Tarot Tips: Playing With A Short Deck (Missing Cards)

Published: Thu, 08/01/19

"If you had to guess, how many tarot decks on average does a tarot..."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 11 #6 / August 1, 2019
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Playing With A Short Deck (Missing Cards)
- Tarot School Aphorism
- Diviner's Corner: Telepathy
- Best Practices: Colleague Connections
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

Young tarot reader

Whether you've been celebrating Christmas in July with
snow or without it, we hope you've been enjoying the
season. Since August is the "slow" time of year (is there
really such a thing?), we'll keep this introduction short. 

Many authors suggest ways to get to know a tarot deck.
In getting to know a deck, a connection or bond is
sometimes created with it. Readers often comment on how
they are fond or not so fond of particular decks, which
indicates in some cases an emotional attachment. When a
card from a favorite deck is misplaced or damaged,
it’s the worst! But all is not lost. In this issue we
will explore ways to use a deck with missing cards.

The Diviner’s Corner helps us understand telepathy
and the Best Practices for Professional Readers column
explains why developing meaningful connections with
professional colleagues creates positive support for
practitioners and the community alike.           

And one more thing...

We're not ready to start accepting registrations for
the 2020 Readers Studio yet (I hope to have a date
for my hip surgery soon), but many folks have
asked for the dates in order to help them plan their
calendar and vacation time. So here they are:

Wednesday, April 22: Bus trip to NYC.
Thursday, April 23: Divination Day
Friday-Sunday, April 24-26: RS20

In the meantime, I've been working on the website
and a lot of other behind-the-scenes stuff. We'll be
sure to let you know as soon as the doors are open!

~ Ruth Ann


With love and gratitude on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, and Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

missing puzzle piece

If you had to guess, how many tarot decks on average
does a tarot collector own? For those with a casual
interest, perhaps 15 – 20. For a professional reader
maybe 50 – 100+! How many decks in a collection are
duplicates because you forgot you own a copy (raising
hand) or where one or several of the cards are missing
or damaged? Does it affect your reading if you use a
deck without all 78 cards present?

Some of you may cringe at the thought but readings are
still relevant and informative with a “shortened”
deck. Just think of diviners using a Majors-only deck,
which could be said to be a complete deck in its own
right. Some intentionally shorten the deck before
reading at events or for certain clients by removing
the so-called “scary” cards.

Understandably there may be a few “yeah…buts” of
doubt out there. One of the important parts of the
reading process is intention. What one asks to be
revealed and the expectation of the right cards coming
up provide all the necessary insights, so the proper
cards for the seekers are already in there whether
there are 22, 56 or 78 cards.

If a card goes missing or becomes damaged, you don’t
need to go through the expense of purchasing another
deck. You can substitute the card from another favorite
deck or get creative and truly personalized the deck by
creating a unique replacement.

Tarot cards are miniature pieces of art. They make
impressive pieces of wall art when grouped together and
framed. Others have found them great for card-of-the-day
giveaways or attaching them as gift tags.

Jeannine Carson has a portion of her tarot coaching
website called Random Acts of Tarot. Here's what she
has to say about it:

"Those in the tarot community have been known to
randomly leave tarot cards around the city trusting
that they will find their way into the hands of the
right person. This idea has always intrigued me.
Someone leaves a card, and someone finds it, a kind of
paying it forward with tarot cards. The act creates a
shared experience amongst strangers. It makes us pause
for a moment, in the middle of the hustle and bustle of
modern life and think, about ourselves, the image, and
possibly even about the person who left it. Why did I
notice this card? What does it mean to me?  What is the
story in the imagery? This type of moment can be rare
and precious in today’s fast paced world, so why not
share the experience? 

Random Acts of Tarot is an opportunity for the person
who found the card to post their experience and the
message they gleaned from the tarot card they found. It
completes the connection. The person who left the card
gets to see how their Random Act of Tarot affected the
person who found the card." 

In the comment section, people have shared their
experiences of finding tarot cards in random places.
Very interesting! If you Google "I found a tarot card"
you'll find more stories like that.           

The bottom line is there’s nothing wrong with playing
with a short deck. Have fun with finding creative ways
to use them! 


 Tarot School Aphorism
            Tarot imagery relates us all to the  issues and events of our daily lives,  making it possible to tell the stories  of our past, present and future, while they guide us to the best possible  outcomes of our personal dramas.


Diviner's Corner


On occasion, when a practitioner mentions they read
tarot cards, an odd, albeit uncommon, response is,
“What am I thinking?” or “Can you tell me what
he/she is thinking?” Imagine the confusion when the
seeker is told, no, I don’t connect telepathically.”

Telepathy, the direct transmission of words, thoughts,
images or emotions from one person’s mind to another
is often associated with extrasensory perception and
psychic abilities. Telepathic communication can happen
not only between humans, but also between human and
animals or supernatural beings. Psychics or mediums who
communicate with those who have crossed over sometimes
credit telepathic skills for their abilities.

In scientific communities, the existence of telepathy
is mostly discounted despite a large body of anecdotal
evidence, and a great deal of research into the reality
of telepathy and similar phenomenon.

All humans have the ability to detect and interpret
social cues, but telepathic communication goes beyond
grasping the moods and emotions of others.

Experience has shown that telepathy, as part of our
instinctual perceptions, has helped us survive. It is used 
daily in a variety of ways even by those who don’t think 
they have any special ability. As an instinct inherent in 
all, it can be consciously developed to help us in a 
variety of ways.


• How to Develop Telepathy
• Telepathy: How to Develop Mind-Reading Abilities


We’d love your suggestion or submissions for this
column! If you have an idea or would love to
contribute, please contact us at [email protected]


Best Practices for Professional Readers

By Gina Thies
www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 
www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

Good rapport is a necessity in the professional
relationship between readers and their clients. 
This goes a long way toward feeling good about 
what we do and contributes to our long-term success.

Getting along with professional colleagues is just as
important. There is nothing wrong with differences of
opinion or even competition, but this shouldn’t be at
the cost of creating discord and disrespect, as has
been seen in social media outlets recently.

As the social and professional climate across the 
world changes, acceptance of the diversity that 
changes bring is crucial and we must adapt. 
Cultivating strong relationships with our colleagues 
gives us many benefits.

Professional colleague connections help support skill,
business and career development and helps with
understanding the needs of your business and the
direction you want to take for your professional

Positive colleague connections are not about cliques,
and its core is built on mutual respect or admiration,
trust, acceptance of diversity, willingness to listen
and have open communication, conscientious awareness
and responsibility.

When operating from the highest intent in building
great colleague connections, you’ll have access to a
trusted resource for other professionals. This does not
mean you have to go and “friend” every one that has
an interest in your area of expertise. Finding the best
fit means getting to know those who align with your
goals or may have interest in your projects. To find
those who truly are beneficial to your vision, invest
more time in developing these relationships. In
building great colleague connections, you’ll
appreciate your business more, find support when 
you need it, and experience greater success! 

Upcoming Events:
• August 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2019

Tarot Salon
Forest Hills, New York

Our popular Monday night Salons are the
hottest thing in tarot instruction!

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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone