Tarot Tips: Listening / Throwing Dem Bones / Connecting to Clients

Published: Wed, 07/01/20

"It's one thing to listen to a person attentively..."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 12 #8 / July 1, 2020
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Listening
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- Diviner's Corner: Throwing Dem Bones
- Best Practices: Customizing Your Connection
 To Clients
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.


The diverse, creative and caring souls that
make up the tarot community (and beyond) is
one of the things we love best. We have
always done what we can to honor and serve
every one of you. In an ideal world, social
justice and acceptance would be a given. But
since that is sadly not the case, we stand
with everyone fighting to make that vision 
a reality and continue to do our best.

One thing that can make a big difference is
taking the time to really listen to one
another. As tarot readers, we know how
important it is to listen to our querents in
order to give them a reading that addresses
their needs. This month’s Tip, written by
the late Thomas Leonard of Coach U., takes 
a well-considered look at the topic, with
helpful hints on how to be better listeners
— to our querents and to each other. 

The Diviner's Corner takes a brief look at
bone divination, and Best Practices spotlights
how to maintain a sense of connection with
your in-person clients in the new norm of
social distancing.  
And one more thing...


Wald is home! He's doing great and
has resumed coaching. If you're a
degree program student and have
been waiting for a coaching session,
we'll be in touch with you soon.

If you've considered enrolling or
booking private lessons, now
is a great time to do that.

Here's how:


Take care, stay whole and healthy and
move forward on your tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, and Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

by Thomas Leonard

© 2001 Coach U.


[Editor's Note: This column by the late
Thomas Leonard, founder of Coach U.
originally appeared in Coaching Tips and was
written for a professional coaching audience.
I feel, as readers, we do very similar work
and believe that you may find the following
interesting and useful. - RA]

IT'S ONE THING to listen to a person
attentively. This is nice and it's polite.
However, the art of actually hearing someone,
understanding what they are saying, what they
mean, what that means, and then responding to
that borders on an advanced art form. All of
this, of course, plus plenty of wisdom,
compassion, strength and encouragement,
is the communication skill-set that the
Certified Coach is expected to master. And
which the Certified Coach effortlessly does
with clients.

The specific focus of this tip is to
understand the idea that there are certain
things to listen for as you listen to what
your client is saying and not saying. I used
to be so overwhelmed at all that I was
hearing when listening to clients, that I sat
down one day and made up a big list, which
includes 225 things that humans say and don't
say when they communicate, and each one
matters. Why? Because the more fully you
hear your client, the faster and better you can
serve them.

I'm a believer in the notion that humans
don't articulate themselves very well, on one
hand, due to lack of vocabulary to describe
what they are feeling or wanting to say. And,
on the other hand, due to the fact that most
of us aren't even aware what we are
experiencing, feeling, needing or wanting.
A child psychologist once told me that the
reason that young kids throw tantrums (other
than as a device to get what they need) is
that what they are feeling -- frustration,
anger, etc. -- is far bigger than their
ability to phrase it, so their bodies take
over to release the energy/anger because
their level of awareness and facility with
words isn't great enough.

The amazing thing to me is that adults aren't
that much more advanced than kids are. We
adults still throw our tantrums, or pout or
clam up. And, for the same reasons -- we just
don't know all that we're feeling nor do we
know how to effectively say what there is to
say. As a coach, then, what you are able to
do for a client, every client, is to hear
what they are trying to say and to help them
to say it. Here's a list of the primary types
of things you can become an expert at
listening for:

1. What's not being said.
2. What's needed right now.
3. What's lacking.
4. What's in the way.
5. What's most important to the client.
6. What false assumptions the client has
7. How well/quickly the client is grasping
    what you're saying.
8. How aware the client is of themselves and
    their environment.

Sound like a lot to do and hear? It is,
actually. But after a year or two of training
and experience, you'll be able to listen
fully and respond appropriately to all of the
above areas, within seconds. And, you'll be
able to filter out what isn't relevant and be
able to prioritize what is.

There are really two steps to becoming an
expert listener. One is to learn how to
listen and what to listen for, as described
above. The other is to identify and reduce
what gets in the way of your ability to hear.
Just as it's difficult to hear a client very
well when you've got the music on loud next
to your phone, so is it very difficult to
hear the client when your mind and body are
making lots of noise. You can reduce the din
by working on your Personal Foundation. When
your needs are met and you've resolved stuff
that makes emotional noise, you can really
become an extraordinary listener. 

 Tarot School Aphorism
            When you go beneath the pictures to the structure of the deck, tarot does not discriminate. It treats us all as the perfect beings that we are.


What's Gnu?


Wald is a panelist at the Worldwide Metaphysical Tribe's 2020 Virtual Event on August 15 & 16th.

Wald Amberstone will be joining a panel of
metaphysical practitioners to discuss the way
we can all be of help to the world during
this time of trouble. 

According to Deb Freuh, founder of the
Worldwide Metaphysical Tribe, “Someday
the world is going to turn to US - the
metaphysicians and the healers - and ask us
what the answers are.' Our time is now. This
is what we came for.”

The group is taking its annual live event to
you this year via a fun Zoom Experience
on August 15th and 16th.
This is not the same as your average Zoom
meeting. It’s a 2-day interactive event full of
engaging conversation, breakout groups and
interactive activities.

Each ticket comes with a fabulous swag bag
mailed to you. If you purchase your ticket by
July 26, you should receive it in time to
interact in the event. If you purchase after
July 26, you'll still receive the swag, but
perhaps not in time. Nevertheless, there is
something special about the swag bag, and
you'll reap the reward either way.  

For full details and to register go to

NOTE: Please enter “Wald Amberstone” in
the PayPal comment section when you register
so he can get credit for your attendance.



Diviner's Corner

Bone Casting

Throwing the bones or bone scrying can be
found in many cultures around the globe.
Though there is no standard way to practice
divination by bones, most practitioners
follow traditions based on their ancestral
roots. Animal bones are obviously utilized
but some practitioners include shells, nuts
and other sentimental trinkets. In bone
divination, a true connection to the Spirit
world comes through carrying messages
from the ancestors.
In China, bone readings were used with
pyromancy, or divination with fire, in which
the scapula of an ox or other large animal
was heated until cracking occurred. This
cracking sound was interpreted to answer
concerns of the future.
The meanings of items used in a bone
“kit” are rooted in the understandings
of the animal and botanical worlds.
Practitioners are able to elicit advice and
guidance based on the pattern that thrown
bones fall.
Bone kits are very personal and customized
to the practitioner and thus, in the true
tradition, no set is ever alike. Readers
choose and pick as many bones as they have
at their disposal. Sometimes only bones from
a specific animal are used. In modern times,
dominos, dice or chess pieces are added by
personal choice.
Questioning the bones works like other
divination tools. Some practitioners have
rituals that range from simple to elaborate
before starting a bone reading. Some like to
work primarily with the supernatural or
ancestral spirits, while other take a more
methodical, organized approach. 

• Throwing The Bones:
   How To Make And Use A Bone Set    
   by Avery Hart  

We’d love your suggestion or submissions for this
column! If you have an idea or would love to
contribute, please contact us at [email protected]


Best Practices for Professional Readers

By Gina Thies
www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 
www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

In the recent rush to open the country to get
to business as usual and boost the economy,
there is the hard realization that not all
physical businesses that rely on in-person
transactions and physical presence will
operate the same, if ever.
Industries that host conferences and live
seminars will change. Insurance companies
have had to rewrite covering doctor’s visit
through telemedicine. Increasingly people
are not feeling safe or comfortable enough
to venture out for fear of risking their health.
I have had to rethink ways of reading at live
events. The virtual readings parties are fun
but for as long as I’ve done events, I do
miss meeting new people and having them
experience a live reading for the first time.
I enjoy creating memories and paying
attention to details of themes and décor
for events.
You and your clients may miss the physical
part of being in the same space. There is a
great comfort in what you may have created
in your reading space so that clients feel at
peace and relaxed. I have had potential
clients decline appointments if I could not
see them in person.
When you work with clients over a long
period, a bond forms. If you get accustomed
to seeing a person regularly, it happens.
Therapists know this all too well. I think
that the connections we form with clients are
important, as we may be the best chance of
support in their lives.
I was thinking about how many readers may
have suffered a decline in client visits due
to financial woes, COVID-19 fears and
isolation. It can be understood that support
may be missed. Many experience loneliness,
isolation and other ways that division is at
the forefront of societal ills. There is a
way to keep boundaries in place and let your
clients know they are important no matter
what they are going through.
How can you be there without being there?
My mentor, whom I’ve known for over 25 years,
has imparted wisdom to me for much of what I
do in my tarot business today. In past sessions,
she follows up by good old-fashioned postal
mail. She has mailed everything from cards,
pens, calendars and books to me; all with
shameless self-promotion in mind, but the
mere fact she did, and accompanied it with
a handwritten message, was always a special
When you make your clients feel appreciated
and can do so in a customized way, it works!
I have had to get back to making sure I have
a client’s physical addresses and noting
something that is meaningful to my clients.
Nowadays the focus is on email collection for
the purpose of mass marketing and contact,
which is a necessity for business. However,
as we find ways to survive in the new norm,
getting back to some basic ways of connecting
with clients may be the refreshing boost your
business needs. 


• Redefining customer experience:
  Connecting in the time of COVID-19


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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone