Tarot Tips: Working with Time Frames in Tarot

Published: Thu, 01/01/15

The practice of time frame prediction in tarot divination is... You're receiving this email because you expressed interest in The Tarot School. PLEASE DON'T MARK IT AS SPAM. You can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of this page. If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 7 #1 / January 1, 2015

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Working with Time Frames in Tarot
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- Tarot Card Showcase: 3 of Wands 
- Best Practices: The Bright Side of Emergency Readings
- Cool Tarot Video 
- Featured Tarot Blog: Tarot Seed
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to the first issue of Tarot Tips for 2015!

Saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new is a
familiar tradition around the globe at this time of year.
There seems to be a concentration on time at the beginning
of a year, as many folks tend to map out events for the
months ahead.
There isn't a single person in the world who doesn't
have a concept of time. Time-based questions are always a
hot topic for practitioners, and for this issue the focus is
on time as it relates to tarot. 

The 3 of Wands, a card of preparation and anticipation, 
is featured as the showcase card. The Best Practices column 
takes a look at emergency readings and we also have a really 
great blog for your perusal. 
Speaking of welcoming the new, we're introducing a Cool
Tarot Video feature with this issue. We hope you enjoy it!
And if you come across a tarot video that makes you say,
"Cool!" let us know. 
And one more thing...
The rest of the world may be "getting
back to business," but we're in the mood
for fun!

If that sounds good to you and you're in
the New York City area, then join us at
our "Keep the Holiday Going" Party on
Thursday, January 8th!

The very lovely Tarot Diva, Sasha
Graham, has once again graciously
offered to coordinate the festivities to
help us start the New Year off right.

Time: 7pm til whenever            

Where: Bella Napoli, basement party room
130 Madison Ave. between 30th/31st Streets

(Bella Napoli has generously offered us use of their
downstairs private party room. All guests are responsible
for payment of their own check. Our waiter will write
separate checks, so please remember to tip generously.) 

Bring your Tarot Cards!

RSVP to Sasha at [email protected] 

We'd love to see you there! 
Wishing you a magical year ahead,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
The practice of time frame prediction in tarot divination 
is interesting for some and a bit of a "sore spot" for
others. Some may even feel that timing predictions are
impossible due to the influence of a querent's actions and
choices on any outcome. 

When we speak of time from a divinatory perspective, it
often refers to past, present and future. In fact, this may
be one of the first types of spreads used by novice readers.
Because time prediction specifics are so perplexing, many
debate its usefulness or suggest it cannot or should not be
attempted. Predictions of timing have been associated with
divination for eons, so why has it become questionable among
modern readers? 
Time is typically understood as duration and the measurement
of that duration. Some experts believe that time is an illusion, 
that everything is happening now. But there has to be a past that 
we can remember, and a future that we can project. We are 
embedded in time but find it hard to grasp. Some with strong 
psychic abilities can "feel" time or "see" activity or happening 
that corresponds to past or future.
For those who do not have such psychic abilities, a number
of traditions have given tarot a variety of ways to measure
time in a reading. Here is one traditional breakdown for
time structure in a reading from the Golden Dawn

Division of a Day
Swords - Dawn to Noon
Wands - Noon to Sunset
Cups - Sunset to Midnight
Pentacles - Midnight to Dawn
4 Seasons
Swords (Air) - Spring
Wands (Fire) - Summer
Cups (Water) - Autumn
Pentacles (Earth) - Winter
Lunar Cycle
Swords - New Moon & First Phase
Wands - Second Phase
Cups - Full Moon & Third Phase
Pentacles - Fourth Phase
The Signs
Aries  - The Emperor
Taurus - The Hierophant
Gemini - The Lovers
Cancer - The Chariot
Leo - Strength
Virgo - The Hermit
Libra - Justice
Scorpio - Death
Sagittarius - Temperance
Capricorn - The Devil
Aquarius - The Star
Pisces - The Moon
The Planets
Sun - The Sun - 1 day or 1 year
Moon - The High Priestess - 28 days
Mercury - The Magician - 88 days
Venus - The Empress - 224 days
Mars - The Tower - 687 days
Jupiter - The Wheel of Fortune - 12 years
Saturn - The World - 29.5 years
Uranus - The Fool - 84 years
Neptune - The Hanged Man - 165 years
Pluto - Judgment - 248 years
Although these attributions are useful, the best way to
perfect timing in your readings is to practice so you can
grow in experience and skill. Use time frames in your
readings and keep track of what you predict and the outcome
by journaling. In the same manner that you commit meanings
to memory, you can also learn time attributions and assign
them to cards accordingly. Of course, if you can accurately
evoke a psychic time response to a card's image, you'll
have no need to learn a system.

 Tarot School Aphorism



oDesk, oJoy! 
Thanks to the fabulous Rich Badaracco at
oDesk, our online store is now processing orders 
with no trouble! (It involved an obscure bit of coding 
and a poodle -- don't ask.) So if you'd like to treat 
yourself to some tarot, we're here to help. 

And to thank you for your patience and usher in 
2015, we're offering 15% off everything in the store
except Readers Studio and the correspondence 
course degree program. (Expires 1/31/15) 

Use coupon code OJOY15 when you check out!



Tarot Card Showcase

In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
images and symbols.
Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

Astrological Attribution: 
Sun in Aries

Qabalistic Attribution: 
Understanding in the World of Emanation

Element: Fire 

Esoteric Title: Lord of Established Strength

Traditional Meanings:
The past has been resolutely put behind, the future lies
ahead, an action has been taken, a commitment made. 
Optimism is grounded in the reality of foresight and 
planning. Risks have been accepted as a condition of 
growth, and prospects are bright.

Visionary and magnetic. Conceited and arrogant. Confident.
Far-sighted. Incautious. Over-extended.

Waiting for results. Missed the boat. 

Three Wands: Firmly planted, supporting the esoteric title
of "Established Strength." 
The Ridge: Symbol of eminence and achievement.
Central Figure: Flat-footed stance suggests certainty and
Multi-colored Cape: For all the balance and establishment,
many emotions and motivations are present simultaneously.
Green is the color of growth; red, the will to action; the
black and yellow checkerboard, the tendency and desire for
order and control; the blue undergarment shows underlying
patience, calm and serenity.
Headband: Separates the thinking function from sensation;
reality from appearance. A metaphor for wisdom.
Yellow Sky and Sea: The field of consciousness, as potential
Above and practical endeavor Below.
Mountains: The boundaries of imagination and thought.
Ships: Symbols of personal destiny under human control. 
The means by which we choose a goal and steer a course.
Excerpted from The Tarot School Correspondence Course

                            Get in on a 2-month payment plan!
                         Join us at the 2015 Readers Studio!  http://ReadersStudio.com


Best Practices for Professional Readers
By Gina Thies
One of the many issues to think about in your practice is
office hours and the number of hours you need to work to
meet your financial goals or obligations. For some, being a
reader means being part of a support system for querents,
while others consider their role as a reader a temporary
solution to the querent's immediate need.
Some practitioners structure their business with specific
hours designed to fit their "style" or reading process.
In aligning themselves with spiritual purpose, many
practitioners resonate with the "call" to service and
helping others on the path of spiritual evolution.
Alas, many of these spiritual helpers are disturbed by 
the occurrence of the "asap" client or taking on an
"emergency" reading. They are not ready or willing to
pull tarot consultations into the 21st century attitude of
instant or readily available information that can be
accessed at the click of a mouse. On the other hand, 
there are many psychic sites that employ readers who 
don't shy away from "instant access" readings.
Open accessibility can feed your growing business if 
you handle it the right way. If you have the attitude that 
a client or potential client who is in need of an emergency
reading is somehow not worth your attention, you could be
doing yourself and your business a great disservice.
I take on emergency readings constantly, and not once has it
inconvenienced me to the point that I was not able to help a
querent in need. Not one client has ever taken advantage of
my time, although I work all sorts of hours because I have
an international clientele.
I am thankful for the years I've spent in the "trenches" that 
developed me into a thorough reader who can churn out 
email readings, attend to my scheduled appointments, 
and take on someone who may call up for an immediate 

It takes only a moment to find out if it is a "true"
emergency. Usually they'll call or email to explain the
nature of what the reading is for and are happy to settle
for my earliest availability, even if it is the next day.
Many times people don't stop to read the details of your
scheduling and assume there is open availability. Consider
whether the wording or lack thereof on your page or site
implies that you take appointments anytime. If not, clearly
state that they must book a reading in advance, and that you
do not take same day appointments.
The downside of taking on emergency readings is that it
could potentially interfere with your own sense of
boundaries and/or structure for your lifestyle. Of course,
you could consider yourself lucky if you are overwhelmed
with so many clients you can't fit them all in your day. My
motto is "You may be too busy, but I'll take the referral."
I have set hours displayed on my order page, but one of the
best things I do for my practice is to diligently keep track
of incoming messages and emails so that I can respond to
inquiries or appointments with lightning speed. This has
been successful for me, and most of my repeat clients have
come from my willingness to give them a reading in an

Cool Tarot Video
Wheel of Fortune is a circular installation of salvaged
doors which, upon entering, each reveal a large-scale black
and white multiple exposure metallic photograph. The
portrait series of women feature wildly unique depictions of
the Tarot's Major Arcana archetypes. 

Inside is a beautiful parlor with a hand crafted, metal,
open-air gazebo with benches made with vintage bed frames, a
central seating ottoman with steps which invite curious
visitors up to spin a bullet ridden barrel lantern that
casts beads of light throughout the space... 

Watch the video:

Visit the website:

Featured Tarot Blog
Introducing Jess Rollar -- a coffee loving, card shuffling
moon dreamer! Her blog Tarot Seed is a place where she
shares her tarot journey and the many connections that
contribute to becoming a better reader. Enjoy!

Upcoming Events:

  • January 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2015
  • Tarot Salon
    Forest Hills, New York
    Our popular Monday night Salons are the
    hottest thing in tarot instruction!
  • January 8, 2015
  • Tarot School Holiday Party
    Bella Napoli Restaurant, New York City
  • January 11, 2015
  • Readers Studio Teleconference -- Free!
    Come hang out with us on the phone
    at our monthly informal get-together.
    It's a great chance to catch up with each
    other and brainstorm new ideas.
  • January 24 - 25, 2015
  • Tarot School Winter Intensive
    The Elemental Array: Special Knowledge & Applications



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    © Copyright 2015 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone