Tarot Tips: Astrology in a Tarot Reading

Published: Tue, 01/01/19

"All the cards in a tarot deck have astrological attributions assigned..." 
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 11 #1 / January 1, 2019
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Astrology in a Tarot Reading 
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- Diviner's Corner: Divination and the Natural World
- Cool Tarot Storage Solution: Ciro's Wooden Boxes
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

Happy New Year 2019!


Do you believe it's another year already? 
As with most years, 2019 will probably be
filled with a mix of joys and challenges.
May tarot be a faithful companion,
supporting you when you need it and
sharing in your celebrations. We here
at Tarot Tips and The Tarot School feel
honored to be a part of that!

This first issue of the year contains
a fizzy mix of useful information,
important announcements, and creativity.

Have fun exploring! 
And one more thing...

If you are in the New York City area,
we'd love to have you join us at the
annual Tarot School's "Keep The
Holidays Going" party!

Sasha Graham has once again made
the arrangements, and we're happy to
say we'll be back at Lallisse -- the
great restaurant and wine bar where
everyone had such a great time last year!

6 PM – 10 PM

Lallisse - Restaurant & Wine Bar
161 Lexington Avenue (Lex. & 30th)
New York, NY 10016

 Make sure to RSVP to Sasha at
      [email protected]

The Tarot School's 2019 Keep the Holiday's Going Party

With love and gratitude on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, and Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

All the cards in a tarot deck have astrological
attributions assigned to them. Even though
tarot and astrology are two separate disciplines,
if you're familiar with astrology, you may find
knowing these attributions can add an extra
layer of insight to your card interpretations.
But you don't need to be an astrologer to use
them to good effect. Understanding the energies
of the planets, signs and modalities can give
you information that you won't get any other way.

For your reference, here is a list of astrological and
elemental attributions according to a standard and
widely used system that we follow at The Tarot School.
(You may find other systems of attribution elsewhere.)

Astrological Attributions of the Major Arcana
(Elements, Planets and Signs)

The Fool                           Air / Uranus 
The Magician                   Mercury
The High Priestess           Moon
The Empress                    Venus
The Emperor                    Aries
The Hierophant                Taurus 
The Lovers                       Gemini
The Chariot                      Cancer
Strength                            Leo
The Hermit                       Virgo
Wheel of Fortune              Jupiter
Justice                               Libra
The Hanged Man              Water / Neptune
Death                                 Scorpio
Temperance                       Sagittarius
The Devil                           Capricorn
The Tower                          Mars
The Star                             Aquarius              
The Moon                          Pisces
The Sun                             Sun
Judgement                         Fire / Pluto
The World                         Saturn

Planetary Attributions of the Numbers 
of the Minor Arcana 
(Order of the Planetary Progression)

Ace - The creative energy before astrology 
Two - The entire zodiac combined
Three - Saturn
Four - Jupiter
Five - Mars
Six - The Sun 
Seven - Venus 
Eight - Mercury 
Nine - The Moon 
Ten - The Earth

Elemental Attributions of the Four Suits

Suit of Swords - Air Signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
Suit of Wands - Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Suit of Cups - Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Suit of Pentacles - Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

The 10 Numbers in the Four Suits 
(Planets, Signs, Elements and Modalities)

• Suit of Swords (Element of Air): 
  Ace = the season of Spring 

Cardinal Air
2 = Moon in Libra 
3 = Saturn in Libra 
4 = Jupiter in Libra

Fixed Air
5 = Venus in Aquarius
6 = Mercury in Aquarius 
7 = Moon in Aquarius

Mutable Air
8 = Jupiter in Gemini
9 = Mars in Gemini 
10 = Sun in Gemini

Suit of Wands (Element of Fire): 
  Ace = the season of Summer

Cardinal Fire
2 = Mars in Aries 
3 = Sun in Aries
4 = Venus in Aries

Fixed Fire
5 = Saturn in Leo 
6 = Jupiter in Leo 
7 = Mars in Leo

Mutable Fire
8 = Mercury in Sagittarius
9 = Moon in Sagittarius 
10 = Saturn in Sagittarius

Suit of Cups (Element of Water): 
  Ace = the season of Autumn

Cardinal Water
2 = Venus in Cancer
3 = Mercury in Cancer 
4 = Moon in Cancer

Fixed Water
5 = Saturn in Scorpio 
6 = Jupiter in Scorpio 
7 = Mars in Scorpio

Mutable Water
8 = Saturn in Pisces
9 = Jupiter in Pisces 
10 = Mars in Pisces

• Suit of Pentacles (Element of Earth): 
  Ace = the season of Winter

Cardinal Earth
2 = Jupiter in Capricorn 
3 = Mars in Capricorn 
4 = Sun in Capricorn

Fixed Earth
5 = Mercury in Taurus 
6 = Moon in Taurus
7 = Saturn in Taurus

Mutable Earth
8 = Sun in Virgo
9 = Venus in Virgo 
10 = Mercury in Virgo

If you assign the four Aces to the four seasons,
thirty-six cards remain in the numbered cards of the
Minor Arcana, nine per suit. Each of these thirty-six
cards coincides with ten degrees of the circle of the
year, and each of these ten degree sections is called a
“decan.” Since a sign contains 30 degrees, there
are three decans to each sign. 

For example: 
The 2 of Wands is attributed to the first decan of 
the sign of Aries and runs from 0–10 degrees. 
The second decan (3 of Wands) runs from 
11–20 degrees of Aries. And the third decan 
(4 of Wands) runs from 21–30 degrees of Aries. 
This pattern is repeated throughout all the signs.

The ten degrees of a decan = approximately ten days
of a sign, which is attributed to a single card of the
Minor Arcana.

The first decan of Aries (March 21–31) = the 2 of Wands. 
The second decan of Aries (April 1–10) = the 3 of Wands. 
The third decan of Aries (April 11–21) = the 4 of Wands.

Knowing the astrological attributions of the Minor
Arcana is very helpful in determining timing in readings.
If you would like a more in-depth exploration of how
astrology is specifically used in tarot, check out our
Pain-Free Astrology for Tarot Readers audio course.
It's included with our correspondence course, or you
can order it separately HERE.

Have fun!          


 Tarot School Aphorism
            When intuition takes precedence over reason in tarot, sound replaces vision, and symbols dissolve in subtle silences.  Then tarot speaks and even sings in the languages of love and magic.  ~ Wald Amberstone / TarotSchool.com


Believe it or not, it's just a little more than
100 days until the 2019 Readers Studio! 
And this year, we're debuting the very
exciting Divination Day with presentations
on Lenormand, Crystal Ball and Charm
Casting. It's going to be epic!

The wonderfully talented Callie French designed the
poster, and she artfully combined symbols from both
events into her painting. (You can purchase a print
by contacting Callie at [email protected])

 And be sure to visit the newly updated Readers Studio
for the latest details on RS19 and the premiere
of Divination Day!

2019 Readers Studio & Divination Day poster art 



Diviner's Corner

              The Geomancer by Nigel Jackson
© 2005 by Nigel Jackson

Have you ever looked at the clouds and sought
inspiration from Spirit? On a casual walk outdoors,
does the sound of nature, the whistling of the wind
through trees or the call of birds produce a sudden
rise of wonder about the meaning of the messages
of nature?

Humanity has long sought to understand divine will
and intervention in their destiny through signs found
in natural phenomena, based on the belief that spirits
or divine wisdom can be found everywhere.

One type of divination known as augury, which is
divining the future by observation of natural
phenomena, was particularly important in ancient
Roman society. 

Practitioners of this form of divination, called
augurs, taught the art and practiced in colleges.
Augurs had an official function that was not so
much about foretelling the future, but “taking the
auspices” to discover whether or not the gods
approved of a proposed course of action, such as
military maneuvers or in elections.

The term 'auspice' is from the Latin auspicium and
auspex, literally meaning "one who looks at birds,”
and was an ancient indigenous practice of divining by
the behaviors of birds. Augurs also used cloud
formations, lightning and the entrails and livers of
sacrificed animals in divinatory practice.

Even today, many use the natural world to look for
messages from the Divine realm. Often a bird feather
left at the doorstep or a flock of birds flying
overhead are seen as signs from spirit.

Several types of augury are common and others have
been created for modern divinatory practice. Here are
a few that may or may not be familiar:

•  Aeromancy –  a form of divination using the element
of Air by observing the sky, particularly meteorological
and cosmological events, including the movements of
clouds, winds and sometimes comets, the appearance
of rainbows and other phenomena such as auroras.

•  Bibliomancy – the random consultation of the
Bible or   other books.

•  Ceromancy – the shapes wax form when dripped in

•  Cheiromancy – the art of studying the lines and
shapes of the human hand.

•  Geomancy – divination from configurations seen
in a handful of earth thrown on the ground, or by
interpreting lines or textures on the ground.

•  Hydromancy – a method of divination by means of
water, including the color, ebb and flow, or ripples
produced by pebbles dropped in a pool.

•  Oneiromancy – the interpretation of dreams and
nocturnal visions.

•  Osteomancy – divination by means of bones.

•  Pyromancy – the patterns of smoke and flames.

We’d love your suggestion or submissions for this
column! If you have an idea or would love to
contribute, please contact us at [email protected]


Cool Tarot Storage Solution
by Ciro Marchetti


Ciro Marchetti's Lenormand Heart Box


Finding ways to store our tarot cards can be challenge.
Ciro Marchetti has produced a line of 24 cherry wood
boxes with 6" x 6" ceramic tile inlays as a beautiful
and luxurious solution for your favorite decks.

These signed boxes feature images from his
decks as well as zodiac signs, and is lined with
a cream colored velvet. If you're a fan of Ciro's
art, you may find it hard to choose just one!


 Pisces wooden box by Ciro Marchetti       

Upcoming Events:
• January 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2019

Tarot Salon
Forest Hills, New York

Our popular Monday night Salons are the
hottest thing in tarot instruction!

• January 19 – 20, 2019

The Lords of Tarot: Esoteric Titles of the Minor Arcana

The Lords of Tarot:
Esoteric Titles of the Minor Arcana

Forest Hills, New York


• April 25, 2019

Divination Day

Featuring these exciting presentations:

* Rana George: Psychic Lenormand
* Heatherleigh Navarre: Divining Into The Depths (crystal ball)
* Carrie Paris: The Art of Casting Miracles

Seats are available!

• April 26 – 28, 2019

2019 Readers Studio logo

2019 Readers Studio
(Sold Out! Contact us to get on the waiting list)



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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone