Tarot Tips Bonus: The 6 of Pents Perspective

Published: Sun, 03/15/20

"There is an exercise that we sometime do at The Tarot School that..."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 12 #5 / March 15, 2020
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: The 6 of Pents Perspective
- Special Anniversary Offer for March
- Upcoming Events
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we are sending you a monthly Bonus Tip! 
We'll also include a limited-time special
offer of 25% off one of our products
designed to support your tarot studies.


With love and gratitude on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann & Wald

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Tarot Tip

6 of Pentacles

There is an exercise we sometimes do
at The Tarot School that we call "Where
Are You in This Picture?" It's a way of
shifting your perspective as you look at
the cards from that of observer to active
participant. It can reveal a more personal
meaning than you might get from a purely
intellectual approach.

One card where this technique can be
especially illuminating is the 6 of Pentacles.
There are three human figures in the RWS
picture. (The exercise does not require
you to be a human figure but we'll use
them here.) The central well-dressed
person is in a position to offer money
to two beggars -- one who is receiving
coins and one who has either been
passed by or is still waiting and hoping
to get some.

If you were to identify with one of these
characters, which would it be? Take a
moment to be honest with yourself.
How do you feel inside? Even if you have
plenty of money in the bank, you may
still be holding on to a sense of lack and
empathize more with one of the paupers.

If you see yourself as the person in the
middle, how comfortable are you in that
role? Do you consider it a burden or does
it bring you joy? Perhaps you'd like to
abandon your post, or maybe you feel
ready to give more than you have in 
the past.

If you do not see yourself as the central
figure and would like to, you can make
that shift at any time by helping someone
less fortunate than you. It doesn't have
to be with money, but if money is an issue
for you, giving even a small monetary
gift to someone in need can help change
how you feel about your situation and
may encourage a greater flow of wealth
in your life.

Mike Dooley expresses this principle
beautifully in Notes From the Universe:

'GIVING tells the Universe that you
believe YOU are provided for. For even
as you empty your purse you fear not,
demonstrating faith that you will remain
whole, that your coffers will be replenished,
and that your love for whomever you
give, is what's most important.

'Verily, as you believe these things
to be true, you will experience such
truths, and abundance shall be
showered upon you as if the heavens
had opened up.'

So the next time the 6 of Pentacles
shows up in a reading, ask yourself
(or your querent), "Where am I in
this picture?"

✨🔮✨ Ruth Ann         

25% Discount


If you've been with us for awhile, you'll know
that we *very rarely* offer discounts on our
programs. But we're in a celebratory mood
so until the end of the month, you can get
25% off one of our most popular audio courses:

Pain-Free Qabalah for Tarot Readers

Never be intimidated by the Qabalah again!
In this audio course, the essentials of Hermetic
Qabalah (the version of Qabalah used with Tarot)
will become clear, enjoyable, and useful.

You will learn, understand, and be able to remember
the principles and special language of the Tree of Life,
how it applies to Tarot, and how to use it to make your
readings much stronger — and, you'll have fun doing it!

Our approach is relaxed and direct, and the information
is beautifully organized and presented. We recommend
this course for every Tarot student, regardless of
skill or experience, who is not already intimate with
this material, even if you consider yourself "allergic"
to Qabalah. It was designed especially for you! 
Pain-Free Qabalah for Tarot Readers is a comprehensive
course. It contains 8 mp3 recordings plus a pdf workbook
designed to help you get the most out of the material.

Normally, this course sells for $79 but we are making
it available especially for Tarot Tips readers for only

Use Coupon Code: ANNIVERSARY25

This is the only time you'll see this offer
and it expires on March 30th at Midnight
Eastern Time.

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  March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30


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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone