Tarot Tips: Help for the Holidays Technique + Poster Unwrapping!

Published: Sun, 12/22/19

"Whether you find the holidays a joy or a challenge, we've got you covered..."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 11 #9 / December 22, 2019
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Help for the Holiday's Technique
- What's Gnu? Unwrapping the RS20 Poster Art!
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a special issue of Tarot Tips!

Happy Holidays!

Whether you find the holidays a joy, a challenge, 
or a mix of both, we've got you covered with this 
bonus issue of Tarot Tips!

We'll be back next month with our regular format. 
In the meantime, we're sending you our best wishes 
for a happy (or at least tolerable) holiday season!           

With love and gratitude on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann & Wald

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

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with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

Keep Calm and Carry On

The holiday season is a hectic time for
most people. Even if you're filled with
holiday spirit and energy, there may be
days (or weeks) when you or a client
would just as soon say "Bah, Humbug!"
And for many, this time of year is a
real emotional challenge.

If you would like to feel better than you do,
or if you are reading for someone who is
struggling to improve their mood, Tarot
can help.

Before I show you how, there is a basic
principle that must first be understood.

Our emotional spectrum is composed
of a series of vibratory steps. Although
it is entirely possible to move through
these steps from a place of sadness,
grief or anxiety to a place of joy, this
cannot be done in a single leap. No
doubt there are miraculous exceptions
to this principle but for most of us, the
process is usually experienced one
step at a time.

Distance is not the same thing as
time, however, so it is possible to feel
considerably better soon -- as long as
you know which steps to take to get
there. This is where this technique
can help.


This is a conscious technique using
tarot cards which can guide you along
the path to feeling better than you do
now. Does it have a name? I don't
know, how about Happy Trails? (Please,
if you can think of a better one, let me


Choose a deck that pleases you.

Look through the cards and select
one that represents how you feel
now. There may be something about
the picture that speaks to you, or a
bit of card knowledge you have that
directs your choice. It doesn't really
matter as long as the card in some
way mirrors your current emotional

sad / 5 of Cups
rushed / 8 of Wands
angry / Temperance
overwhelmed / 10 of Wands

Take this card and place it face-up
in front of you.


Look through the deck again and
this time, find a card that shows
how you would *like* to feel.

joyous / The Sun
free / The Fool
relaxed / The Star
social / 3 of Cups

Place this card to the right of the
first one, leaving a space large
enough to put one more card.


You will soon be performing a random
draw of a card that will give you
direction about what to do next to
help you along your journey to
happiness. If you are comfortable
enough with the cards to find helpful
information in all of them -- even the
"difficult" ones -- then shuffle the deck
and move on to Step Four.

If not...

Go through the deck one more time and
remove any cards you would not like to
see come up for you at this time. Then
shuffle the remaining cards.


Using any method you like, select
one card at random from the cards
you have chosen to work with. Place
this card face-up in the space between
the other two.

This middle card will tell you how
to get closer to your emotional goal.
It is the first step along the way and
probably not the last (but I'm getting
ahead of myself).

This is a card to contemplate. The
guidance you seek may be obvious
right away or it may take some thought.
Let it suggest an action or change of
perspective that is something you can
actually do now to help you feel better.

A Real Example:

10 of Wands (left) - I presently feel
overwhelmed and anti-social.

3 of Cups (right) - I would like to feel
comfortable and celebratory.

Queen of Cups (center) - This Queen
is very adept at handling emotional
ups and downs. The most important
thing for me to remember is to go with
the flow. Also, look at small children
enjoying themselves and remember
their playful energy. (I got this from
the cherubs on her throne.)

Place this card in the center of your
3-card spread for as long as it's


It is possible that a single step is
all you need to raise your emotional
vibration to the level you desire. It is
likely, however, that this will be achieved
incrementally. If needed, here's how to
continue the process:

Once you have successfully worked
with the suggestion in the middle card,
repeat Step Two and choose a new
card to represent your current state.

Assuming you wish to keep your
"destination" card the same, repeat
Step Four to find the next step to take
to bring you closer to where you wish
to be. (You can change course at any
time by choosing a new destination

You may find that you or your client
are ready to take the next step right
away, or it may take awhile. The timing
will vary depending upon the person and


Continue with this practice until you
identify with your destination card or
for as long as you find it useful. I have
personally found it a valuable technique
for feeling better any time of the year.

–– Ruth Ann Amberstone


What's Gnu?


We are truly delighted to reveal the poster art for the
2020 Readers Studio and Divination Day by
Tarot School co-founder, Lelia Dickenson!

Poster Art for 2020 Readers Studio + Divination Day

Join us at our Annual International Tarot Conference!
                             APRIL 23 – 26, 2020
                         East Elmhurst, New York

Spread the Word!

You'll find full details at ReadersStudio.com
but here's a list of featured presenters:


• Tea Leaf Reading w/ Karin-Dalton Smith
• Domino Divination w/ Gina Jean
• Intuitive Animal Communication w/ Mitchell Osborn
Read about them here.


The Master Class Instructors are:

• Liz Dean
• V.
• Theresa Reed
Read about them here.

Breakfast Roundtable Facilitators are:

• Arwen Lynch-Poe
• Shaheen Miro 
Read about them here.

Gather with the Tarot Tribe and
Experience the Excitement of
Readers Studio & Divination Day!


Other Upcoming Events:

• January 15, 2020

2020 Keep The Holidays Going Party!

The Tarot School's 2020 Keep the Holidays Going Party!
Wednesday, January 15th  6:30 pm

The Crooked Knife
29 East 30th Street, New York City
(Bring cash for separate checks!)

RSVP Sasha Graham
[email protected]

• January 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2020


Tarot Salon
Forest Hills, New York

Our popular Monday night Salons are the
hottest thing in tarot instruction!

   Find us on Facebook
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Suggestions for future topics?
For information on tarot classes, courses,
events and more, go to TarotSchool.com
© Copyright 2019 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone