Tarot Tips: Special 20th Anniversary Issue!

Published: Sun, 02/01/15

Today is an incredibly special day for us... You're receiving this email because you expressed interest in The Tarot School. PLEASE DON'T MARK IT AS SPAM. You can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of this page. If you have trouble reading this issue of Tarot Tips, you may see it and other back issues at http://tarotschool.com/Newsletter.html

Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 7 #2 / February 1, 2015

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: What's Missing in Your Tarot Reading?
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- Tarot Card Showcase: 3 of Swords 
- Best Practices: How to Handle Unwanted Leads
- Cool Tarot Project 
- Featured Tarot Blog: Ashes and Wine Tarot
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

Today is an incredibly special day for us. It was 20 years
ago today that The Tarot School was registered as a
business! It's almost hard for us to comprehend what that
means -- all the classes, events, books and teaching
materials, and especially all the amazing people we've had
the pleasure and honor of getting to know during that time.
In a way, it seems like an entire lifetime. But it also
feels like the years have gone by in the blink of an eye! 
We can't begin to tell you how much it means to us that you
have chosen to accompany us on this journey. Thank you --
for real.

In addition to our birthday celebrations (Ruth Ann's is this
month, too), Valentine's Day also falls in February, making
it a month in which we appreciate those who are near and
dear to us with special gifts. (We have some for you, too!)
So when it comes to tarot readings, it's no surprise that
the focus for some of us is on matters of the heart -- if
not our own, then our querent's love concerns may well keep
us busy. (February certainly doesn't have a monopoly on
relationship readings but it's a theme, OK?)
The 3 of Swords showcase card in this issue is one of
several normally uncomfortable cards to appear in a reading.
In almost every culture, the heart is viewed as the center
of human emotion. It is said that the heart symbol we
recognize today evolved from the botanical world, from 
the ivy leaf to be exact. This was an early icon that meant
passion and eternal love. No wonder the large heart in the
center of the card evokes such emotion!
Prominent details in cards like the red heart of the 3 of
Swords tend to catch our immediate attention in a spread.
But what about things that go unnoticed or are completely
missing? This issue's tip calls attention to things that
you may overlook in your readings.
There are updates to the latest happenings in the tarot
community and of course, another informative blog for your
And two more things...

THING 1...

The Tarot School was founded on
February 1, 1995. In celebration of 
our 20th Anniversary, we're offering 
you a spectacular 80% off all our 
audio mp3 sets!

(That means you only pay 20%. Get it?)

Simply enter Coupon Code 2DECADES
when you check out. 

Use this coupon as often as you like, 
but it expires on February 28th.
THING 2...
In keeping with our February theme, we're like to give you
a gift of love. Stop by our store and pick up a copy of our
"Forty Faces of Love" study guide for FREE! Relationship
readings will never be the same!

To enjoy both things, stop by http://tarotschool.com/store

Thanks for celebrating with us! 
Yours truly from the heart of the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald & Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
There are obvious details we notice as we lay out the cards
in a spread. First, of course, are the cards themselves.
Then there are the prominent details, such as the figure on
the card, colors, titles, etc. These all give us our first
informational clues about how to interpret the cards in
relation to the querent.
Interestingly, what isn't in the spread can also give you
important and relevant information for the querent. From 
the onset of learning to read tarot, we are essentially flexing
and increasing our observational skills. Observation is not
just about seeing details and objects, It is also about
making sense of all the information we take in during the
In the course of a reading, whether for oneself or others,
you become a tarot detective, looking for clues; combining
what you feel to be true of the card meaning with
conclusions drawn from your own life experience.
The following contains a short list of "missing" details
and what you may want to consider as significant by their
absence from a spread:
  •  Are all suits represented in the spread?
  •  Are there only Minors?
  •  Are there only Majors?
  •  Is there a dominant gender?
  •  Is an element missing? Fire, Water, Air, Earth?
  •  Are there clouds?
  •  Are there no trees?
  •  Can I see the figure's face?
  •  Where is the figure's family?
  •  What part of the body is missing in the picture?
  •  Are there no windows or doors?
    Here is a brief example in a reading:
    The querent's focus is on job and career. She works in
    roofing and construction, typically a male-dominated 
    field, but is confident in her skills. Although she works 
    in the office, she desires to go out to the actual construction
    site more in order to learn about the business.

    She asks about her current boss and whether or not she
    should look for another job. The Magician, The Hanged Man
    and the Page of Wands appear in the spread. The reader
    observes that in all three cards, the ears are not depicted
    on the figures. All figures appear to be male to the
    querent. All are apparently outdoors with cloudless skies.
    Ears represent sound, listening and hearing. The issue that
    sparked the reading had a lot to do with the querent feeling
    she was not "heard" when she made suggestions to her
    In this example it is demonstrated that the "missing"
    details gave important information to the reader and
    querent. Sometimes it can be minute details or perhaps
    something the artists never intended but that we often see
    in our daily existence, such as the clouds.

    Hopefully, this insight about observing what is missing
    proves useful for your tarot reading skills. 

     Tarot School Aphorism




    New at Readers Studio! 
    Each year when we look at the Readers
    Studio schedule, we can't imagine how 
    we could add anything else to the
    morning-til-night festivities. We really
    thought we'd filled every possible
    moment with something to learn, do or
    eat. But guess what? We have two NEW
    offerings we think you'll really like! 
    1) New Deck Showcases
    As part of your dinner break on Saturday, and/or your lunch break on
    Sunday, stop by the Readers Studio Lounge to learn about new decks 
    from their creators!
    This year, Rachel Pollack and Robert M. Place will introduce you to their
    Burning Serpent Oracle, and Virginia Jester and Chris Hopkins will share
    their adventures in creating the City Mystic * New York tarot deck!
    2) Readers Studio "Rave" Dance Party
    Following the Saturday night dinner banquet (with special entertainment
    by the Curious Order of the Arcana Arts), the ballroom will be transformed 
    into a fabulous dance space. There won't be any drugs, but there will be surprises!
    Tickets for the 2015 Readers Studio are going fast, 
    so if you don't have yours yet, grab it now! 


    Tarot Card Showcase

    In this section we will feature tidbits on a specific tarot card. 
    While there are many systems and decks to choose from in 
    the world of tarot, here we use the Universal Waite Tarot 
    images and symbols.
    Copyright 1992 U.S Games.

    Astrological Attribution: 
    Saturn in Libra

    Qabalistic Attribution: 
    Understanding in the World of Formation

    Element: Air 

    Esoteric Title: Lord of Sorrow

    Traditional Meanings:
    The heart envelopes the mind, softening bitterness and
    wounded pride. Alienation, martyrdom and suffering are
    daggers of attitude, habitual weapons used by the mind to
    lacerate the heart. All insults are imaginary. Jealousy,
    hurt feelings, fears of intimacy and abandonment are
    poisoned blades of thought that cause emotional wounds. 

    The heart is as strong as the need. Pain and sorrow are present
    but accepted and transcended. The heart teaches the mind.

    Complicated relationships--ménage à trois.
    Reconciliation. Surgery. A storm of tears. 

    The Heart Pierced by Three Swords: A version of the
    Christian emblem for the Sacred Heart of Mary, it represents
    the sorrow of the mother. 

    The Swords: A reference to Libra, an Air sign.

    Clouds and Rain: Refers to the astrological attribution 
    of Saturn. Saturn is also connected with Binah, the Mother 
    (the number 3 on the Tree of Life). 
    Excerpted from The Tarot School Correspondence Course

                             Join us at the 2015 Readers Studio!  http://ReadersStudio.com


    Best Practices for Professional Readers
    We are all busy and time is the one thing we can't make
    more of, although some of us wish there were a 26-hour day.
    For the bustling and growing business, exposure can be a
    double-edge sword. If your business has any public presence,
    eventually you'll find yourself solicited by curious
    leads, even unwanted leads.
    What do I mean by "unwanted leads"? These are emails or
    calls by a potential client who found your email, blog,
    website, etc., and contacts you for a reading or energy
    work. Similar to an "unwanted" or "cold" sales call,
    these invaders often end up being the biggest waste of time,
    rarely panning out.
    What do they do? You may get an email or call stating
    something along the lines of he or she not wanting their
    time or money wasted. They may ask how accurate or
    "real" you are as a reader; they may ask you for
    discounts or a free sample reading so that they know 
    they are getting a real psychic and not wasting their 
    money. They also may casually add that they would like 
    to get a reading but can't afford it, etc.

    Someone once called me, saying me how some reader 
    had ripped them off, thus rendering them traumatized 
    and leery of readers, and hoping I would not treat them 
    that way! 
    I understand shopping around for the best services, but in
    my experience this has not been the case with random,
    out-of-the-blue requests. My advice is to delete these
    emails and please, unless you have an established
    relationship with a potential client, get their payment
    before proceeding. I've had my website for several years
    now, and one of the best things I do for myself is to
    require payment BEFORE the appointment or reading.
    The laws of attraction play an important role in life. I
    decided awhile ago that I am not here to help everyone.
    Those who want my style of reading, would benefit from 
    what I have to offer and can afford it, are my ideal clients, 
    and I reaffirm that decision regularly.
    For those of you who cringe at the thought of turning away 
    a client, I offer this - put a value on your time. People are
    paying for your time and expertise. You could be rewarded 
    by landing a decent client with a polite email response to a
    random inquirer. But chances are this is not the type
    you'll want as a client, and you're better off making
    friends with the delete button on the keyboard. 

    Cool Tarot Project
    There is an exciting new book project from Sasha Graham, Lo Scarabeo, 
    Barbara Moore, Giordano Berti, Tali Goodwin, Marcus Katz, Mark McElroy 
    and Riccardo Minetti!
    Lo Scarabeo, the leading international 
    company in field of mind, body and spirit publishing, with a primary focus on
    Tarot, co-publishing with River Horse, 
    is launching a Kickstarter campaign on 
    Feb. 2nd 2015, to support its "Tarot 
    Fundamentals" project. (We'd give you 
    the link but it won't be available until 
    tomorrow. Just go to the kickstarter site 
    and search on Tarot Fundamentals.)
    Tarot Fundamentals, the first book in 
    a series of three, doesn't just cover the 
    basics: it will be a stand-alone book, 
    one of the most complete books ever 
    published about Tarot. The other two 
    volumes, Experience and Compendium,
    will be released in 2016 if the crowdfunding project is successful.
    Edited and compiled by Sasha Graham, with content by Giordano Berti, 
    Barbara Moore, Mark McElroy, Riccardo Minetti, Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin, 
    Tarot Fundamentals contains over 550 pages with all the information needed to
    approach the magical world of Tarot in all its facets, together with interesting and 
    exclusive material for intermediate and advanced readers.
    More info, videos, a sample chapter and pictures will be found on the main 
    Kickstarter page of the project.
    Visit the website:

    Featured Tarot Blog
    Holding a certification in Holistic Tarot Reading, 
    Matthew Harris values tarot as a tool that "acts as a 
    key to discovering your greatest potential." His blog 
    is unique in that he consistently gives very simple, 
    yet worthwhile interpretations in his card of the day. 
    Enjoy the journey!

    Upcoming Events:

  • February 2, 9, 16 and 23*, 2015
  • Tarot Salon
    Forest Hills, New York
    Our popular Monday night Salons are the
    hottest thing in tarot instruction!
    * Special Birthday Celebration Salon
    for Ruth Ann's birthday and The Tarot
    School's 20th anniversary. There will
    be cake!
  • February 15, 2015
  • Readers Studio Teleconference -- Free!
    Come hang out with us on the phone
    at our monthly informal get-together.
    It's a great chance to catch up with each
    other and brainstorm new ideas.


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    Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
    Suggestions for future topics?
    For information on tarot classes, courses,
    events and more, go to TarotSchool.com

    © Copyright 2015 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
    Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone