Tarot Tips: Secrets of Using Spreads

Published: Mon, 12/01/14

It's hard to believe this issue of Tarot Tips is the last one of 2014... You're receiving this email because you expressed interest in The Tarot School. PLEASE DON'T MARK IT AS SPAM. You can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of this page. If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 6 #11 / December 1, 2014

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Secrets of Using Spreads
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- Tarot Card Showcase: 10 of Pentacles 
- Best Practices: Overcoming Business Mistakes 
- Featured Tarot Blog: Paige Z's Tarot and Tea
- Upcoming Events
Happy Holidays and Yuletide Greetings to All!
And a warm welcome to our new readers.
It's hard to believe this issue of Tarot Tips is the
last one of 2014, and we appreciate your being along
with us on the tarot journey. 
However long you've been on your own tarot journey, you
will have seen the topic of spreads brought up in tarot
discussion. In this issue we look at spreads and their
use in tarot readings. And in honor of this season of
family and abundance, it felt appropriate to feature the 
10 of Pentacles as our Showcase Card.
At the end of the year, many of us take time to reflect
on or review what has transpired for us over the past
year and look ahead, moving past any mistakes we may
have made. The Best Practices column talks about how to
do this for your business as well. And, as usual, we
have another informative, magical blog for you to enjoy.       

And one more thing...
On a personal note, this season has been especially
magical for our family. We're happily celebrating the
engagement of my daughter, Rachel and her boyfriend,
Chris. To see them so happy fills my heart with joy! 
~ Ruth Ann 

Yours truly on the tarot path,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
In tarot you'll find a lot of talk and debate around
the uses of tarot spreads. Ask any tarot reader what a
spread is and you will often get the simple response
that spreads are the manner in which that cards are
laid out in a pattern for a reading.
What are spreads really about, and why is there so much
talk and printed material about them? A spread is the
structure within which a reader can get answers from
the storyline built into its pattern or design.
There are "traditional" spreads that have been passed
on and used over and over again. But tarot readers tend
to be creative, and they greatly multiply the number of
spreads in use.
To be most effective, a tarot spread has to consider
what needs to be achieved in the reading. Most
traditional spreads, like the Horseshoe Spread or the
Celtic Cross, have positions that can be customized to
suit the needs of the querent and the personal
preference of the reader.
Here are some things to consider when choosing or
creating a spread:

1.   Size Matters. You need just the right number of
cards to read the situation thoroughly and efficiently.
Large spreads are not necessarily better, and fewer
cards are easier to manage.

2.   Spread Positions. If you choose to use a spread
with assigned positions for each card, they don't
always have to form a special pattern. The space on
your table and the size of your cards may be more
important considerations. 

3.   Interactions. The spread position can support or
diminish card meanings.

4.   New Spreads. The easiest way to create new
spreads is to mix and match combinations of spread
positions. You can also create positions that are
unique to a particular reading by listing the various
issues that comprise the question.

5.   All About Specifics. Try to narrow down your
clients' concerns so that your readings are streamlined
and clear for your querent.
Using spreads can be likened to the study of language.
You have to fit together nouns, adjectives and verbs to
form meaningful sentences. Tarot is another language in
which, with practice, you will become fluent.

 Tarot School Aphorism




Death, Judgement and 
The Empress

The lovely and talented Kim Arnold (of UK Tarot Conference fame) has created a unique 
way to experience the cards -- Tarot 3D! 

See the wonderful video at http://youtu.be/i-Z-xiqr1uY 

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

The last couple of months have brought us double trouble 
with technical difficulties:

1) Our email was down for several days this month. 
We've recovered almost everything, but if you've been 
expecting a reply to something and haven't heard from us, 
PLEASE get in touch again. Thanks!
2) The Tarot School store has been processing orders erratically. 
If you have any difficulty with an order or registration, email or 
call us right away and we'll be happy to help! 



Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

Astrological Attribution: 
Mercury in Virgo

Qabalistic Attribution: 
Kingdom in the World of Manifestation

Element: Earth 

Esoteric Title: Lord of Wealth

Traditional Meanings:
Adventure has become a memory, replaced by wealth,
family, home, and every manner of comfort and fortune.
Traditions are in place and hierarchies have been
established. But a gate opens from ordinary things to
hidden experience.
Pension, dowry. Archives, privacy. Property, propriety.
Balances and polarities -- youth and age, male and
female, human and animal, inside and outside, coming
and going. The Four Worlds are complete. 

Ten PentaclesIn the form of the complete Tree of Life

Old Man: A symbol of great wealth and the last phase of

Man, Woman and Child: Signify dwelling, habitation and
the generations of a family

Two Dogs: Represent Wisdom and Understanding, the
bridge between beginning and end as represented by the
old man and the child

Black Symbol in Center of Old Man's Robe: The letters
W-A-I-T-E intertwined in a magickal monogram

Grid Designs on Robe: 3 x 3 Magic Square of Mercury

Arch: The gateway between completion and a new

Note: The wealth of symbolic detail in this card
remains unexplained, although at the extreme left of
the card, clear references are made to Key XVI-The
Tower (engraving on wall) and Key V-The Hierophant
(black and white checkerboard pattern). It's possible
that references are made to many of the Trumps, e.g.,
the staff in the man's hand to Key I-The Magician,
the old man to Key IX-The Hermit, the grapes to Key
VI-The Lovers and Key XV-The Devil, etc.
Admittedly, these are only conjectures.             
Excerpted from The Tarot School Correspondence Course

                            Get in on a 3-month payment plan!
                         Join us at the 2015 Readers Studio!  http://ReadersStudio.com


Best Practices for Professional Readers
Education in whichever endeavor one pursues is never 
a bad thing. You can learn from mistakes and in any
business, mistakes can teach you how to provide better
services for your clients. They can also teach you a
lot about yourself.

In business, successful entrepreneurs often make grave
errors. Business proprietors are able to recover and
learn from their mistakes when they go about it the
smart way. They learn how to profit from the mistakes
of others and from their own as well.

Here are five mistakes to think about:

1. Growing Too Fast. We all dream of having an abundance 
of clients, but having too many people vying for your 
attention can have a down side. Growth is great when you 
are prepared for it. Set long-term goals and have a plan 
in place to smoothly handle busy times and avoid overwhelm.

2. Cherry Picking Clients. Choosing to service one type
of customer while potentially dismissing the needs of
others can limit growth and have a negative impact on
success. If you're looking to grow your practice,
consider ways you can cater to a larger audience.

3. Not Informing Clients of Changes. Change happens,
whether it is your hours, services, location, or other
key factors. When changes are made, especially if you
can anticipate them ahead of time, be sure to inform
your clients. Everyone will be unhappy if you don't.

4. It's Not Personal. It's Business. Clients who want
to build relationships with you outside of a 
professional one can potentially become a challenge if
you're the type of reader who prefers to know as little
as possible about a querent in advance. In this case,
learning personal details about your clients,
especially if you cross the professional line, could
negatively affect your readings. Be clear about your
preferences and your boundaries.

5. Finances. Are you spending money that you don't need
to? Are you not watching your expenses or keeping up
with receipts and other things for taxes or other
business purposes? If you can, it would be good to hire
someone to help you organize your financial affairs, no
matter how small your business.
It's good to be diligent in avoiding business mistakes.
Hopefully this list gives you food for thought. 

Featured Tarot Blog
Paige Zaferiou, professional witch, tarot reader, tea
maven, and self professed glitter hobbit, shares her
take on life, tarot, magic and more. Take time out with
Paige and infuse your life with magic.


Upcoming Events:

  • December 1, 8 and 15, 2014
  • Tarot Salon
    Forest Hills, New York
    Our popular Monday night Salons are the
    hottest thing in tarot instruction!
  • January 11, 2015
  • Readers Studio Teleconference -- Free!
    Come hang out with us on the phone
    at our monthly informal get-together.
    It's a great chance to catch up with each
    other and brainstorm new ideas.
  • January 24 - 25, 2015
  • Tarot School Winter Intensive
    The Elemental Array: Special Knowledge & Applications
    (Sold Out!)


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    © Copyright 2014 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone