Kipper Cards with Toni Puhle 
- Tarot School Aphorism
- Diviner's Corner: Divination with the Hanafuda Flower Cards
- Best Practices: Clients and Boundary Issues
- Cool Tarot Project             
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

Excited Wizard

We are so excited to have two awesome contributors
this month! In this issue we are going to look at a different
deck, the Kipper deck, which is gaining popularity and may
have some appeal to Tarot and Lenormand fans. Toni Puhle
joins us with a very informative guest tip on the Kipper
The Diviner’s Corner highlights a very unique system called 
Hanafuda in which Fortune Rebecca Buchholtz provides
an overview and explains how to use this special divination
system. In Best Practices, clients and boundaries is the
focus and will help you navigate sticky client issues in
your practice.
Enjoy and have fun!                             
And one more thing...

Lordy, Lordy! A Fresh Look at the Esoteric Titles of the Minor Arcana

We are thrilled with the enthusiastic response to our 
recent Tarot Horizons Telesummit presentation on the 
esoteric titles of the Minor Arcana! We love teaching 
material that can change the way you perceive and use 
the tarot. If you missed it (and the other great talks that 
were part of this series), or just want to listen again, 
the recordings will still be available until August 31st. 

Get them here:

With love and gratitude on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, and Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

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Tarot Tip

by Toni Puhle
Seriously, dude…. Who could that be? Who has so many
people in a daily read? Who on earth are they?
A mountainous obstacle in many a Kipper Reader’s life. In
fact, the single biggest reason readers give up on learning
Kipper. If you haven’t picked up a Kipper Deck yet, let me
expand a little.
Kipper is a 36 Card German System dating back to the 19th
Century. Out of those cards, 8 are “people” cards and
many more cards feature people on them. Countless Tarot or
Lenormand readers have come to the system and found that
they cannot tell an essence read from a person read and
thrown the Kipper towel well and truly in.
But fear not! Kipper peeps are quite friendly and
accommodating with who they are portraying, so much so
that we can navigate a Kipper Grand Tableau (using all
36 cards) and easily pick out who is who, and whether
they are guilty of popping Ms Peacock off in the Dining
Room with the Candlestick!
Our Kipper Family Tree:

Main Characters Card 1 and Card 2 are
always the Querent and their partner. It
doesn’t have to be a romantic partner –
where a lot of readers fall flat on their face.
No, it can be anyone who plays a major
role in your life. If your Querent’s GT is
clearly work related, we could see their “work husband”
or a colleague!

                       6. Good Gent 6. Good Lady
Card 5 and Card 6 are usually people – fancy that!
Our Mummy and Daddy of the gang, a few years older
than our Querent and providing a service most likely
akin to mentorship, nurturing and supportive in their
natural way. Sometimes the 5. Good Gent can bring
good news with him, likewise our 6. Good Lady can
bring an air of joy, but mostly they are everyday skin
and bones that help our Querent in some way or another.

                      12. Rich Girl   13. Rich Gent
“All the party people in the house say what!?” The young
and hip life-loving 12. Rich Girl and 13. Rich Gent, if you
are over 30 remember back to your early 20’s and what (if
any) cares you had at the time.  Card 12 and Card 13 are
just like that, all about the fun and freedom that comes
with a little independence and a whole lot of naivety. If
you are in your 20’s then enjoy it!  These two peeps can
be your best friend or a back biting “frenemy” depending
on their position. They can also show a colleague who is
aching to get ahead and thriving on the energy needed to
do it!

22. Military DudeCard 22. Military Dude, is the outsider
of the gang, most likely an essence card
(meaning rules and regulations mixed in
with a little aggression) but he sometimes
does chime in as a peep. He can show a
brother, uncle, or a uniformed – official
type peep in the Querent’s life. He can be somebody
who doesn’t quite fit on the standard family tree
– if you are unsure when reading, interpret using his
aggressive side (Mr Blockage) and see if the shoe fits
the cards surrounding! 

18. ChildCard 18. Child …. Awwwww! If you tend
to have a lot of Querents with work and
financial (stocks and shares etc.) reads like
me, then you may forget now and again that
18 is in fact a child at its core! The youngest
generation of the Kipper Family Tree and
literally anyone who is underage. Its nature is playful
and new, but with negative cards we can see our child
throwing their toys out of the pram and tantrums ensuing.
Child isn’t always a child – it can’t be – not every Querent
has a child in their lives. A lot of your reads will see
Card 18. Child as a new project or new situation in the
Querent’s life.
So that’s it – easy peasy lemon squeezy!!
You are probably asking, what about the other characters? 
Well, that is where Kipper is misrepresented. The other
cards which show people on them aren’t even people cards.
They are situational cards, cards showing situations in
which querents will find themselves.
Chill out a little on the “people” in the deck and
understand that some cards are …. Just …… situations.
The End.                  

About Toni:

Toni Puhle is the author of The Card Geek's Guide
to Kipper Cards 
and founder of the World
Divination Association.



 Tarot School Aphorism
            Tarot as a whole is a form of symbolic engineering. ~ Wald Amberstone / TarotSchool.com

Diviner's Corner

by Fortune Rebecca Buchholtz

Hanafuda cards

Who hasn’t been charmed by the Japanese Flower Card deck?
And when we see a beautiful deck, don’t we long to divine
with it? Let me introduce some concepts anyone can use to
begin exploring these lovely cards. 
These tiny flower cards are known in Japan as Hanafuda or
Hwatu in Korea. Arising in the late 18th cent., Hanafuda
have spread across the globe, as migration has carried the
A living culture, games such as Koi-Koi and Go-Stop
are widely played, as well as appearing in manga and 
video games. Playing Hanafuda is common on
New Year’s Day and birthdays at home with the family. 
During these holidays, it’s not unusual for older female
relatives to use Hanafuda to tell light-hearted fortunes
for the coming year. But is deeper divination possible?
Of course!
Even though they’re not one of the most traditional forms
of Japanese divination, contemporary professional diviners
use them based on their symbolism: correspondences to
classical poetry; months/traditional seasons; planets; body
parts; flowers & plants; animals; folk tales; yin/yang; and
fused with reading concepts adopted from the highly
popular Tarot.  
This gives a rich basis for serious divining work. Yin/Yang
associations even let you do the I Ching. 
Structure of the Hanafuda
The deck has 12 suits of 4 cards each, featuring a key card
with a symbolic animal or item, as well as one with a
scroll, like those used for wishes or fortunes (omiyuki)
at Shinto shrines. The two remaining cards display plain
suit pictures. 
Each suit corresponds to a calendar month. The antique
Japanese solar/lunar calendar, based on that of ancient
China, consisted of 72 mini-seasons of anywhere from
3 to 6 days. Each card can represent roughly 1.5 mini-seasons.
Since the Japanese adopted the Western calendar, each card
can relate to about a week, with one card serving for the
whole New Year’s festival time to fill the gap. 
As each month bears a traditional association with a plant,
an elegant language of flowers emerges. Flowers with key
words evoking the seasons are essential to classical
Japanese poetry, giving the suits allusions to literary
works that are as deeply embedded in Japanese culture as
Shakespeare is in English-speaking culture.
Popular Hanafuda/Hwatu Keywords
Acquire the Hanafuda/Hwatu at your local Asian store,
or by ordering the classic Nintendo deck from Amazon.
I also like Jason Nakano’s Hawaiian Hanafuda and
Veronique Brindeau’s Franco-Japanese deck. It often
comes with a slim instruction sheet, including variations
on simple keywords like: 

Hanafuda Chart
Note: the Hanafuda/Hwatu often swap November/December
between Willow/Rain and Paulownia. The Hwatu also comes
with bonus cards, which there isn’t room to discuss here. As
always, journal to discover how the cards & their meanings
work for you.
Beginning Method
A traditional method is to play suit-matching solitaire.
This is a great way to get a reading for yourself as you
learn the cards. Perhaps the most popular way is a variant
of Klondike: shuffle & lay out the first 4 cards (of
different suits) in a row, face-up. 
Lay out 4 columns of cards face-down, reserving 1 card in
your hand. Turn over the bottom cards and try to match them
to one of the suits on the top row. If you match a card,
turn over the one underneath it, just as in Klondike, and
No special order is needed; just pile same suit cards
together until you can’t turn over any new cards. If the
card in your hand matches a suit above, play it and take a
new one from any pile. If not, pick up a card from any pile
and swap it with the one in your hand. Some traditions allow
you to do this once; others 3 times. 
When you’re stuck, you’re done. If you have matched all
4 cards of a suit or suits in the top row, use those
keywords to address your question. If not, your question has
no answer at this time. Some readers are more generous, and
read the cards that do make it to the top row. Let your
intuition guide you. 

About Fortune:

Fortune Buchholtz has been deeply involved in cards since
1998, when she was gifted a Visconti. Moving to Europe in
2014 allowed her to devote herself full time to research in
the card museums & libraries. She returned to the US and
read for sitters in the lovely boutique Journeys of Life in
Pittsburgh, as well as writing for Ciro Marchetti's Kipper
deck. Back again in Europe, she did editing for
Königsfurt-Urania before returning to her own teaching,
writing & client work. 


We’d love your suggestion or submissions for this
column! If you have an idea or would love to
contribute, please contact us at [email protected]



Best Practices for Professional Readers
By Gina Thies

www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 
www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

The word boundary is tossed around a lot in counseling
or advisory circles. In terms of therapy or counseling,
boundaries keep the relationship professional and keep
objectivity from becoming questionable. These boundary
lines can become blurred as your clients frequent you
for your services.

For reading professionals, we can all agree that healthy
distances are a must for our practices. Relationships are
complex, so the clients we serve may not always see,
know or respect our boundaries.
I recognize when a querent has crossed a boundary with me
when a red flag is raised by their behavior. One example is
unsolicited contact for something other than an appointment.
Another one is discussing their reading or problems outside
an appointment. Responding to a seemingly simple text or
email can put you in a really compromised position. Once it
starts it can be challenging to correct.
“Boundary issues are disruptions of the expected and
accepted social, physical, and psychological boundaries that
separate physicians from patients.” writes V. K. Aravind,
V. D. Krishnaram, and Z. Thasneem in the article ‘Boundary
Crossings and Violations in Clinical Settings’ in ©
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. This definition is
also applicable in the setting of the reader and querent.
Boundaries often becomes ambiguous because in the tarot
reading setting, a querent may feel as if they are talking
to their best friend. Setting strict boundaries does not
relieve the practitioner of caring about or empathizing with
a querent’s woes, but boundaries do need to be clear at
all times.
Some professionals deal with this by not accepting
appointments from clients too close together in time. Others
adhere to a code of ethics that is presented in either written
or verbal form.
I once had a client who would send very long text messages
to my business number at all hours of the night. I did not
respond. I would see these messages when I checked my phone
the next day. Yes, it could happen to you! How do you handle

When I get clients who do this, I respond during my business
hours, state my business hours, and inform them that they
are welcome to make a paid appointment during regular
business hours. I don’t go into what they said at all.
If a querent does not respect your boundaries, more than
likely they won’t listen to any insight that comes from
your session. If you feel uncomfortable with a client, then
it is time to refer them to someone else.


Cool Tarot Project

How wonderful would it be to have a household board game
on how to live in beautiful connection with oneself, the
universe and others?

Tiffany Crosara has created the Transformational Truth
of Tarot Game Changer —  a new way to use the tarot to
re-connect with yourself, your ancient wisdom and your
loved ones.

Up to 6 players can play together, or enjoy it all by

“The object of the game Is to get at least four cards, one
of each: (e.g a Sword, a Cup, a Wand and a Pentacle).
These are found in the Minor Arcana Karma Card Deck
and are acquired by getting stuck and digging deep into
your karma! Once you have at least one of each of the
four suits you can then win by making your way to and
landing on The World…

Unlike other games it's not about the destination (winning)
it’s about the journey. As you play, you’ll see your
journey is anything but linear, you’ll be going forwards,
backwards, round and round and you’ll get stuck in certain
places, and as you do the Gods will ask you questions to
prompt the clearing out of your karma, the process of
getting stuck gives you the very things you need in order to
get to The World and complete your mission!”

You can get a signed First Edition by supporting Tiffany’s
Kickstarter campaign! The game includes a beautifully
illustrated Game Board, 6 Crystal Pieces, 56 cards, 3 Dice,
and a Step-by-Step Instruction Book.

There are only 13 days left to the campaign so check it out

Upcoming Events:
• August 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2018

Tarot Salon
Forest Hills, New York

Our popular Monday night Salons are the
hottest thing in tarot instruction!

• April 25, 2019

Divination Day
(Website coming eventually.)

• April 26 – 28, 2019

2019 Readers Studio logo

2019 Readers Studio
(Sold Out! Contact us to get on the waiting list)


(Note: This is still the RS18 website. The new one
won't be ready for quite some time, but much of
the information is still useful.)

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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone