Tarot Tips: Counting Cards / Psychometry / Client Frequency

Published: Sat, 08/01/20

"Very powerful tarot readings begin with one thing..."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 12 #9 / August 1, 2020
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Counting Cards: Know When
   You've Overdrawn
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- Diviner's Corner: Psychometry
- Best Practices: Client Concerns:
   How Often Should I See You?

Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.


In our “new norm,” many find that they can
do with minimal essentials. The word essential
covers many things. Masks and personal
protection equipment are essential. Workers
of all kinds are essential, such as first
responders and nurses, etc.  We’re not just
talking about “essential” workers, who are
very appreciated! We are all uncovering what
things are essential versus those we can put
off or do without for a little while longer.

When it comes to a tarot spread, how many
cards are considered essential? This topic
is explored in our monthly Tarot Tip. In the
Diviner’s Corner, psychometry is the focus.
Best Practices addresses how some clients
may want to see you frequently but are not
sure of what is appropriate or right for
And one more thing...

 Wald is a panelist at the Worldwide Metaphysical Tribe's 2020 Virtual Event on August 15 & 16th.

Wald Amberstone is a panelist at the
Worldwide Metaphysical Tribe's 2020
Virtual Event on August 15 & 16th!

11am Eastern/10am Central to
3pm Eastern/2pm Central

The theme of this year's event is

Joining Wald will be:

• Aria Norman - Psychic, Educator

• Dr. Joe Schippa PhD - Psychologist,
  Hypnotherapist, Tarotist

• Beth Owl's Daughter - Practicing Witch,

• John Sacelli - Astrologer, Urban Shaman

And headlining the event is Remote Viewing
expert, Tracey Garbutt Dolan

This is not the same as your average Zoom
meeting. It’s a 2-day interactive event full of
engaging conversation, breakout groups and
interactive activities. 

There's still time to register and
get in on the fun!


Take care, stay whole and healthy and
move forward on your tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, and Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

Fan of tarot cards

Very powerful tarot readings begin with one
thing – intent. The intention of the reading
is reached in partnership with the querent
as to the purpose and goal of the reading

When the intent has been established, the
reader then chooses a spread, which can
range from just one card to as many as the
reader deems suitable. 

A well-planned reading works best when
all is neat and concise. However, there are
often shifts in the reading process, no
matter how well-prepared the reader.  

Querents may shift the topic or focus of the
reading. When the initial cards are drawn
and placed in the spread, should those cards
be all that’s needed? What about adding one
more to the spread?

Sometimes the meaning of a specific card is
uncertain in the context of the spread. In
that case, you may wish to pull a "clarifying
card" to pair with the card in question. This
can help shed more light on the original card. 

The number of cards in any given spread is
often pre-established. A three-card spread
is no longer a three-card spread if more cards
are added. Sometimes, the design of the
spread calls for a very specific number, 
such as three rows of three cards or two
columns of five.

Additional cards can be added based on the
sense of completion or conclusion of the
storyline.  Readings have a start but also
require an ending. 

Querents will often ask you to pull more
cards, but in some cases less is more.
It's amazing how much information you can
get from a single card once you've learned
the many layers of associations. A yes/no or
this choice vs. that choice question can be
answered with only two cards if you want to
keep things simple.

The type of spread needed for any given
reading takes a bit of experience to choose
wisely. Once chosen, resist the temptation
to add more cards to the spread just to fill
up time. Do you best to stay focused.  


 Tarot School Aphorism
            A shuffled deck of cards is a beautiful symbol of the fully  created world.  Our job is to reorder the shuffled deck into something that makes sense.  We’re creating order out of chaos.


What's Gnu?


The Tarot School Birth Card Course

  You asked for it – and we
  are delighted to say YES!

First, we want to say how honored and
grateful we’ve been for your response to our
self-paced Birth Cards course. That’s why
we’ve decided to tackle two of the main
reactions we’ve been getting.

First, those of you who have taken it
indicate that you believe every serious
tarot explorer NEEDS this course. Naturally,
we can’t help but agree. But we have been
pondering ways we might expedite this.

The answer is in the second reaction we’ve
gotten – from the many folks who tell us
they are longing to sign up, but for so many
reasons are simply not in a position right
now to cover the entire fee in one go.

We totally understand. These are, indeed,
extraordinary times, and we want to support
our beloved tarot community in every way
we can.

So we believe we’ve come up with a way to
address both viewpoints.

We are delighted to announce we have added a
3-month installment plan for our Birth Card
Course! At only $65 per month, it’s now
affordable for so many more of you.

Download the course that Rachel Pollack
has said inspired for her, “awe at the beauty 
and depth of the writing” and Mary Greer
recommends for its “priceless techniques
and methods.”

As one Birth Card Course student from
Holland indicated, this a brilliant way to
make the most of your time while waiting for
the world to reopen. And while you do, we
can promise you will learn dazzling new ways
to understand and work with the tarot –– 
insights you will not find anywhere else, at
any price.

Learn more about our course by going here:


Diviner's Corner


Energy is everywhere and in everything.
This could very well be the premise of 

Psychometry, or psychoscopy, is a form
of ESP that obtains insights or relevant
information from physical objects. 

Practitioners of psychometry hold that
everything has an emanation. In the mid-
nineteenth century, promoters attempted to
make the case for psychometry as a
recognized serious area of scientific study.
Later on, psychometry was relegated to the
world of spiritualism and the paranormal. 

Pyschometry, or object divination, is
performed while the practitioner holds an
inanimate object of any type such as a key,
a piece of jewelry or an item of clothing,
for the reading. Many who practice the art
of psychometry say an item that was near and
dear to the subject of the reading brings
about better “contact,” especially when the
subject has passed on.  

6 Simple Ways to Practice Psychometry

• Psychometry – How to do Psychic Readings
  Using Touch

The Time Collector by Gwendolyn Womack
   A wonderful novel about a highly skilled

We’d love your suggestion or submissions for this
column! If you have an idea or would love to
contribute, please contact us at [email protected]


Best Practices for Professional Readers

By Gina Thies
www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 
www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

The frequency of client visits or sessions
comes up as a topic every so often. New
clients very often ask after an appointment
about how often they should have a reading. 

Licensed counselors, therapists and doctors
almost always have follow-up appointment
recommendations or requirements for those
they help. When clients feel helped, they
will of course want to use your services
again, but as “para-helpers” we are not held
to the same requirements as licensed

On both sides of the question, there are
practitioners who advocate both for and
against frequent readings for a single
querent. I personally think the practice of
doing frequent readings can be useful. 

When a patient is in need of medical
support, this support may be something they
depend on but is not necessarily compulsive.

Some factors in advising your clients as to
the frequency of sessions with you are
things like personal boundaries, what
they are see as support, and the type of
advice being sought. 

What has worked for me is to have clients
look at two things: First, the level of
support they feel they need and secondly,
their budget. If I feel clients are crossing
boundaries, a discussion takes place.  

You are able to set necessary boundaries
from the outset of your client-reader
relationship. If your reading style or
preference is to not read for a querent too
frequently, just inform them ahead of time. 

Happy readings!


• How often should I get my tarot cards read?



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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone